About Gabrielle ValorGabrielle background:
Gabrielle grew up the son of a blacksmith of Brigh in Absolom. Who spent much of his life tinkering with little contraptions and devices when he wasn't smithing more mundane items for their living. Like his father, he had a mind for invention, perhaps even more so, and spent many hours learning and eventually aiding his father in their creations. Eventually however, his mother fell prey to a terrible sickness and was bedridden and his father could not work the hard labor of the forge as well as he used to in his prime. So that task fell also to Gabrielle whom was only 16 years of age. All too soon did he realize that, even with them spending all their time on the mundane smithing of blades, armor or household items they would not be able to afford to care for her. This is what led Gabrielle to come into contact with a gang. Faced with a decision between helping them steal and move goods, or likely letting his mother die, he chose the former. Using one of his fathers inventions, he aided them, and was given a hefty sum. Far more than he made in a month of smithing work. When he handed over the money, his father confronted him. Telling him to swear he didn't get the gold from illegal and unjust means. After a moments hesitation. He swore he hadn't. Saying he had managed to find someone interested in their works to sell too. This would go on for a time, Gabrielle would even get close to the leader of the gang due to proving so useful. His thoughts helping shape the next heist, or the next job. However, the scales will always balance, in one way or another. They were on a special job, highly delicate apparently. They were to steal and move barrels of some new material of importance. Half way through the job the guard, headed by members of the society, ambushed them. During the combat, fire spread to the remaining barrels, causing a chain of explosions to go off and allowing Gabrielle to escape in the process. He was however followed by the leader of the gang, who carried along a barrel of the black powder, who was in turn followed by the authorities. Before he had barely gotten done explaining to his father, did the door burst open and the gang leader stumble in. Threatening to set off an explosion if they wouldn't hide him. Before the father could even answer, a shout rang from outside, calling for them to surrender themselves. The distraction allowed the gang leader to throw the barrel of powder to the floor, and run. Just as the authorities kicked in the door, the gang leader turned, snapped his finger, and set the powder alight. Causing an explosion to send not only the authorities flying, but Gabrielle and his father as well. Flames soon consumed most of the small building they called home, and Gabrielle had lost his entire left arm from the force of the explosion. Saved only because a cleric found him, and thought him an innocent victim. He would awake in the care of followers of Sarenrea and Iomeade, tended to by the same cleric that had been part of those that led the guard against them. To his surprise, she had not turned him over, as she had been the only one to see him at the warehouse. And instead, offered him a chance. He was at a lost however, his family was gone, due to his actions, most of the work he and his father had done were likewise lost in the explosion. He couldn't even continue to pursue his love of invention. For a man with but one arm could not forge, nor could they pursue to the delicate art of clockwork. That night, as he lay awake in despair he prayed for hours to whatever gods would listen. Asking for a chance to set things right. Going so far as to swear an oath. Finally, as he lay their exhausted, a light glowed around him, growing in intensity before it building to a blinding flash. Pain, like that of molten metal burning through his left shoulder, and as the glow and pain subsided. There, in where his arm had been now glowed a fully metal one made of clockwork and fluid metal. And along with it, a tickling sensation of an idea, a potential, an invention, teasing at his mind. The following years, he spent much of his time learning of the gods, tending horses, and practicing his craft, particularly in regards to that of black powder. Eventually, he created a device to make use of it, a pistol. Finally, he had seen to fruition the inkling of an idea he had upon receiving his metal arm. He wanders now, with his trusty stallion Valor. Seeing Justice done to those that deserve it. Both the good, and the bad. Working to atone for his past, and hopefully to keep others from following his path. Though one thing still eludes him. The man that had lead him down that path, and the man directly responsible for the deaths of his parents. The scales will always be balanced, and he had much work to do. His left arm was now entirely mechanical. Made from a mixture of intricate clockwork and a fluid bronze-like metal. It is both a gift, a curse, and a solemn reminder of his duty. Though he usually keeps it hidden, wrapped in leather, cloth, armor and a glove. Other than looking pretty cool, it provides no mechanical benefits. -What is your relationship to the gods and religion?
-Do you have an easy way with strangers? Mostly, ya see, I am not what you'd call the talkative sort, but I am fairly amiable and friendly with folk when I can be. -Do you play well with others? often my line of work has me deal with those strangers I do not wish to get along with. That said, if I need to work with others to accomplish the task ahead of me? Well, it depends. As long as they are honest, hardworking, and goodly folk? Yeah, I can. -What draws you to the life of an adventurer?
-What specific goals do you have, if any?
-Do the ends justify the means? No, if we become a monster to fight monsters, then we have already failed. We are held to a standard above those that commit injustice. Its what sets us apart. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. further personality building- answer the following as your character would-
Compassion, or Justice:
Love, or Fear :
Obedience, or free thinking:
Group, or Individual:
What is Right?, What is wrong?
Gabrielle is a rough, but fair man. His is normally kind, and warm-hearted with quite a soft spot for children. Yet, he holds himself, and others, to high standards, and will broker no debate when it comes to right and wrong. If you break the law, or commit a misdeed, you will be punished, and so the scale will be balanced. The sooner the better, as interest is a terrible thing. That said, children are treated slightly different, though only slightly. For the lesson must be learned. During a fight, he will provide quarter for any enemy that surrenders, though he will see punishment done even should they offer change. For if one truly wishes to change, one will accept the responsibility, and consequences, of their actions. He often can loose himself in his thoughts, as he constantly goes through diagrams and ideas for new weaponry or gadgets. If someone can get close enough, they will see an almost childish side of the gruff man when he talks of his clockwork and mechanical work. Partly because it is truly one of the few joys in his life. Both because he enjoys it greatly, and because it brings good memories of his father. |