Alurad Sorizan

Ganbor's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts (69 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Male Barbarian Shaman 191
Fake Healer wrote:

let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the.........FLOOOOOOOOORRRR!!!

Well, if we're going by that, I have to disagree with the whole "nothin' wrong with me" bit...

Sally =P

Male Barbarian Shaman 191
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Ganbor wrote:
I'd say we need a mostly full caster type one way or another - I don't know what Seann's planning for long term progression...
Are you referring to Sean (the guy who's leaving), or Seann (my character)?

You - I believe you had mentioned mystic theurge and/or eldritch knight at some point?

Male Barbarian Shaman 191
mwbeeler wrote:
For the rest of the group, do you want me to advertise for a caster? You could encounter one easily enough strapped to Kersh’s rack.

I'd say we need a mostly full caster type one way or another - I don't know what Seann's planning for long term progression, but I could drop the Swashbuckler and go for some form of Unseen Seer build without changing background/personality much, if he's leaning more towards a "gish" route... Or just grab a replacement - up to the rest!

Male Barbarian Shaman 191
mwbeeler wrote:
Going to try and work you in tonight, Ardan, if you are still watching.

I sure am!

Curaigh wrote:
The track on water, and the scent ability are not the same person correct? If so one would lose her in the water and the other would lose her out of the water. A natural 20 will be needed to re-find her, but if they do, all the power to them. She could still take one down in a fight (otherwise the encounter is not worth its salt) so just make sure it is whomever finds her first.

Assuming we're talking about the Stormwrack "track in water" option, the DC is +10+1/minute since the trail was made - Personally, I wouldn't worry about it unless they're already chasing her ;)

I think he means Bonded Summoner from MiniHB - Elemental companion, but only 5/10 casting... I'd avoid it like the plague myself.

Professor Frankln Von Wolfstien wrote:
can a ranged attack be used to hit a weapon held by a Pc and damage it ,like trying a sunder?

Normally, no. There is a Ranged Sunder feat in CW that allows you to make the attempt, but piercing weapons still deal half damage, before hardness.

I would also very much appreciate this...

It should be noted that not all of these are necessarily intended to be fought/killed, but...

There is no Honor:
Pure numbers appearing:
9.4% Aberration, 1.6% Animal, 1.6% Construct, 1.6% Dragon, 51.6% Human, 1.6% Magical Beast, 17.2% Undead, 15.6% Vermin
Weighted by CR:
7.5% Aberration, 2.5% Animal, 2.5% Construct, 3.75% Dragon, 43.75% Human, 2.5% Magical Beast, 17.5% Undead, 12.5% Vermin

The Bullywug Gambit:
Pure numbers appearing:
1.5% Aberration, 11.76% Animal, 1.5% Humanoid, 23.5% Humanoid(aquatic), 1.5%Humanoid(gnome), 53%Human, 3% Humanoid(orc), 3% Magical Beast, 1.5% Plant
Weighted by CR:
2% Aberration, 7.5% Animal, 2.7% Humanoid, 19.7% Humanoid(aquatic), .7%Humanoid(gnome), 55.1%Human, 7.5% Humanoid(orc), 2.7% Magical Beast, 2% Plant

The Sea Wyvern's Wake:
Pure numbers appearing: (Caveat - the # of vine horrors was arbitrarily chosen as 24... it could be less, or a LOT more)
4.3% Aberration, 2.2% Animal, 23.9% Human, 6.5% Magical Beast, 2.2% Ooze, 2.2% Outsider(chaotic), 2.2% Outsider(water), 56.5% Plant
Weighted by CR:
6.3% Aberration, 3.4% Animal, 9.5% Human, 9.7% Magical Beast, 3.4% Ooze, 4.6% Outsider(chaotic), 1.7% Outsider(water), 61.3% Plant