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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


So with the clarification of her ability, what is the point of the ability? Just for the few allies that wouldn't normally not go back to your hand? Seems like a not overly useful ability to me.

I didn't want to post this in any specific category and won't post but this one time. I am just trying to generate some exposure for a fund raising project. My state is offering a program to help businesses remodel, so I kind of need help now. Our store runs a lot of Pathfinder and have received lots of positive feedback from the Paizo/Pathfinder Community. With last years Links Con event pulling in huge numbers and hopefully this years event doing even more. It seemed like a reasonable place to post and ask for help, even if it is just sharing the link among your friends or Facebook. :)

That is the link to my Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign. Thanks for the read and the look and hopefully for the share or contribution.

Shawn Hill
Owner - Game Links


Jeff Merola wrote:
You don't need it, but it's nice. Part 3 includes a much simplified version for use if a player doesn't have the boon from playing Part 2.

Thank you for the quick reply, I am going to try and run part 2 tonight for those that didn't get a chance. So our Sunday games of part 3 don't have players feeling like they missed out. Good to know if we have some walk ins they can still jump in and play. :)


I can't seem to find it anywhere, but do you need to have the cert for part 2 to play in part 3. Based on the end of Part 2, it really seems like trying part 3 alone would be too difficult for any player that didn't play in part 2. Thoughts?


Thank you. It didn't seem to makes any sense for PFS, but Thornkeep is a bit unique. So thanks for the clarification.


Does it for sure go onto the sheet? Seems like it wouldn't. If it does go on the sheet, what are the limitations for the GM. The advice I gave was based on the prestiege the characters would have at the end of that part or the end of Thornkeep as a whole. There doesn't seem to be any guidance that I could find. Is there something somewhere that would help a GM decide which items to pick. I know common sense would tell you not to give a level 12 item to a level 5 character, but the adventure just states she offers treasure.


I had a question about the Sphinx and her treasure. I have a GM that wanted to know what treasure he can give and what happens? Do the players get to keep the gear? Do they lose it like other PFS scenarios? Can they have the option to buy the gear given like other chronicles sheets? I don't know the answers to these questions. Since this is the last encounter for part 4, if the gear is not purchasable or kept, then there isn't a reason to give out gear for PSF. Since this is also designed for home play it would make sense for them to put this in for that option. I just don't want to give him misinformation if I am wrong about how it would work in PFS.

Thanks for everyones help with this.

One piece of advice I have and there might be more. Have the group decide after a session or two of city building, who of the group likes and dislikes city building. Those that like it, have them show up early or on a different day to handle that part. I lost more than one player because for some that part is very boring and tedious.


@Kinevon actually it is very unhelpful. As is your post. Again when a question is asked and nonsense is given to justify not answering, that is unhelpful as it didn't render any help. Simple cause and effect, was your post helpful to me? no, there for its effect is unhelpful. Not really that hard of a concept.

@Hzardus - actually you don't get canned you just can't finish that scenario, which is my choice as to how I wish to play my character. Also there is no rule that states I can't read and know the contents of EVERY chronicle I play in. So your rules based argument is invalid and again your belief is that no metagaming of any kind should be allowed. So yes you are pushing your belief on me. Driving within the speed limit is the rules of driving. Do you always drive within the speed limit, always?

In the end my point is solid. You that have posted have the belief that this information should be withheld from me. That is fine and you can believe that all you want, I don't' try and tell others how to think. I can however state the fact that none of the posts have been helpful to me, the answer I got from another thread WAS helpful. I will take that information, play the scenario and I will be happy that I can enjoy my character how I envisioned him to play. In the end that is more important to me than the belief that I shouldn't have this information and should just stick to the rules and either like it that way or stop playing. Really? I am sorry, but I think some of you have lost your way and forgot that this is a game and games are supposed to be fun. Instead you quote rules and your culture and how I am wrong. I guess you better get to work and start going door to door. Let everyone know that if they aren't having fun playing how the game was intended they should just quit.


@Paz, yes but that is YOUR culture. So telling me I should adapt to your line of thinking and not answering my question is unhelpful. Posting anything other than an answer is unhelpful actually. I didn't ask how you or anyone else felt about knowing the contents going in to a scenario. I asked my GM if he knew of a scenario he could run that would let me buy a wand sooner than level 9 as I really would like to have one before then. He didn't know the answer so I asked here and another thread hoping for some quick help to an question. My culture is to game in a way that makes it most fun for you without hurting the experience for the other players. If I wish to know that it would be in my best interest to play in a scenario then that is fun for me. I have been gaming for a long long time, I can easily play in a scenario that I have already GM'd and not ruin the fun for the others. I know how to keep quiet when my character doesn't know something I do. All this has turned into is GM's trying to dictate to me how I should play the game based on their beliefs.


@BigNorseWolf - Not every scenario offers 2 prestige points. Also not every faction mission can be completed due to lack of a certain skill set. One of the reasons they are doing away with faction missions. They are often not doable. As my fame stands now with the character I wish to gain one of the two wands I posted about I won't be able to buy one until level 9. So again to help build the character how I am envisioning him I wanted to play a scenario that would allow me to purchase one sooner.


Militia is not the military and I don't have to do any of the quests that the societies agents ask of me. It may not progress my character but I don't have to do it. Also I like how you quote me, then quote someone else and then only site 1/2 the quote to support your example. If we are part Indiana Jones, then YES we can know where a certain item is. Indy didn't delve into the Temple of Doom for fun, he did it to locate an item. So your argument is invalid. Also IN CHARACTER, we can for sure ask for rewards for services rendered. Almost every scenario and Adventure Path I have run or played it has options to give characters items asked for.

