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57 posts. Alias of Shane Joseph.


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Dulwich Map

Earlier with Klaus:

As the group gets Sethiel to the Lawgiver’s Hall and they are led away to a private chamber, Klaus makes his away to see Saini Alanen. After his ten-year apprenticeship, he was directed to continue his studies under Saini, Dulwich’s renowned sage.

Leaving the Lawgiver’s Hall (Location 2 on map) and sets his way West towards Saini Alanen’s home (Location 9 on map). The roads aren’t busy this time of day and you’re able to make your way there quickly.

You know that Saini receives money from the town by making her large library available to the public. Her stone-towered, three-story house is divided into sections. The first floor is the public library. There is no telling who you’ll find there throughout the day, though there are usual suspects. The second floor is reserved for those who are renting rooms for long-term study. The final floor is reserved for Saini herself. No one is allowed up there, not even those studying under her watch.

Walking into the library, you see a familiar face. Young Taavi Vesivalo. He comes to library daily to “read” up on a wide range of topics, but anyone can tell that he is a boy in love. When Saini isn’t around he is extremely talkative but quickly becomes mute as his nerves take over when she is present.

As Taavi sees you a smile splits his face and he rushes up to you; “Klaus! Klaus! How did it go? Did you find a secret hide out for the Shadow Spiders (local thieves’ guild), or a cave where the gnolls are tunneling their way into the city? Did you fight off cave trolls and take back their treasure?” the boy is very hyper jumping around and even rolled up a large parchment paper to be a sword.

(In the Chapel with Priestess Vuokko)
Following the blessing bestowed to Alistair, Dargys and Erik receive their blessing. Cupping each of your heads in her hands one at a time, she brushes your closed eyes while saying a blessing.
(Anyone else who would like to receive the blessing put it within you post and read the spoiler below)

Dargys & Erik:

You feel a cool sensation wash over you coming from her thumbs. It washes over your head down your back and through your fet. You feel a calming come over you, you no longer have that on edge feeling, but you also realize how tired you are because your nerves were constantly on edge.
(Your condition drops down one level. Dargys & Erik are no longer spooked.)

(Lawgiver’s Supply Shop)
Alistair knows exactly where to go. There is a small storage room at the front of the temple, Rasmus is there looking over the supplies. The acolyte present thinks over Alistair’s question; “I don’t believe Holy Water would make things like ghost solid. I have read research that does say you can pour the water over them and it would hurt the ghost like a weapon.” when she says weapon she has a look of, oh yeah come over her face; “I did just remember that you could use an oil blessed by one of the Paladins, making it able to hit things that are not solid.” (Oil of Bless Weapon)

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Shep, Rasmus || Scared: Belfer, Klaus


Priestess Vuokko gives a sympathetic smile to Erik; “I know you have been through a lot. I understand more than you know. You have nothing to fear with me. I want to ease some of your fears so that you can complete what you have started in Mr Kalervo’s basement.”

She looks to the group of you; “We don’t need whatever is happening in that basement to spread. Those houses are connected through their basement network, so it must be cleared quickly.”

Holding her hands out; “Come my son.” She takes Alistair’s head in her hands and brushes his closed eyes with her thumbs while saying a blessing.


You feel a cool sensation wash over you coming from her thumbs. Washes over your head down your back and through your feet. You feel a calming come over you, your no longer have that on edge feeling, but you also realize how tired you are because your nerves were constantly on edge.
(You are no longer spooked)

Rasmus checking out the supplies]
You see a few things that you’d expect like Cure Light Wounds, Holy Water, and Silver Weapon Blanch. But a few other things that stand out is four vials of what the acolyte called Holier Water, they are twice as effective as normal holy water (75 gp each). You also see a beautiful two-handed heavy mace that made of silver and looks to be superbly forged, and picking it up it is well balanced. (Masterwork Silver Mace 400 gp).
(They also have the capabilities to craft all level 1 Cleric potions)

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Rasmus | Shaken: Klaus | Skared: Belfer


Casting Light on a pebble, Priestess Vuokko test Sethiel’s pupil response to the light. “Yes, I would agree something unusual happened that would leave Sethiel like this. I would prefer to keep him here at least a day for observation. Things that prey on the mind can sometimes linger and I would not want him to go home and have another… episode.”

