Amethyst Ioun Stone

GM Tayem's page

10 posts. Alias of Aneirin Rhodri.


If this is a thing, I'll be throwing together a Human Cleric.

"Praise Pelor"

Daniel Stewart wrote:
Ooo...that would be amazing GDQ is amazing, but start with Slavers and move into G1!! Make an epic out of it!!

This guy gets it!

Would it be GDQ? Please say it is GDQ!

Actually, any would be awesome...

Back! Alright so we have as follows:

~ Charles D’Châtilyon - Breton - Former Reachman Mystic
~ Z'keer - Cathay-Raht Khajiit - Enchanter Thief/Guerilla Fighter
~ Caen gro-Balog - Orsimer - Smith and Battlemage
~ Xa-Raku - Argonian - Healer Boxer
~ Annirico Veridil - Altmer - Mage
~ Eandril Illieth - Altmer - Mage (leaning Lich)

And at least one person has PM'd me and I like their build idea, so once they submit it I'll be closing the recruitment and then make my choice. And yeah, you slowly decay. Thankfully, Skyrim is coldish so you should be fine for a while. Though trips abroad might bring trouble...

SkeletonBait wrote:

Yay, DM returns. I had a question earlier if you missed it:

SkeletonBait wrote:
unarmed parrying doesn't actually negate damage from armed attacks, it only gives a chance to remove special effects from the opponent/allows for defensive SFX like any other parry. Is there going to be a houserule where unarmed parrying does negate damage? Perhaps with a talent I can get later? Or should I just use evade if I want to go on the defensive? It's not a huge deal - my evade is only 10 less than my weapon skill, and if push comes to shove I can always just use a staff or something, but I figured I'd ask beforehand.

Maybe later. Why, it might even be tied to your Combat Style skill.

"Lorkhatosh wrote:

I won't be able to play, some things turned out and I have to go out of country for some time

Hope you have fun guys

Sorry to see you go, hope all is well.

SkeletonBait wrote:
Lorkhatosh wrote:
During character creation do I spend half the Crp on my favored Skills or does this apply only to post character creation when I will be spending XP?
I'm like 90% certain that XP = CrP in all cases, except that XP can't be spent on certain things, such as Luck or starting cash.

What SkeletonBait said.

DreamerAwake wrote:

Came from the /tg/ thread. Was thinking of doing an Argonian but now I see there is already one up.

Now I'm thinking of doing an Altmer Mystic who is super butt-mad about the Thalmor taking over Alinor and left home after the Great War. Thinking Psijic stuff for his big power. Working out char creation now.

Glad to have you on!

summ_gai wrote:
hmm, oh and DM can we errata the game into being less wonky? There's too many skills, enchanting is a little absurd (have to have a trait for each school rather than just enchanting spells you know) only katanas get tearing, all axes are unbalanced etc etc.

We can hammer this out pre-game. I personally like the skills as are, though some streamlining might be in order. But we'll discuss this later.

Okay, so for character submission so far we have:
~ Charles D’Châtilyon - Breton - Former Reachman Mystic
~ Z'keer - Cathay-Raht Khajiit - Enchanter Thief (?)
~ Caen gro-Balog - Orsimer - Smith and Battlemage
~ Xa-Raku - Argonian - Healer Boxer
~ Annirico Veridil - Altmer - No clue beyond what his description was since it appears that his edited character sheet wasn't properly loaded up, but Psijic-like anarachist mage

I think I'll stick it out for just two more profiles and then choose the four.

Okay, so we have an Argonian Boxer-Healer and an Khajiit Thief-Caster.

Lorkhatosh, do you have the write-up for your Breton mantling Hjalti?

Also, once we get the game up, we will discuss the 'mythic' powers, such as the Thu'um and other abilities. And I think we can whip up info for something for some of the more alternative things like Lattice abilities and such.

Nice to see some folks jumping in, but I'll have to catch up on it soon.

Will not be able to post until the morning, just got engaged!

summ_gai wrote:
hey call me stupid but many points does medium power translated to in 1st ed UESPRPG? Book says your average character gets 95 points to spend on stats, is that doubled or what?

We're using second edition UESRPG. First edition was too wonky, and that is why I linked the download page in the first post.

summ_gai wrote:

yo, Khajiit-aboo here willing to be the DB but would prefer to do something more related to the weirder khajiit lore like recovering artifacts from the hall of the colossus or being a moon colonist.

anyways I'm up for shenanigans in skyrim if you are.

Good to see you hopped in, Khajiit-aboo! Get your character prepped and submitted and we'll see if the moons smile upon you!

This game shall be ran on Roll20, with the days chosen for game a week or so in advance every session. The system being used is the Unofficial Elder Scroll RPG, which can be downloaded here and the blog maintaining all the updates here.

The game is set in the time of the video game TES V: Skyrim.

Characters will be built on the Medium Power Level CrP and begin play with only some clothing appropriate to the region of Skyrim (shirt/dress, boots, and cloak). Once I get 10 submissions, I will my picks and then will close the recruitmen. Then we can discuss more about the style of game and what will occur.