Sunlord Thalachos

Garrett Bishop's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (11 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Are you still looking for players?


I am 100% interested. Sounds like a lot of fun to be had.


I think calling something "Mithril Studded Leather" is like saying you drive a "Plastic Car" because the stereo buttons are plastic. Studded leather is simply that. Studded. Not Plated leather, or any other way to describe it.

The amount of metal is negligible at best.

Leather Armor = 20 lbs
Studded Leather = 25 lbs

Official description:
Studded Leather: Similar to leather armor, this suit is reinforced with small metal studs.

As I understand it, only one person can attempt the test at a time. So I don't see anything coming out as group based for two reasons.

1) There is always one or two in a party who either cant or won't give their 100%. Do they deserve God Status? No.

2) The whole idea of the test, at least the way I view it is as a personal test. And besides, who wants to have 4-6 new Gods pop up every-time a party passes the test. Not me. LOL


I have been dying to play this AP since I heard of it. Please count me in.

Robyn Nixon wrote:
Uninvited Ghost wrote:


Anyone got a PFS branded form-fillable pdf character sheet?

Erian & has one of the best that I've seen:

Erian_7's spreadsheet

Where exactly is it? You just linked to a whole page of stuff.