Black Dragon

GM Soul Dragon's page

178 posts. Alias of SoulDragon298.


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It's unfortunate to admit this, but looks like interest has really died for this game around here. Sorry folks. Was looking forward to it.

Bit outside the norm for Doctor Who companions, but it could work.

Gonna add a bump just to let you guys know that this isn't dead. I was away for the weekend. If no one else applies, we may just go with what we have.

No problem!

Ah. I was just thrown off, because his Ingenuity is 4 in the book.

Daniel Penfold 357 wrote:

Here is my character - my thinking is to have him rejoin the Tardis approximately 6 months after the end of the classic story the Chase when both him and Barbara were returned to 1966.

Ian Chesterton

Awareness 3 Coordination 3 Ingenuity 3 Presence 3 Resolve 3 Strength 3

SKILLS: Athletics 2 Convince 2 Craft 1 Fighting (martial arts)2

Knowledge 3 Marksman 2 Medicine 1 Science (chemistry) 3 Subterfuge 2

Survival 2 Technology 2 Transport 2


Attractive +2 bonus to any rolls that involve looks

Brave +2 to resist fear,

Face in the Crowd +2 to blend in

Indomitable: +4 to any rolls to resist posession, hypnosis, psychically controlled.

Lucky: Second chance when double 1's rolled.

Quick Reflexes: Assumed to go first in a conflict when acting at the same time as others.

Sense of Direction: +2 to any roll to regain direction when lost or how to get from A to B such as map reading.

personality: Ian Chesterton is extremely talented when it comes to science. Brave, resourceful and stalwart, he has a surprising breadth of experience for a schoolteacher. During his travels on the TARDIS, he often takes the lead in dealing with problems.

Background: Ian taught science at the Coal Hill School, alongside his friend Barbara Wright. He spent time overseas as part of his National Service after World War II, but was not a veteran of that conflict.

Tech level : 5

Story Points: 12

Looks good, and I'm not saying you can't use it, but the First Doctor Sourcebook actually has Ian statted out if you wish to use that version.

spinningdice wrote:
Character Patsy - as always everything can probably be considered draft until a group is finalised.

Not your fault at all. I have a rough history with trying to keep PbP games going, but hopefully I can break it with this one.

spinningdice wrote:
Okay, I'll bite. Not sure what to play as, but I'd rather make than adopt a pre-existing one. Don't really fancy being a timelord either.

Actually just realized you were involved with the last time I ran this game! Sorry that the last time died, though it was two years ago so not sure if you remember.

I can certainly help with any questions you may have, though it has been a while since I've used these forums so I don't remember all the formatting.

No incarnation in particular. If you mean which one got shot, for my game's purposes, I'm saying the War Doctor is the one who was shot by the weapon.

Feel free to make whatever your heart desires! :)

Gonna give this one more little bump just in case.

Hopefully it gets a bit more interest. Regardless, welcome to the recruitment! :)

Bump, just to see if there's any interest.

Across time and space, the Daleks have terrorized countless planets and species, all in the quest to be the supreme beings of the universe. But one person has always been there to stop them. A person that even the Daleks fear. That person's the Doctor.

But the Daleks are prepared this time. They've shot the Doctor with a special weapon, one that will erase them from ever having existed. If something isn't done soon, the Doctor will fade away. Every invasion they stopped will succeed, every person they saved will die. A group of heroes must rise up and save the Doctor, or face the end of the universe as we know it at the hand of the Daleks....

Been a while since I've been on these forums, but I got the itch to run some Doctor Who again and thought I'd open up a recruitment thread here. I would run my own campaign, but I think this pre-made campaign is a good easing into the system. It'll also help get me used to doing PbP again. Just for clarification, this game use the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game published by Cubicle 7.

Character creation rules:

Standard character creation as per the Core Rulebook, although if you wish to make a Time Lord, you may use the Advanced Time Lord Creation rules found in the Time Traveler's Companion sourcebook if you wish.

You don't have to make a character if you don't want to. I am allowing you to play the various incarnations of the Doctor and their companions. Their stats can be found in the core book and the various Doctor sourcebooks.

You may pick traits from all available sourcebooks, but just know that some traits may be restricted/off-limits due to how powerful they can be.

Just let me know if you have any other questions. I look forward to seeing your submissions!