As for Societies not being for everyone, I love it and play often. I think my store is so successful with the product, because we try and make it fun. Not try and dictate our beliefs on others. In the future maybe you will find if you try and help your players enjoy the game, you might just be surprised how good a response you get from your players. They might start inviting others to play and then more players and more and more. Before you know it you might even find yourself with so many players and GMs that you can run in store Con's and pull in players from all over the state to your store. Who knows though, maybe I just got lucky with that whole being helpful thing.


Silly me I thought most of us on here wanted people to actually play. If one of my players wants me to run a scenario because they want the chronicle I do it. I want them to play, I want them to have fun, I don't tell them what they should think fun is to them. My asking is no different then playing at Gencon because of the boons announced. Why does Pazio give out better than average boons at Gencon? Do they do it for no reason? No. All this did was show me that the people here aren't willing to help and that I am better off asking on another thread, as I already did and got my answer. Telling me to GM in the same post as trying to tell me I can't play to get a certain item is hypocritical and honestly stupid. If I am GMing and can know the items rewarded ahead of time, then I should be able to as a player. You method of thinking and direction is design to do two things, try and convince me to GM, thus providing more tables for players and two, push most money Paizo way by my buying scenarios to run to get the "right" items. Sorry you are so easily discomforted. This however isn't a big deal and as I said I will just continue to get my answers elsewhere. Since according to your logic, had I just asked this from a GM's perceptive to ensure a player didn't get an item illegally, you guys would have been all over it. Heaven for bid anyone bend a rule even in the slightest to make the game more fun overall.


Actually the point is to have fun and enjoy yourself playing a game. So if I want to play a scenario among many to make the game for fun for me, that really is the point. Also I didn't sign up in the military for a reason and this isn't the military. If I am playing a character that needs or wants an item to help him, I can inquire and find a quest needed to locate said item. Not just hey I hope the surprise reward is actually a reward. This is my 5th character and I am sorry, but I am tired of playing random scenarios just to never use ANYTHING on my chronicle sheet. This time I would like to actually run one that will benefit me. So thanks for all the judgmental, belittling and totally useless posts. I will be sure in the future not to ask for help here anymore.


Good to know that the people here aren't helpful. I already found the answer. In the future I will know that this "society" isn't prone to being helpful, but actually the exact opposite.


That is fine, I will look else where. Was just trying to save myself a bit of time. I mean a person that wants a certain item, takes the time to talk to another person that could send me on a quest to find said item. I mean that kind of thing is totally unheard of in role playing games. Thanks for showing me the err of my ways and my metagaming style. I will just randomly pick my adventures from now on and not question why I would go on quests other than I was told to by whoever I randomly run into. That is much more fun and enjoyable way to play.

In case you missed it, that is sarcasm. Sorry.


Does anyone know a scenario that has a chronicle sheet with Wand of Fly or Wand of Lightning Bolt as their treasures? I would like to get one of these before level 9 when my prestige would allow. Thanks for the help in this. :)

Cheapy wrote:
Ranged rogues suck.

You obviously haven't seen some of the guys I played with. Ranged Rogues are awesome and can be very deadly.

Okay makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.

Okay, so they do get more feats, which would help you pick up some of the restricted powers. That helps as it didn't seem clear to me that they did. I also re-read and totally missed the 0-level powers, so thank you for that. I was tired last night and re-reading so much I missed it. I also missed the more powers known? Where does that come in? I thought the powers known was set on the chart and that was that?

I am just trying to understand as my GM has allowed me the use of Psionics Unleashed in our Pathfinder campaigns and I don't want to abuse the system; I also don't want to nerf my character either. I figure if I can clarify it would help me and others that are a bit confused by a complex class.

Love your books, I have all the PDF's for the Psionics and appreciate your work and responses.

Then I guess there isn't any reason to be a Generalist. They would be way under powered as you are basically giving up access to a long list of powers. So as a specialist, you get 0-level powers, accesses to Discipline specific powers and the same number of feats. So to help me understand,

Why would you ever choose a generalist?

Okay I am really trying to understand the Discipline aspect of Psions. I have read and re-read and looked at forum posts. All the Psion powers have a discipline (school) that they belong to. I understand that. Then they have a level requirement specifying if the power requires a specific discipline. That makes sense to me also. The part I get confused is with the generalist. I can't seem to figure out the powers available to a generalist.

1. Does a generalist have access to ALL the powers or just the NON-Discipline powers?

2. Does the Generalist gets ONE feat at level 2 and then TWO feats at every 5th level? (since the chart appears to show any discipline will get one feat at the 5th levels.)

In the end I am just trying to find out why you would be a specialist vs the generalist. The 0-level powers aren't game changing enough to pick any of the disciplines. However if you can't pick ANY of the discipline specific powers as a generalist, then my question would be why EVER be a generalist unless you do get extra feats.

I am not trying to make an all powerful Psion, I just like when things make sense. Picking a specific Discipline makes sense, you get a list of special power and have to really decide if you will "waste" a feat to get a unique power you don't have access to. However as far as I can see a Generalist is either WAY too powerful having access to everything or he is way too WEAK with never getting to choose a specialized power unless you spend all your feats to get them. Sorry for such a long post I just am trying to understand this class better and haven't found a post like this one.