
Galiza's page

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Somebody might find this useful.

Under the 'good' subtype rule is written:

"Any effect that depends on alignment affects a creature with this subtype as if the creature has a good alignment, no matter what its alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to its actual alignment."

Which, for me, indicates that even if the creature does not have the good subtype, it's still affected by effects that target a good creature because its alignment is good.

You can replace 'good' for any other alignment aside from true neutral and it will work just fine

I'm interested in playing this.

I have a Barbarian (Breaker) [which I based lightly on Norse Culture] that I've been wanting to test out and this sounds like a perfect opportunity. Seems to be a good fit for something called 'Reign of Winter', but I gotta read the player's guide yet.