The priestess turns to the tall woman; “Go find brother Kaden, tell him he has a new study. He will need to bring his restraints.” turning back to the group; “I can’t say either way, but I want to be sure something hasn’t left that basement attached to Sethiel.” Looking at Sethiel, he is very lethargic. Thinking back to the moments following the spirit gripping his mind you remember that he hasn’t really be all there since then. It could appear to be exhaustion from what happened to him, but could it be more…

“Please follow me, your friend needs to rest and I’d like us to go somewhere more discreet.” Priestess Vuokko leaves this room and heads down the hall back to the sanctuary where work is being done; “You are correct, we have had some very generous donations that have led us to be able to do these upgrades. Plus, I don’t think Taisro was interested in having the disturbance of the workers or dust.” She continues to lead you down a corridor to a secluded chapel. Significantly smaller than the sanctuary, but a room that would seat around 100 people.

“Please sit,” the priestess says motioning to the front row in the chapel. She takes a breath and takes all of you in. “I don’t know where you found this basement, but if it is within the walls of Dulwich I do find it a personal responsibility to aid when it comes to spiritual matters.” she looks to Rasmus. “The temple does have supplies that could be used in aiding your endeavor, for a donation of course.”

“I am currently investigating my own unusual situation here in the city limits, so my man power resources are tied up in that. But I will aid where I can. If you’d allow me, I would like to examine each of you. Granting you a blessing of Conn.”

Priestess Vuokko waits and sees who will allow her to examine them, or if there are any questions asked.

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Klaus | Skared: Belfer


As the group of you burst into the Lawgiver’s Hall shouting for help from a cleric, you draw the attention of a tall muscular woman who sports a breastplate that has the symbol of Conn on the chest (two hands clasped in a handshake). She has a long flowing cloak draped from her shoulders and a light mace at her side.

Her eyes dart between Deshe and Alistair with words of haunts and haunted basement. “Deshe, what have you been up to?” She approaches and puts an arm around Sethiel and grabs his belt as she drapes his arm over her shoulder. She partly lifts him as they continue down the long seating hall of the cathedral. Shouting to one of the acolytes, “Clear the way to one of the private guest rooms, then find priestess Vuokko.”

Deshe & Sethiel:

(As clerics Deshe & Sethiel would be familiar with those in charge here.)
The woman in front of you is Maja Vartia, she oversees the cathedral guard. The fact that she is here would let you know that priestess Vuokko Laiten and priest Mikael Tuntia are here. Vuokko is the lead.

Erik’s eyes continue to stay wide as he sees the highly figured hand carved statues that adorn the shrines along the walls. The gold trim work that accents the paintings of the wall is more gold than he could think about spending in his lifetime, or the generations that come after him.

Dargys’ mind is on Antero’s lack of manors, but then he notices among the acolytes and workers over a dozen men and woman patrolling the inside of the cathedral. His mind catches that he might have seen a couple outside also. They have similar garb as the woman aiding Sethiel, just less ornate. Temple guard, and with what Dargys knows of the city they are probably needed with the value of everything within.

Being led down a side hallway that leads to rooms, the woman sits Sethiel on the edge of the bed. The room is not small, but it won’t allow everyone to be in at the same time. “Haunts?” she looks over Sethiel’s current state and steps out of the way as Vuokko Laiten, the high priestess of Conn enters the room.

All of you would know that less than a year ago the beloved and respected high priest Taisro Rintala died unexpectedly. Vuokko Laiten was appointed unexpectedly becoming the new high priestess and the first one so young. Only in her twenties.

The young priestess helps Sethiel to lay down and she begins examining him, starting with the basic vitals and moving on from there. As she is doing this; “I was told about haunts and haunted basements. What exactly has happened here?” as she continues to examine the cleric of Darlen.

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Klaus | Skared: Belfer


(A little forward progression bump)

Those heading to Lawgiver’s Hall:

The party finds themselves on one of the most southern roads of Dulwich, Foundation’s Way, just outside of Antero Kalervo’s home.

Though the journey isn’t long, It does take all of Deshe’s strength to help Sethiel to The Lawgiver’s Hall. The road you take eventually turns into Purho Street just beyond Dulwich Keep. Named after the first priest for the Temple of Conn, you see small shrines to Purho and small stalls selling religious objects and symbols.

The Temple of Conn is one of the first structures built in Dulwich. This tall stone cathedral is under renovation and expansion. You see the bell towner supported with scaffolding as they are replacing the old bell with what looks to be a silver bell. You also see many of the windows reinforced as artist and taking care as they are installing new elaborate stained glass.

