Friendly Fighter

Garet44's page

Goblin Squad Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


But if the cornstarch ones even get damp in the box, its a mess.

I picked it up at Books a million friday and spent saturday reading it. Really enjoyed it.


I find that music distracts me or i can't hear what someone is saying. Our group voted not to have music.
Here on the cortexsystem site jamie said it should be in their warehouse first week of january. I pre-ordered this several months ago.

Let me add my congratulations. Very well done.

i find there is usally a four to six week difference between pazio having it then amazon having. Sometimes longer. I surface Amazon alot and don't buy anything /smile Wish shopping

Well, I just slipped down to the first level by subscribing to the adventure path starting with #13. I guess craving gets worse?

keep skill points