Dragon Skeleton

Gadreel's page

5 posts (31 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Full Name

Gadreel the Impatient



About Gadreel

In the beginning, God created man, and saw that he was good. Unfortunately, being good meant that he carried with him the inherit flaw of being incredibly mundane. And so God created woman to add some conflict and interesting plot twists to the Book of Life. On the seventh day, God sat back with a bag of popcorn and saw that this was very good.

And as time passed more and more characters were added to the story which added increasing amounts of complexity and an exponential number of character trails. And while God sunk into depression after The Fall of Man (a much better name than “Woman’s Damnation of Mankind”, and with a much better ring to it) the angels were assigned to keep track of Creation. But on their work breaks the angels discovered that watching the humans for entertainment was worse than watching bad soaps. All of the conflicts were consistently seen as repeating throughout every human life and relationship.

The leaders in the mission of making the humans more amusing were the Grigori. These particular angels, sent as watchers over mankind, knew all too well what a dire situation this particular storyline was heading towards. And so, to remedy the situation, they decided to interact with the humans.

Gadreel was one of the chieftains of the Grigori, and as his contribution to the advancement of the human race as a worthy source of entertainment taught man methods and techniques to creating weapons of war. For Gadreel was a creature with a very short attention span who loved large scale plot shifts caused by battles, and hated to see certain characters living so far past the point where they were interesting (which even with the shorter life expectancy, they were).

And so after being tossed into the lake of fire for his service of providing a creative population inhibitor and a means to eliminate unpopular characters, Gadreel now works primarily as the weapon smith’s muse, and in his free time drifts around various threads in Paizo.