It should be noted that not all of these are necessarily intended to be fought/killed, but...
There is no Honor:
Pure numbers appearing:
9.4% Aberration, 1.6% Animal, 1.6% Construct, 1.6% Dragon, 51.6% Human, 1.6% Magical Beast, 17.2% Undead, 15.6% Vermin
Weighted by CR:
7.5% Aberration, 2.5% Animal, 2.5% Construct, 3.75% Dragon, 43.75% Human, 2.5% Magical Beast, 17.5% Undead, 12.5% Vermin
The Bullywug Gambit:
Pure numbers appearing:
1.5% Aberration, 11.76% Animal, 1.5% Humanoid, 23.5% Humanoid(aquatic), 1.5%Humanoid(gnome), 53%Human, 3% Humanoid(orc), 3% Magical Beast, 1.5% Plant
Weighted by CR:
2% Aberration, 7.5% Animal, 2.7% Humanoid, 19.7% Humanoid(aquatic), .7%Humanoid(gnome), 55.1%Human, 7.5% Humanoid(orc), 2.7% Magical Beast, 2% Plant
The Sea Wyvern's Wake:
Pure numbers appearing: (Caveat - the # of vine horrors was arbitrarily chosen as 24... it could be less, or a LOT more)
4.3% Aberration, 2.2% Animal, 23.9% Human, 6.5% Magical Beast, 2.2% Ooze, 2.2% Outsider(chaotic), 2.2% Outsider(water), 56.5% Plant
Weighted by CR:
6.3% Aberration, 3.4% Animal, 9.5% Human, 9.7% Magical Beast, 3.4% Ooze, 4.6% Outsider(chaotic), 1.7% Outsider(water), 61.3% Plant