Plague Zombie

GM the DM's page

9 posts. Alias of Gregorio Munoz III.


This order has been pending for a while.
I assume it's the Campaign Coins that's holding it up.

If that is correct, can they be separated out so the rest of the order can ship?

If that's not the problem, can you advise?


I had this same issue the last time I ordered something.

I have 26 items in my shopping cart - a mix of .pdfs and physical products.

When I click "Proceed to Checkout", I am sent to a page to re-enter my password. When I re-enter my password, I am kicked back to the main Paizo page. So I go back to my cart and the whole process repeats itself.

I have attempted to checkout numerous times and the same thing happens every time.
I have attempted the purchase from three different computers (PC and MAC) with the same results.
I have logged out and logged back in. Still no joy.

The last time this happened, I sent an email to customer service. I never got a reply. A few days later the items (they were all .pdfs) just appeared in my downloads page without an explanation.

I sent another email to customer service today.
I figured I would post here as well.

What's going on? Am I going to have to go through this every time I try to purchase something?