You aren’t sure where it came from, but there must have been a very generous donor in the congregation for these upgrades to happen. Some might think money could be best spent elsewhere, while others sees the craftsman being paid for their skills like they never have before.

Workers are all over the place trying to get as much work completed before sundown. As you walk into the Lawgiver’s Hall, you see many of the pews are covered with large cloth blankets collecting dust and debris from the work. A few of the shrines of the lesser gods are covered, while the major ones that more people would visit are exposed but protected by wooden shelters.

Acolytes are moving about at their temple work.

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Klaus | Skared: Belfer


Antero agrees with Alistair; “Yes, I will make sure that all of the doors are locked between here and the entry to the cellar below.” mutters a prayer; “I pray the gods will keep at bay what is down there until your return.” Pointing to the tome Klaus placed on the table; “Will you be taking that?”

Antero will stay wide of Dargys, but he will usher the eight of you out of his manor.

As you exit his house you make note of the time of day. It is late afternoon. You aren’t sure how, but this day has slipped away.

With Belfer’s mention of a night’s rest to calm yourselves down, you might think that visiting the Lawgiver’s Hall.

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Klaus | Skared: Belfer


Startled by Dargys action and tone, Antero rounds the table to separate himself from the fighter. He uses the hospitality of filling any glasses with wine that needs it, but he keeps is eye on Dargys.

Hearing everyone’s response of what is down there, Antero nods as Rasmus suggest seeking out help from arcane and divine powers. “If what you say is truly down there.” looking at everyone’s demeanor and emotional state; “I will give you an advance on what was promised as payment.” looking at the 8 of you around the table. “I will give you 400 gp now, and the rest when this is taken care of.”

Stepping away from the tome that Klaus places on the table; “And as long as everything is clear, you can keep everything that you find.” looking from the group to the tome; “I’ll be right back”

Coming back after a few minutes away, he places a purse on the table; “I hope that platinum will be okay.” (If you open the purse you will find 40 platinum pieces)

At this point you are free to do whatever your characters would like. Sethiel is still very lethargic, but able to move around with a little aid. What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Klaus | Skared: Belfer


(Erik – I noticed you have Magic Stone with a strike through it. You have that back. Any spell or consumable used from the battle appeared back when you all returned to where you started the battle.)

Running a hand through his hair, Antero’s eyes narrow on Dargys; “That is for you to figure out! You gave you word to finish the task… but what should I expect from a pit fighter…” Straightening his shirt he turns from Dargys; “When I hire someone for a task, it is unto completion. You will see to it that this is finished.” You can easily tell that the anger in his tone is pushed more by fear of what is below than Antero being a successful merchant that doesn’t accept failure.

He lets out a chuckle to Alistair’s comment; “Barrels? Why don’t you head on over to the Lawgiver’s Hall and see what Vuokko has available. I doubt you’ll find “barrels” of Holy Water.”

The merchant picks up a slice of meat and cheese.

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Klaus | Skared: Belfer


(Belfer – you aren’t panicked and running. On top of the Shaken penalties you get a -4 against fear-based checks. This is a total of -4, not -6 (-2 on saving throws & -4 fear-based). Hope that helps and clears any confusion up.)

Antero’s hands begin to tremble as you describe what you experienced. ghost, visions, evil, Sethiel’s current state. Muttering a prayer under his breath, he quickly drinks a glass of wine and refills his glass. As he looks to the eight of you; “Yes, you must go back at once and clear out whatever it is you discovered.” taking another drink, “maybe we just fill it in…” he muses to himself.

Turning to Alistair; “Let me see this old book. Maybe it will tell us who was down there or what they were doing.” anxiously looking to the rest of the group; “What else did you find down there?” (You can be as descriptive or general as you’d want. You can handwave the highlights and just say you fill him in on everything. You can share only the “need to know details.” 100% your call.)

The boy comes back with a try of refreshments. Fruit with sliced bread, cheese, and meats. The boy leaves and eventually comes back with more wine.

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Klaus | Skared: Belfer


Dargys slams the butt end of his sword against the door and you can hear it ringing out through the halls behind you. There is a shuffling of a chair on the other side of the door followed by the sliding of what sounds like the door bar.

Opening the door in front of you is a kid, between the ages of 8-10. A shocked look comes across his face. “Oh don’t tell master Kalervo I didn’t check if it was you before I opening it. I’ll get flogged again.” He holds the door open as you all make way into this first level of the cellar.