As the battle ensues, a sudden explosion from below deck sends men and wood splinters everywhere, coating the deck in debris as the ship begins to split in half and sink.

Outside, chaos ensues as crew members run around, frantically grabbing weapons and trying to fill buckets with water as another ship looms beside the San Geronimo.

Awareness + Ingenuity: 2d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2) + 4 + 4 = 11

"I suppose there's no harm in th-," he begins to say when suddenly loud explosions are heard. Soon after, the ship shudders. There are screams from the men outside, some screaming, "Fire!", others screaming, "Pirates!"

The captain springs up from his chair, pulling out his flintlock pistol. "It would seem we are under siege! You are not indebted to me, but I beg you to help us fight off these brigands!"

Awareness + Ingenuity: 2d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1) + 4 + 4 = 13

The captain looks at Jen, and his expression seems to ease up. "You seem very assertive that that is your mission. My apologies for not believing you before. Your companions just spat it out so hurriedly that I was inclined not to believe you. We shall drop you off next time we head to port."

I believe a Story Point gives you a bonus d6 on your roll.

Jen, roll me a Presence + Convince roll

"Now listen here. I don't know anything about this Doctor nonsense. All I know is that I have 3 mysterious strangers on board my ship. 3 strangers, I might add, who sound like they've just escaped an asylum," he says as he scowls at you.

Awareness+Ingenuity: 2d6 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (6, 5) + 4 + 4 = 19

The Captain squints at Ted. "Do you really expect me to believe such a simple lie? I should throw you overboard right now."

The men lead you to the door's to the captain's quarters. They open to reveal an ornately decorated room, with charters and maps covering a wooden desk. Sitting behind this desk is a man in a yellow naval officer's uniform and a powdered wig, who looks up as you enter.

"We found them in the food storage. We don't know where they came from," one of the men says. The captain eyes you with suspicion as he speaks with a thick Spanish accent. "I am Captain Gaspar Castillo of the Spanish vessel, the San Geronimo, and I demand to know who you are, how you got on board, and what your intentions are."

Sorry for not updating, was away for the weekend. I'll post an update tomorrow.

As the crew haul the three of you on deck, the smell of seawater hits your nose and the rocking of the ship is more noticeable. The sky is dark and a layer of fog hangs over the area.

"Let's take them to the captain. He'll sort them out!", one of them says as a few of the crew come forward, grabbing you and putting their pistols against your back as they start to march you up the stairs.

"How do you know the name of our ship?", one of them says. "Yes, he spoke English at first. They may be spies!", another shouts.

"We have a stowaway!", one of them shouts. Suddenly, more men appear, pointing pistols and muskets at Jen.

The two men suddenly turn and look with wide eyes at Jen, then reach to their sides, pulling their flintlock pistols out and pointing them at her while pulling back the hammer.

The TARDIS is translating their Spanish to English.

As you peek out, you see a room with several crates and barrels scattered around and a set of stairs that seem to lead to the deck of the ship. You hear several voices from up above and as you look around, you notice two men in yellow naval uniforms and powdered wigs walk down the stairs, their voices tinged with a Spanish accent.

The device is faintly blinking.

The barrels and bags are filled with various sorts of food.

There is a pair of wooden doors on one side of the room.

I am really sorry for not updating in awhile. I promise I will post an update soon.

It's ok. :)

Are you guys still there?

In your search, you find a small framed picture of a large ship. The flag that flows from the mast is that of Spain, and the small bit of writing below the painting reads, "The San Geronimo".

Sorry if my descriptions aren't that great, been awhile since I've done play-by-post.

As you step out of the TARDIS, you find yourself in a small room. The walls and floor are all made of wood, and there are piles of bags and barrels sitting on the floor and some shelves. The air is filled with the aroma of the ocean's waves, and the room seems to be slightly rocking.

Suddenly, the grinding noise gets louder, then another thud rings out, and the console room is still once more. The temporal trace locator pops out of its slot on the console, the small light faintly blinking.

As Max places the device into the console, a thud is heard, the console room shudders, and the tall rotor in the center begins moving, making the same grinding noise as before. The ship takes off, flying throught the turbulence of the Time Vortex....

Cue the theme song!

Down and Away Below

If you would like, you guys can engage in some roleplay on the TARDIS on the way there, or if you want, we can jump straight to the TARDIS landing. I'm fine with either option.

