Garratt-J's page

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We just finished Three Faces... Ended up doing it in the wrong order did Hextor and Vecna first lost some players and gained some more for Errythnull (sp?)and ran into some trouble.

Currently there are 3 of us playing 5 characters.

Gunther, or Gunny as everybody calls him is a 4th Level Fighter, though he is more akin to a 4th Level Wall. Spends most of his time in CombatEx with a stupid high AC.

Therell, 4th Level Elven Wizard. Spends more time shooting his bow, ineffectually I might add then casting spells.

Forge, 4th Dwarven Cleric of some kind of Dwarven Fire God. He's been pretty good.

Grendel, 1st Level Barbarian/3rd Level Scout, umm player is a bit of a min-maxer, spends most of his time spinning and tumbling around with a glaive trying to get his skirmish bonus.


Rezzlo Rotundo... Yes that really is his name, and yes he is a Gnome, and even a Bard. 3rd level Bard/1st Level Rogue. I am the booster. I spend most of my time singing and running around screaming for my life.

The last couple of fights in Errythnuul's cavern were pretty hardcore. WE mopped up the Chieftain and his cronies but had a huge amount of trouble with the Cleric. He cast Hold Person on Gunther, who then got Coup De Gras by two of the Cleric's servants. In the end only Rezzlo didn't get dropped and with some deft dodging and weaving managed to revive both Forge and Therell who after some more beatings were able to drop the Cleric with a pair of Burning Hands spells and some beating. Being the Gnome Rezzlo has a fascination with all things shiny and I am trying to convince the DM to let me loot everything that isn't nailed And only because I don't have a crow bar to remove the nails.

Anyone got any advice on how I should level Rezzlo? The Bard class didn't work as I thought but I do like it a lot so any ideas if I should spend more time as a rogue or what?


Not sure if this is the correct place to enter this thread but I have been having some problems with my mail service in the last little bit and I am just trying to clear things up on this end. I currently recieve a subscription to both Dungeon and Dragon magazines and due to some problems with orders or shipments or whatever I have been recieving sporadic magazines. If someone could help me clear this up it would be great. And some help with the Pathfinder stuff would be appreciated.


I would just like to say that I am disappointed that WotC is taking away the license for Dungeon and Dragon, I am just coming out of the first year of my 3-year subscription to both magazines and I am really sad that they are disappearing. I can appreciate people wanting change, but to be honest, these are arguably the two best gaming magazines, outside of the video game industry. They are chalked full of beautiful art, great background, decent fiction, not to mention some of the coolest campaign arcs I have had the pleasure of reading. Admittedly I like electronic products, but to be honest these two mags are what I look forward to every month (don't a chance to play much anymore), and to be honest I don't have the time to sit at my computer (or lug it into the bathroom *cough*) scrolling through hard to read files.

I will be subscribing to Pathfinder as soon as I can figure out how.

All I can say is that I hope WotC knows what they are doing because just like GW when you change something this critical to your fanbase you better be ready for the repercussions.


P.S. To all the boys @ Paizo, I wish you the best of lukc with Pathfinder and look forward to a continued relationship with you. (Best sales staff in the world *thumbs up*)