Watching you all file through, a worried look washes over his face as he sees Sethiel’s ill state. “What happened to you down there?” Wide eyed, the kid leads you to the first floor not expecting you to answer him. Taking you to the meeting chamber where you first met Antero; “I will return with master Kalervo.”

Rounding the corner, Antero enters the room. “What kind of treasures did… you….. find…..” he trails off as he sees your condition. Pouring wine; “Child, go get more wine and refreshments.” passing out glasses to each of you; “What happened We did not hear a sound.”

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Belfer, Klaus


(Belfer still needs to make the previous will save.)

Was it a hallucination, a dream, a spell? Whatever it was, it was unnerving. It was so real, the pain, the fear.

Deshe sees that Sethiel is up right again and moving. He looks weak and color has returned to his face. Deshe helps guide Sethiel to regroup with the rest of the party.

Once together Deshe, Rasmus, and Alistair voice the same thought of leaving this cellar to get Sethiel help and regroup.

(I don’t want to assume this is okay with everyone… but I feel that there are PCs enough in agreement that heading out is good.)

You make your way up through the antechamber, up the stairs, through the stone trapdoor, and out of the false wall. Matias’ tools are still scattered around the floor here. Trying to remember, it appears as if no one has been here to clean up since you descended below. How long have you been below?

Making your way through the lower level, you make your way through the labyrinth of rooms that lead to the old wooden door that would lead to the stairs leading to the upper cellar level. Reaching for the door, it appears to be barred from the other side.

Rasmus remembers suggesting that Antero locking the door behind them.

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Dargys, Alistair, Rasmus | Shaken: Belfer, Klaus

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As the rest of the people move forward, following the sounds of combat Alistair uses his rapier and drives it home into the long-armed creature. It lets out a shriek as it falls flailing as it dies.

Suddenly, the greyed lights begin to flicker and strobe as they had before.

Rasmus & Dargys:

Rasmus sees & hears this, Dargys is close enough to hear.

Sethiel’s eyes shoot wide and are once again black. This time it doesn’t speak in his own voice. It is deep and an unknown guttural language to you. It is chanting something. Rasmus isn’t sure, but it could be an incantation of some sort. It continues on for a while

As the lights are flickering, it feels as if there is wind rushing around each of you and it is hard for you to see or hear as the dust around you kicks up. (Read Shared Vision)

Shared Vision:

You are blind and deafened by the swirling tornado that you are standing in. You have lost all sense of direction as the winds push and pull you in every direction. As the wind whips across your ears, you hear shouts within. Master! Help me, where are you!

You push his voice out of your head as you fight against the wind. “If I can get to the edge” you think to yourself. Stumbling and being pushed from side to side you eventually make it to the edge of the storm, where the circle is keeping everything within. Holding your hand out, it hits an invisible wall.[/i[

[i]The shouts within turn to panic Master, what was that. Something is in here. Where are you?

Something catches your attention coming from down the hall. It is a short, bald elven woman. She has a beautiful face, but she wears a teardrop jewel in the center of her forehead that looks to be pressing in through the flesh, possibly reaching the skull. From the jewel four silver bands wrap around hear bald head and equally dig in. Two around the sides and two across the top.

Master, are we? She gives him a bow when her eyes see a tome laying on the floor and with haste she picks it up. Closing it an iron clasp closes along the side and with an audible click, it is sealed with no identifiable way of opening it. You little worm. You clearly haven’t thought this through. Trapped within your own circle. She turns her back on you.

You hear a guttural language being spoken within the storm, you have no idea what it is. But you hear a familiar voice. It is that of your acolyte. Oh gods no… NO! You don’t see what happens, but you hear the sound of flesh being rend. And a red mist joins the storm. A wetness comes across your face. Wiping your face with your hand reveals blood. You don’t hear your acolyte anymore. You hear flesh being eaten.

Turning, you see this woman cast a spell and the stone at her feet shapes into a throne. She sits comfortably and places the tome on the arm ledge of the newly formed stone throne. She smiles; I want to hear you beg.

The wind around your ceases and when the darkness comes back you are no longer where you were once standing, but you are where you were once the lights began flashing. Those who are wounded feel for your wounds, they are gone. No bladed armed creatures or long-armed creatures in sight, or evidence that they were even there. (Mechanically, no one lost and HP or used any consumables. The only thing that stayed the same are the fear based conditions you might have gained.)

Everyone – roll me the below Will save.

