Garath Exa's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Le Enigmax.

Full Name

Garath Exa




Pistolero 5, M.Warrior 3, U.Barb 1, Brawler 2




Chaotic Good


Common, Andoran



Strength 12
Dexterity 22
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 7

About Garath Exa

EXP: 33

Kill Count: 80
Undead: 5 (With Undead Traits)
Animals: 12 (Beast, Monstrous Beast, Magical Beast, Etc)
Outsiders: 12 (Elementals, Demons, Angels, Etc)
Swarms: 2 (With Swarms Traits)
Constructs: 5 (With Construct Traits)
Humanoids: 36 (Human, Goblin, Monstrous Humanoid Etc)
*If a creature is considered more than one type, record at the topmost only

Garath Idiosyncrasy:
- When others argue where to go, Garath will just move on/open the door without care
- Wild West Cowboy Attitude
- Freedom for all, but once you are freed, no restrain on Garath to keep you alive
- Given oath to kill all Undead (For In-game Diplo Check)

Notable Kills:
Kura Shehr (#05-12)
Kua saw Garath’s dual pistol while on the roof and laugh. The laughter was cut short as Garath simply shoot (2nd range increasement, not touch attack), resulting in a Double Critical Confirmation, blowing Kura to tiny pieces.

Hroku (#07-04)
A Paladin announced “Stand aside! That foul and evil creature is deadly!”
Garath said, “Sure,” as he pulled his dual barrel pistol out and went in front to ready an attack.
The creature charges towards Garath, only to be gunned down mid-charge (Received a critical hit)

Dark Stalker Elite (#06-23)
The elite stalks no more after receiving two critical hit from Garath Dual Barrel Pistol. Enough Said.

Serverina Helsprex (#05-17)
After much negotiation, the party was about to let Serverina (Advanced Lich) go (even the Paladin), but remembering his personal oath to kill all undead, Garath was forced to go one on one with the Lich. The Lich first attack nearly killed Garath, but knowing if he dies, he will let a great evil escape, he released 5 attacks, with the first shot and last shot critting Lich (300 Damage)
This is also his last kill before entering Seeker Level.

Notable Feats
As a Ranged Character, for one reason or another, Garath “tanked” for most scenarios

Nearest to Death
#07-09 - 3 Damage to Permanent Death