Count Aericnein Neska

Galldorn's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Galldorn, Order of the Lion.

Sovereign Court

So I am looking at running this adventure path, and I would prefer to grow characters from level 1 rather than just building characters at level 11. As with most people, I do not have much time and I am a bit lazy. Are there any APs and/or a string of individual adventures that you think would work best to build the PCs in preparation for getting their Harrow card?

Sovereign Court

I've been reading the various discussions brought about by the new ACG playtest and two concepts keep coming up that are mentioned in passing so often, but that I don't quite understand. I consider myself mildly intelligent and I've been playing RPGs for a bit, but I've been scratching my head on these. I'm hoping for some non-flaming answers from the board members:

1.) What is "Vancian" casting? I'm assuming it has something to do with the wizard's "fire and forget" spellcasting but I feel like I'm missing some kind of context here. Any additional info on this would be awesome (like, for instance...who's Vance?)

2.) I've seen the idea from several posters that "multi-classing is crippling" to a character. While this might be typical discussion board hyperbole, I'm assuming it's rooted in some kind of truth or perception of truth. Would someone be so kind as to enlighten me on why multi-class is crippling to a character. BTW, I'm not a huge mathematics wizard so if you could make your answer more verbal than formulaic I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, in advance, for whatever information you guys can give me on this topic.