Will Save DC 12 (Fear Based) open if you failed:

If you failed this save, you are Spooked by what you are seeing. Your nerves are on edge and every little movement causes you to jump and do a double take.
(You have a -2 Penalty on Saving Throws vs Fear Effects, -2 on Perception, +1 on Reflex Saves)

If you are already Spooked, you become Shaken as fear has taken hold of you and you are no longer thinking or acting clearly.
(Remove the bonuses & penalties from Spooked. You take a -2 Penalty on all attack roles, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.)

If you are already Shaken, you become Scared. You are noticeably afraid of what is happening here. You jump at shadows, unexplained noises, even your companions that you traveled down here with.
(All penalties stay the same, except the penalty on saves against fear effects becomes -4 instead.)

What does your character do?

Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Klaus | Shaken: Belfer


Alistair pulls Klaus behind him, seeing an opening Erik launches a stone at the creature but it misses. Alistair blocks off the hallway from any possibility of the creature pursuing Klaus and takes a defensive fighting stance. Everyone else continues to move forward and gathers near Deshe.

Seeing where the stone came from, the long-armed creature turns and steps up to the halfling. Striking out with its blade, Erik ducks under what looks could have been a vicious strike.

Everyone is up. What does your character do?

Damage | Alistair -8 HP | Dargys -6 HP | Deshe -6 HP | Klaus -6 HP
Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Klaus | Shaken: Belfer

GM Stuff:

Attack V Erik: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
DMG: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3


The creature looked as if it was continually trying to puncture through Deshe’s armor and get right to his heart. He can hear support coming but isn’t sure if he could defend much longer. With Kalron’s might behind him, Deshe sinks his double-sided axe into the chest of this creature deep to the cheek of the blade. With a sickly sucking sound the creature falls, pulling free from the axe. As the creature lets out a wail and begins to flinch and convulse on the ground. As the creature stops moving Deshe can hear battle to the north, but also hears footsteps approaching from the south. Since Deshe only took a standard action, you can still take a move action if needed.

Dargys & Deshe have acted. Everyone else is up. What does your character do?

Damage | Alistair -8 HP | Dargys -6 HP | Deshe -6 HP | Klaus -6 HP
Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Klaus | Shaken: Belfer


Klaus – the way I see it is you are all acting at the same time… So you would be moving forward in tandem with Alistair. So I will go ahead and bot you with the torch that Alistair handed off to you. This is based on where you were going originally… I hope that is okay.

Erik hangs on to Shep and blows past Dargys and Rasmus as he quickly bounds up the carved-out cave stairs. He can see Sethiel’s motionless body slumped lifelessly against the wall. He can also see a bit of Deshe as it looks like he is in the throes of battle.

Alistair moves forward handing off his torch in passing to Klaus as he rushes forward taking the path they came in. As Klaus moves forward, he decided to take the cut through as his torchlight cuts through the darkness, he rounds the corner and quickly halts as he sees a mass hanging from the ceiling. It is one of the long-armed creatures.

Deshe is gripping his axe and shield as the bladed-armed creature punches out again. It strikes out continually punching in the same location on his breast plate and the strike just breaks through his shield and armor. Pain shoots down his arm as it punctures through just below his collar bone again, almost causing him to drop his axe. But he hangs on. (-4 HP)

Klaus still has 10-ft of movement. He could move back that space. Even if he does, the creature would still have enough speed to still move up and the it would play out the same.

The long-armed creature walks forward, shifting from the ceiling to the walls, to the floor right before Klaus. Klaus has never seen anything like this horror, a combination of various creatures thrown together. Its unnatural speed and movement as it shift from the ceiling to the floor causes fear to being creeping up more than it already is in the mage. (Klaus, make the below Will Save)

Standing in front of the mage, the creature lashes out with a filleting knife, and it cuts through even the magical armor protecting the mage. Looking down, he not only see’s Alistair’s blood covering him, but now his is flowing freely as this unnaturally sharp blade slices him open. (-6 HP)

Will Save DC 12 (Fear Based) open if you failed:

If you failed this save, you are Spooked by what you are seeing. Your nerves are on edge and every little movement causes you to jump and do a double take.
(You have a -2 Penalty on Saving Throws vs Fear Effects, -2 on Perception, +1 on Reflex Saves)

If you are already Spooked, you become Shaken as fear has taken hold of you and you are no longer thinking or acting clearly.
(Remove the bonuses & penalties from Spooked. You take a -2 Penalty on all attack roles, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.)

You are all up. What does your character do?