Sorry that my updates have been infrequent, haven't been feeling well lately. I'll try to have something up either tonight or tomorrow.

As you press the button, a blue light shoots out of the console and projects the image of a man in the air. The man looks elderly, with spiked-up gray hair and a worn face. He wears a weathered brown leather jacket, a brownish vest with silver buttons, a red and white scarf, a pair of brown pants and a pair of black boots. The image begins to speak.

"Ah hello there. If you're receiving this message, my TARDIS has done what I've asked and collected each of you from different time periods. Now I didn't ask for anyone specific, so I'm not sure if you're familiar with who I am. If you're not, then I am the Doctor. I'm an alien, specifically a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. The vessel you're standing in is my ship, the TARDIS. It's a time machine, a spaceship, a library, a laboratory, a swimming pool....Basically, it does a lot of things. Now on to the important thing."

"Now my people are at war with a race known as the Daleks. They're a terrible people who wish to eliminate all life that isn't them. I have the distinct displeasure of being their greatest enemy, having defeated them time and time again. Because of this, they've decided to make a weapon to kill me. It's called the Temporal Exterminator. It erases a person from time, slowly unraveling their past, present, and future. Unfortunately, they've succeeded in shooting me with it. It's slowly killing me, my past selves......and my undoubtedly impossible to come future selves. If something isn't done, I will be erased from time. All of the invasions I've stopped, all of the people I've saved, all the planets that still exist due to my intervention.....none of it will have happened. I ask you, whether you are a stranger or a friend,.....please save me. The way you'll do so is by finding traces of me throughout time. These traces will allow you to piece together my timeline until you are able to find the exact moment I was shot with the weapon. My TARDIS will provide transportation, and as for finding the traces, the TARDIS will give you a device that will help you track them. Just insert the device into the slot indicated by the console glowing around it, and it will immediately head towards a trace. Once you find a trace, just hold the locator near it, and the device will collect it. I wish you luck, and hope I have not brought more people to their deaths helping me...."

The message ends with the hologram disappearing and a small rectangular device pops out of the console.

Suddenly a small blue button on the console begins to blink rapidly.

As you walk, the door shuts behind you and you hear it click....

As you all investigate this strange and alien room, it suddenly shudders violently, knocking you around. When you finally get your bearings again, you each notice that two other people have appeared in the room...

As the door swings open, you find yourself in a very odd room. It is completely white for the most part, aside from the coral growing from the walls and the strange console in front of you that has many blinking lights. Wires run along the ground, and the walls are covered in round indentations. As you're taking this all in, the door shuts behind you and you hear a click.

You get no response as you step into the console room. Its walls are white, with round indentations in it. Coral growths also protrude from spots on the wall, and the glowing console shares the same coral theme. As you inspect the room, the door shuts and clicks behind you.

There is no reply as you knock on the door, however, the door does swing open on its own, revealing a peculiar room inside that should not fit inside the box. The walls are white, with round indentations in them and coral growths protruding from them in places. There's a glowing console, and wires that snake their way across the ground.

I just realized that we have one character from the past, one from the present, and one from the future. XD Funny how things work out.

There it is. In the alleyway next to your office building stands the Doctor's impossible blue police box, the same one you entered and left over a year ago....

As you race down the alleyway, you run smack dab into something, knocking you to the ground. As you try to recover, you notice that what you ran into was a blue police public call box....

As you try to identify where the noise is coming from, you suddenly notice that it's coming from something that seems to be fading in and out of reality near a tree. As you watch, it becomes more clear, until eventually, a blue police box is standing next to the tree.

Alright, let us begin!

One day, as you go about your normal life (Well, as normal as you can get while running for your life and hiding after having nearly ending the world), you hear an odd noise close by. A noise that you may have been informed about before during your time at CASS...

One night, as you sit at your desk, the rain pouring outside, case files spread out on your desk, you hear a familiar noise , coming from outside. A noise you haven't heard since....

After classes, you stride through the halls of the university, heading back to your dorm. However, when you step outside, you hear an unusual noise as the leaves on the ground blow by, despite the air being seemingly calm today...

Those introductions are marked as spoilers, but it won't hurt the story much to look at each other's, unless you don't wish for the others to look at it.

I may be a bit distracted tomorrow due to spending time with friends, but I'll probably throw up a starter on the gameplay thread after this post and try to get this thing rolling throughout the day.

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