
Gargoyle2k's page

18 posts. Alias of allen trussell.

Scarab Sages

I know its still some time away, but I am stirred with anticipation for the next RPG Superstar competition. The last two have provided a great deal of excitement, entertainment and solid advice from the experts. With the Pathfinder rules finalized and out, I can't wait to see what this season holds!

Scarab Sages

I would like to see Pathfinder do at least some work on the epic level rules. The big miss I feel on these rules is the lack of "epic" abilities for epic characters. Sure, a 35th level fighter is powerful, but all he's getting is new feats. An epic barbarian gets more DR and can rage more times per day. The epic spellcasters can get epic spells, if they take the right feats and have the right skills. It just seems that an epic level anything should get some unique, powerful abilities. Also, in another thread, I saw someone complain about adding "Epic" onto everything. I agree; that just seemed very lazy, like "This goes to 11!" (but not as cool). I'd like to see some revamp to the epic rules, someday...

Scarab Sages

I know I am. Even as a writing exercise, its good to keep up with each step of the competition. Last year, even though I was not one of the 32, I still worked up a nation, a villain, three thematically-linked monsters, etc., just to stay on my game and see how I compared to the competing entries. I didn't post these anywhere; they were just for me. Still, I am working on ideas for a villain; obviously, I can't post anything yet. I'm curious who else is working on ideas for the next phase already, and why you're doing it.

Scarab Sages

I hope I'm in the right forum; I can't seem to find this anywhere else. My group is switching over to PF(beta), and I am creating a ranger. I notice on the Combat Style feats, for archery there is listed a "Careful Taregeting" and a "Exact Targeting" feat, but there is no description. Am I missing these? If not, there is a small error here...