Damage | Alistair -8 HP | Dargys -6 HP | Deshe -6 HP | Klaus -6 HP
Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Klaus | Shaken: Belfer

GM Stuff:

Attack V Dargy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
DMG: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Attack V Klaus: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
DMG: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6


A glow surrounds Deshe’s holy symbol of Kalron, a twin-headed battleaxe. Positive energy from Kalron pours forward from it healing those within its burst. (+4 HP)

Klaus takes off at the sound of Deshe’s call to Kalron and runs around the corner (moving 15 feet) and quickly comes face to face with the darkness of this chamber. The torchlight from Allstair fades behind him. He can partly see the table that he belives is just before him. (I am good with you holding the remaining movement speed until light comes your way. Or you can use a torch if you’d like. To get here you have used only 15-feet of your movement.)

Alistair, Klaus & Erik are up. What does your character do?

Damage | Alistair -8 HP | Dargys -6 HP | Deshe -2 HP
Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Klaus | Shaken: Belfer


The long-limbed creature doesn’t finish twitching before Dargys and Rasmus leave it behind and rush to the distant sound of battle.

Alistair, Deshe, Erik, Klaus is up. What does your character do?

Damage | Alistair -8 HP | Dargys -6 HP | Deshe -6 HP
Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Klaus | Shaken: Belfer


Belfer’s combined attack of the slime and his acid attack strike the creature on the wall. It falls heavily and just like the others begins to flail and screech as it slowly begins to stop its convulsing the sound of battle here ceases. (At the end of this round the slime dissipates.)

The group looks arounds and quickly realizes that Deshe and Sethiel is not with the group. You are unsure what happened to them, but you can hear the sound of battle echo from both ends of the cave.

Belfer has acted. Everyone else is up. What does your character do?

Damage | Alistair -8 HP | Dargys -6 HP | Deshe -6 HP
Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Klaus | Shaken: Belfer


Dargys blade finds a home across the long-armed creature. (-6 HP)

Belfer’s spell goes off and a slime appears and lets out two attacks, both missing the creature.

Deshe is still cornered but he isn’t going to let Sethiel be an unconscious victim to these horros. His axe misses its target and the echo of steel against stone echos down the chamer.

Erik’s sling whizzes around and his stone flies. Erik’s friends are in the way and he takes a little extra caution and the stone misses its target.

The creature that has Deshe pinned lunges out with its bladed arm. This time it does puncture the armor and catches the cleric just below the collar bone. (-6 HP)

After receiving a sword from Dargys, the creature on the wall shifts and attacks out with its dagger, slicing him across the face. (-6 HP)

Everyone is up. What does your character do?

Damage | Alistair -8 HP | Dargys -6 HP | Deshe -6 HP
Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Klaus | Shaken: Belfer

GM Stuff:

Attack V Dargy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
DMG: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Attack V Deshe: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
DMG: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6


As blood is dripping of the bladed arm that was just pulled free from Alistair, Klaus reactionary lets loose a Magic Missile that hits the horror and causes it to stumble back and fall to the ground while screeching. It begins convulsing, bladed arms flailing before it ceases moving. Free from the blades, Klaus pulls free a scroll.

Rasmus approaches the long-armed creature to grapple it, the creature strikes out with its dangling arms that is holding a wicked dagger that looks to be used for filleting. The dagger misses Rasmus causing it to be more difficult for Ramus to grapple it.

Holding his abdominal wound, Alistair watches the creature fall to the ground and die. Seeing the his blood soaked clothes, that could have equally have been him on the ground instead of that abomination. (Since the creature is down before you acted, you can a different action if you want. Unless you want to still take a total defense based on your current health situation.)

Erlik, Dargys, Belfer, Deshe you’re up. What does your character do?

Damage | Alistair -8 HP
Conditions | Spooked: Erik, Shep, Belfer, Klaus

GM Stuff:

AOO V Rasmus: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
DMG: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5


(I am going to bot for forward progression)

Erik gets ready to use his sling and stones as he cast Magic Stone on the pebbles. As Klaus takes a withdraw action and switches places with Alistair. Alistair attacks out with his rapier. The attack lands and it seems to sink in easier than he is used to. The hallowed eyes “look” back at the rogue with malice.

These When these creatures move, it isn’t natural. They move almost as if they are blinking in and out of existence. One moment they are 5-10+ feet away from you and when they blink that are right before your eyes.

That is what Deshe experiences as the creatures with blades for arms appears to move through the table that separates them before he knows it the creature is standing before him punches out with his bladed arms. The attack would have skewered him if it wasn’t for the Breast Plate he is wearing. Looking down, Deshe sees a dent where it tried to puncture through the armor. Sethiel is protected behind him. He has no idea where the long-armed creature went.

