Plague Zombie

GM the DM's page

9 posts. Alias of Gregorio Munoz III.


Changes nothing. Certain employees will still send Richard Pix to people…

This has been happening to me for the last three days now.

I have a cart full of stuff and I can't seem to check out despite trying with three different computers.

Tried logging in/out and clearing cookies. Still no joy.

Sent email to customer service yesterday, haven't heard back yet.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Single-malt Scotch!

I support gay marriage. However, you cannot give marriage rights to homosexuals until you restore marriage rights to polygamists.

Once you restore the marriage rights of people who have had them stripped away in the past, then you can have a rational discussion about granting them to a segment of society that has not traditionally had them (in most societies).

Kevin Mack wrote:
GM the DM wrote:

Israel exists. The Arab nations need to deal with it just as some of my ancestors had to deal with the fact that the United States exists where their land once was.

Erm did some of your ancestors not also take up arms and fight?

Actually, no.

They were herded peacefully onto a lovely reservation where they starved until someone discovered the magic power of casinos.

You must be thinking of one of the many other groups of brown people indigenous to North America. That's okay, we all look alike. ;)

A 2E Floppy-Eared Golem wrote:
Israeli soldiers regularly shoot real bullets at Palestinian children and teenagers who are throwing rocks or using slingshots to hurl projectiles at them. To me, this is a bit of an overpowered response. Israel clearly has the military advantage in this situation.

How does that old saying go about bringing a knife to a gun fight?

Seriously, you do not meet violence with an equal or lesser amount of force. You overwhelm violence with enough force to insure the perpetrator ceases being violent.
I spent 14 years in law enforcement. Someone come at me with fists, I respond with PR-24 (or OC-10 or taser). Come at me with a stick or a knife, you get shot.

Same rules apply here. Should the Israeli soldiers throw rocks back? Should they wait until someone is hurt or killed by a thrown (or slingshot) rock? Or hang around getting pelted until one of these "children" or "teenagers" grabs a gun and starts shooting before shooting back? And then what? They shot 6 bullets, so we can only shoot 6 as well? They killed one of us, so we can only kill one of them?

Should Israel get the same kind of rockets Hamas uses and just lob them into Gaza on a 1 for 1 basis?

No nation (or sane person) operates this way. Nor should they.

A 2E Floppy-Eared Golem wrote:
What people do not seem to realize is that the creation of the state of Israel after WWII displaced the people of Palestine from their land.

And the Israelites were displaced from the region by the Romans.

And native Americans were displaced by the French, English & Spaniards.

And people were displaced in Australia, and Japan, and Canada, and England, and all over Africa and Europe.

How far back in time do we go to decide who has the rights to what patch of land?

Israel exists. The Arab nations need to deal with it just as some of my ancestors had to deal with the fact that the United States exists where their land once was.

veector wrote:
I'm another gamer for Obama. Agrees with Russ... there's more latent racism in this country than people want to admit. The racist comment was unnecessary.

I've been a target for racists and subjected to bigotry all my life. Racists rely on people not pointing a finger and condemning them loudly and publicly; it's how it continues to thrive.

If people would stand up and blast racism when it rears it's ugly head, there would be less of it.

Just 'cause the man has the same color skin I do, does not absolve me of the duty to point it out and condemn it. Loudly and with every chance I get.

Why would I wear a button that supports a racist?

I'm not a big fan of white people either, but dang, he and Reverend Wright are just waaaayyyy out there.