Gabriel Raridon's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Dedicated mature player looking for group on weekends from south side Des Moines. Played first organized society play last night and loved it. Hit me up at email or text text 5157719189 even could pitch in for materials if needed.

knightski wrote:
hey I just moved to the south side of des moines and im new to pathfinder and cant find anyone to play with around and looking for a game if anyone be willing to let me join

I also live on south side. Just played my first organized play last night and i want more lol. Wan to start a campaign i could DM but rather have someone with exp. My email or send text 5157719189

Acrenell wrote:
glwalker52402 wrote:

Hello, I am looking for a pathfinder group in Des Moines, IA or surronding area.


I Live in Urbandale and have been running a mature group for several years.

we are looking for new players.

you still looking for players? If so send text 5157719189 or email mature older player.

Im new to pathfinder would like to get a group together and start a campaign on weekends. or text 5157719189 currently play society every other weekend.