Erik, Klaus and Alistair are taken back at the quickness that the creatures move. It punches out and what feels like it would have been a critical attack the blades just miss vital organs. But the blade still pierces Alistair. Blood flings against the walls at it pulls it bladed arm free. (Alistair takes -8 HP) Eric, Klaus & Alistair roll the will save in the below spoiler box

Dargy, Rasmus, and Belfer see the long-armed creature jerk out and convulse as it lays dying. The long-armed creature besides the weird stone begins to rush Dargy, but not on ground. It contorts and uses the wall to the south as its bath to reach Dargy. It lets out a bellow as it runs up to Dargy, but it misses its attack. The sight of this creature moving almost in quick jerks and sound of what this creature is doing is unsettling. Dargy, Rasmus, Belfer Roll the will save below)

Will Save DC 12 (Fear Based) open if you failed:

If you failed this save, you are Spooked by what you are seeing. Your nerves are on edge and every little movement causes you to jump and do a double take.
(You have a 02 Penalty on saving throws vs fear effects, -2 on Perception, +1 on Reflex Saves.)

If you are already Spooked, you become Shaken as fear has taken hold of you and you are no longer thinking or acting clearly.
(Remove the bonuses & penalties from Spooked. You take a -2 Penalty on all attack roles, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.)

All of you can act. What does your character do?

Alistair -8 HP

GM Stuff:

Attack V Deshe: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
DMG: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Attack vs Alistair: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
DMG: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Crit DMG: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Attack vs Alistair: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
DMG: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5


Deshe – You can just lightly drop Sethiel in the corner and be able to get your weapon out. I don’t know how careful Deshe would be based on what is going on in the room.

Deshe moves to the corner and places Sethiel in the corner. As he moves to put his shield and axe (?) between him and the creatures his light pours into the entry chamber. It looks clear.

Erik and Shep are both are Spooked by what is going on. You can still take your turn, it doesn’t prevent you from acting.

Dargys blade finds a foe. It’s eyes are locked on the blade, but then catch Rasmus as he squeezes by. Both bladed men swing out at the abomination with long arms and cut the creature down. In a piercing screech, the thing falls. Both of you have no idea what these are, but it appears they can be defeated.

Belfer is also a bit unnerved by the sight of these creatures tries to determine what these are. These horrors are not natural creatures. They look to have been created, or even things of nightmares. The one looks to be a created undead while the other looks to be an amalgamation of several different creatures. He knows if he had time to study the foe that he could figure it out. Knowing he doesn’t have the time, he begins casting a spell. (This will appear at the beginning of his next turn. He can see the creature by the stone due to his Low-Light vision)

Alistair moves up to protect Klaus and readies an attack once he gets behind the rogue.

Erik & Klaus you guys can take your turn. What does your character do?


The torches and spells flicker causing a strobe effect as you rush through these under chambers. You see something moving, humanoid shapes, rushing around the halls, climbing the walls, even walking on the ceiling as if you were upside down…

Deshe grabs hold of Sethiel, hoist him up and the wall as his support, he heads toward the entrance chamber.

Dargys raised his shield in a defensive stance.

Rasmus moves and brings his sword up and advances towards the closest thing… but they are all around him.

Klaus cast Mage Armor and moves. Alistair moves on the heels of Klaus.

Erik hangs on tight to Shep and tries to reign him in.

Belfer follows the rest of the group.

The lights flickering continues to cast odd shadows and the figures moving cause your nerves to begin to stand on end. They rush towards you in split seconds, and if you swing your weapon they are gone as if they were never there. Suddenly the lights, magical or otherwise, go black.

Your lights flicker back on, but they cast a grey light. You see that the creatures that were moving in the darkness reveal themselves as the lights stay on. These monstrosities look as if they were creations.

Dropping down from the walls and ceiling, is a grotesque creature with long arms it use to climb and walk.

Hallow eyes fall on you as the bladed arms of this creature rush to penetrate you.

Deshe looks down the hall he just came from and sees one of the creatures dropping from the ceiling, then he hears he sound of metal on stone and looks west and staring at him is the empty eyes of the bladed creature.

Klaus runs face to face with blades longer than his torso. Belfer sees the long armed creature crawl down from the wall besides him and the dangling torso is the same size as him.

Dargys sees a final creature crawling down from the ceiling in front of the odd looking stone.

