About GadremanDefense: HP : 13, death at -18 (1d10+3)
Fort: +6 (2 base, 3 con, 1 trait)
Special Qualities: Unbreakable Survivor (1/day full round action to heal 4hp), Heal undead ability damage at 2/day, Diehard. Offense: BAB : +1
Special Attacks: Power Attack (-1/+2 or 3), 50% damage versus incorporeal with non-magical attacks, quickdraw weapon during surprise round if able to act. Melee:
Ranged: Shortspear, +2, (1d6+4/x2/20ft); options: regular (3), cold iron(2), P Skills:
4/fighter level (2+1int+1race), total 4
Climb +4 (1 rank, 4 str, 3 class, -4 ACP) Survival +3 (1 rank, -1 wis, 3 class) Intimidate +3 (1 rank, -1 cha, 3 class) *+1 trait vs Phaendar Profession (Soldier) +3 (1 rank, -1 wis, 3 class) *Failure gives -2 until next turn on next roll, unless retrying. Feats:
Endurance (+4 bonus to endurance activity, sleep in armor, half-orc) Diehard (Continue fighting below 0 HP, auto stabilize, staggered, take 1HP damage for standard action, 1st level) Power Attack (-1 attack, +2 damage/+3 damage 2-handed/+1 damage offhand, 1+1/4lvls, fighter 1) Class Abilities:
Fighter: Simple/Martial weapon proficiency, Heavy Armor/Shield proficiency, 1 bonus feat, +1BAB, +2/0/0 F/R/W, 2 SP Traits:
Unbreakable Survivor: Once per day as a full round action, you may shrug off some of your injuries and immediately heal a number of hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + 1 per Hit Die. Gain a +1 trait bonus whenever you attempt to influence residents of Phaendar with Diplomacy or Intimidate checks. At 6th level, you may apply your trait bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to influence all humanoids in Nirmathas. Defender of the Society: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Armor Class when wearing medium or heavy armor. Veteran of Battle: You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks, and if you are able to act during a surprise round, you may draw a weapon (but not a potion or magic item) as a free action during that round. Drawback - Foul Brand: You have the symbol of an evil deity burned into your flesh. The symbol is on your neck, and you take a –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise checks. Drawback - Mark of slavery: Whenever you fail a skill check, you take a –2 penalty on any skill check or attack roll you attempt before the end of your next turn unless it is a part of retrying the failed skill check. Racial Abilities:
+2 Strength, 30ft base speed, medium size Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race. Sacred Tattoo: Gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws, replaces orc ferocity. Shadowhunter: Deal 50% weapon damage to incorporeal creatures using non-magical weapons as if using magic weapons, gain a +2 bonus on saving throws to remove negative levels, and recover physical ability damage from attacks by undead creatures at a rate of 2 points per ability score per day, replaces weapon familiarity. Shaman’s Apprentice : Gain Endurance as a bonus feat, replaces Intimidating. Skilled: Gain 1 additional skill rank per level, replaces darkvision. Favored Class (Fighter): +1 HP, +1 skill point, or +2 to Constitution score for determining when he dies from negative hit points.
Worn Head: Shoulders: Neck: Armor: Scale Mail (+5/+3/-4) Belt: Hands: Rings: Boots: Carried: Greatsword Combat Scabbard: Greatsword
copper: 2 silver: 4 gold: 0 platinum: 0 gems: 0 Total: 0gp, 4sp, 2cp XP:
0 Description:
Gadreman is a tall, muscular man, standing to a a bit more than seven feet, and weighing over 350 lbs. His black mane of hair is a bit longer than shoulder length, and brought back into a small ponytail. Arms of bulky width are visible, his chest covered by a sleeveless tunic. A strange tattoo looks burned into his neck. It stretches onto his shoulder and down his back, obscured by his clothing. Scale mail hangs from his chest and legs, and a heavy cloak of dark russet coveres his back. The hood is pulled low, covering his strange obsidian eyes, slightly pointed ears, and heavy-set jaw. Gadreman has the cunning of a natural hunter, and he has gone to extensive lengths to hide his unusual heritage. It was rumored in Phaendar that he did in fact have orcish or ogrish blood in his veins, but without knowledge of his parents, Gadreman ignores such claims. Protected by his concealing clothing, he is usually mistaken as an exceptionally strong laborer, and he seeks employment in places of war. What appears to be a sword, and the haft of some larger weapon, is hidden amidst his garments. Background:
With a very peculiar childhood for a half-orc, Gadreman was raised by ogres for the better part of his younger years. He was captured during a raid on a human settlement by ogre marauders. The women were of course raped and killed, while the men were used as slaves or food. The children were all left to die. Through some miracle, or perhaps uncanny luck, Gadreman refused to succumb to death. After leaving him there several days, at first quiet and later mewling softly for food, the ogres deemed him a specimen worthy of a slave's life with their tribe. His strength blossomed throughout his early childhood. Being such an exceptionally strong child, and a non-ogre to boot, he was captured by some ogre-hunters and slavers near the beginning of puberty. With the glint of intelligence showing in his eyes, Gadreman accepted his fate and resigned to it, working for the a large portion of three years in the salt mines. Afterwards, his body made stronger by the work and yet still healthy by his easy aquisition of food from other slaves by means of bullying and intimidation, he was bought by a man in charge of a select, though powerful, group of gladiator slaves in the north. Put through many tests of strength and much training, with his already decent knowledge of combat from his ogre tribal origins, he became almost a sensation. Shortly after coming into adulthood, with skills of survival garnered from his years as a slave and gladiator, he was able to escape. A few cunning slaves plotted rebellion, and during the heaving waves of battle, Gadreman was able to slip free of the arena, a sword in one hand and a dead master's money pouch in the other. The hardest part of this ordeal was the escape from the Hold of Belkzen, having to live day and night in hiding, slowly making his way towards the borders. Once there he managed to steal supplies from a sleeping orc bandit, smashing his head upon the rocks. Gadreman was slain during a battle with orcs a year later. Or so he thought. He was home, dreaming, in the lands of Ogres and Giants and goblinoids. He was free to struggle, for no other reason than to struggle, again. Pain shot through his neck and right shoulder, the sudden blaze of pain bringing him back to reality faster than any spell. Touching his neck, he felt something sticky, and withdrew it to find blood. With a ruffle he reached into his belt pouch to withdraw a mirror, small and dented from years of hard use. A symbol was woven there, on his flesh. The symbol of some dark deity or demon, but not Gorum, had begun to bleed. He would, on occasion, find that it would bleed of it's own accord. Almost always it signaled the presence of an outsider, a force which not even he could see. He knew this because at that instant, his brand leaking blood like a soaked sponge, wraiths surrounded him. They caught him and whispered to him, calling out in sour tones things like "Your soul is ours," and "Everything you are belongs to us." An unearthly chuckle rang out like a bell, and then they were gone. Gadreman knew that sound, had fought that sound for as long as he could remember, upon dying. It was a demon, or a prince of demons, or a god. That is what placed it there, he was sure. Was he to be a sacrifice? He did not care. He would wreak vengeance upon them with sword and tooth and nail. He would have retribution. Until then, the mark seemed to be triggered by these things' presence, and maybe even attracted them. With a heavy cloak to hide his rugged and scarred exterior, Gadreman talked his way onto a caravan bound for the Molthuni front as a guard, hoping to find hire as a sellsword. Now resting in a small and darkly-lit dockside tavern, Gadreman waits, plotting his next venture, keeping his sharp eyes and ears open to any sort of lucrative business opportunities. |