About Gabriel, Sol InvictusIntro, Defense & Offense:
Gabriel Male Aasimar Warpriest (Arsenal Chaplain) / Mageknight (Martial Sun Warrior) Gestalt 12 NG Outsider (Native), Humanoid (Human) Languages
Speed 50 ft, Fly 50 ft, Swim 50 ft.
STR 18 (+4)
CMB: +16
Class & Race Features:
WARPRIEST FEATURES (Arsenal Chaplain) 1- Aura (Ex) Blessings (Su): War ·War Mind Each round for 1 turn, target selects between: +10ft speed, +1 dodge to AC, +1 insight to hit, +1 luck to saves. ·Battle Lust All of target’s melee attacks for 1 minute are vicious, but damage he receives from it is nonlethal. Also +4 insight to confirm crits. Focus Weapon Sacred Weapon (Su) Máx 1d6 2- Fervor (Su) 4d6 3- Bonus Feats 5- Weapon Training (Ex): Bows 7- Quicken Blessing: War MAGEKNIGHT FEATURES (Martial, Sun Warrior)
Favoured Class Bonus (Warpriest): +12/6 Bonus Feat AASIMAR FEATURES
Traits & Feats:
TRAITS Fate’s Favored (Faith) Sun-Blessed (Magic) FEATS
Spheres and Talents:
Magic Tradition Magical Signs Glow and warmth Prepared Caster Somatic Casting x2 Verbal Casting Martial Tradition: Canny Hunter (Swapped the Scout Sphere for the Athletics Sphere) 1-
MYTHIC TIER 1 1- Hard to Kill (Ex) Mythic Power (Su) Surge (Su) MYTHIC PATH Champion/Hierophant
Helios NG Intelligent Gemstone INT 12 (+1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0) EGO 10 (+0) Personality Cunning (+2 to Disguise) Mutual Locator While in the same realm, Helios and Gabriel know where each other’s location. Spirit Senses Helios can see the Ethereal Plane clearly, but the Material Plane hazily. Control Realm Working together, Helios and Gabriel can detect Portals. Kn Planes check DC 20 if within 30 ft, increases with distance, up to DC 26 within 75 miles. Localization When traveling to a new realm, Helios grants Gabriel a tongues effect, a disguise self effect and allows him to roll Knowledge checks to know realm-specific topics. Masking Helios can make Gabriel look like a native of the realm, altering his physical features and even his equipment to blend with the local culture. Grants +15 to disguise checks. Unbounded Adjustment Helios helps Gabriel adapt to a new realm, so he can ignore the -2 penalty to checks. Helios is a star-shaped, sentient ruby stone, set in a diadem that Gabriel wears. It’s a rather inquisitive being, and usually asks his master for explanations on the decisions he takes, specifically moral decisions. The ruby is good-hearted, but sometimes a bit too skeptical, and its curiosity makes it want to learn from the only creature it trusts hundred percent, i.e., its master.
Armor Check Penalty: 0 ADVENTURE SKILLS
Holy Book Book Orisons DC 17
Level 1 DC 18 (7/7)
Level 2 DC 19 (7/7)
Level 3 DC 20 (6/6)
Level 4 DC 21 (4/4)
Solar Wind (Adaptive Impervious Whipwood Mwk Composite Longbow +2) 5000 gp (3 lb) Mwk Cestus 305 gp (1 lb) Gloves of Dueling 15000 gp (1 lb) Vestments of War 14000 gp (0 lb) Lesser Caster’s Tatoo 6000 gp (0 lb) Handy Haversack 2000 gp (5 lb) Cracked Orange Prism 1000 gp (0 lb) Lesser Metamagic Rod: Extend 3000 gp (5 lb) Incense (Component for Visualization of the Mind/Body)x10 2000 gp (0 lb) Knife 2 gp (1 lb) Canteen 2 gp (1 lb) Belt Pouch 1 gp (.5 lb) Total Weight: 26.5/58 lb (Light Load) Cash: 5687 gp / 0 sp
Combat Sketch:
IMMEDIATE -Surge (1 Mythic Point: Add 1d6 to a roll after rolling) FREE
TEN MINUTE BACKGROUND 1-Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character.
2-List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
3-List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet.
4-Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile.
5-Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has.