Everyone give me a Will Save DC 12 (Fear Based) – Open if you fail:

You are Spooked by what you are seeing. Your nerves are on the edge and every little movement causes you to jump and do a double take.

You have -2 penalty on saving throws vs fear effects, -2 on Perception checks, +1 on Reflex

You are all able to take a turn - What does your character do?


Erik, Alistair and Belfer move forward to investigate this “stone.” As they do they can all see that this stone is roughly 5-ft tall. Just about 2-ft away from the ceiling in this section. Belfer can just make out where the trap door is above it. There is one section where it appears a section was sliced off it. Roughly 6-in in diameter, running about 3-ft long.

Erik (Taking 10 on Heal, 12 total. Roll if you’d like) takes a little closer look and believes the brownish stain on it could possibly be dried blood. Looking to his feet, he cannot tell if there is a stain on the ground due to the water at the bottom of this cave.

The runes that are on it wrap mostly around its reflective surface. They don’t look like they were etched, carved, chiseled into the obelisk. It looks to be from when it was created. The runes themselves are another mystery. They are in no language that any of you know of or any language you’ve seen while studying.

Deshe move to pick up Sethiel. While Sethiel isn’t a big man, he is currently dead weight. He fights to get him up off the ground and then into a position where he could possibly move with the elf.

Suddenly everyones light source, magical or torchlight, begins to flicker. Light a candle that is fighting in the wind. As the lights begin to flicker it begins to play with your eyes as it goes from light, to pitch black of this sub-cellar. You begin to think you see things moving as it flickers. Then when the light stays for longer than a flash you only see your friends. Flickering again, movement around the chambers you are in. This continues on…

I need everyone to act as if we are in combat when it comes to your actions.

What does your character do?


As Erik joins Rasmus in inspecting the cave system, he sees the same things that Rasmus noticed previously. He is thankful in this case of being a halfling since this cave system moves from 5-feet to 7-feet in heights.

Seeing the black jagged shard, Belfer knows that this is what he was seeing through the trap door. With his low-light vision he can see that there is a faint brownish discoloration at the top. The stain looks like whatever it was dripped down the sides. (think wax that comes down the sides randomly as a candle melts) At this distance you are unsure what it could have been.

As more of the party comes to this part of the cave system the splashing of foot steps in the shallow water reverberates off of the stone walls.

Deshe and Sethiel are the only remaining in the chamber with the tables. Sethiel has been overly quiet and is struggling. Continually holding his head, he looks to Deshe and collapses on the floor.

What does your character do?


As Rasmus moves forward to catch up with Alistair and Dargys he examines the cave system. It looks to be naturally made. There is common knowledge/rumor that the buildings in this section of Dulwich are all interconnected by a save system. It looks like the builders used the cave system that was here and build this level of the cellar. The only man-made part that you can see are the roughhewn steps that were hacked into the bedrock.

As the three of you move forward, the torch light falls on an object that looks completely out of place. A black jagged shard of something juts from the cavern floor, reaching almost to the ceiling. You are unsure of what it is from this distance. If it is stone, it has been polished so much that it reflects like glass. The odd thing is that it isn’t reflecting your light as it should, it is actually consuming the light and where your light should make this place brighter it is absorbing it.

You can see some odd runes of a malignant demeanor cover the parts that you can see of this ‘ebon stone.

Knowledge Dungeoneering DC 15:

This is no polished rock. This is obsidian, and a lot of it. You have seen this in markets for sale and decorative pieces, but also in larger pieces to make weapons and armor out of. You also know that this out of place as obsidian is a black volcanic glass and there are no volcanos in this region.

Is everyone else continuing to move the stone from the hallway, taking a rest, looking at the stuff on the tables?

What does your character do?


Alistair and Dargys creep forward. Rounding the corner to the stairs then slowly descending the stairs. You see slight standing water on the ground here, an inch or two deep based on the rough floor surface. As you continue around the corner you see that this cave section continues for some distance. (I’ve moved you two forward to kind of help progression.) Your torch light reflects off the water that just slightly covers the cave floor here. As the torch light fades, you think that you can see it reflecting off something large and dark. But that is just at the edge of the torch light.

Taking pause from the labor of moving the stones, Rasmus has a bite to eat from the bread in his bag. He stands beside the earthen jar that he carried into this room. With his off the cuff comment about the rat with the collar Klaus would almost want to smack himself on the forehead as he realizes that it could be a possibility that the rat was this mad mage’s familiar.

Those in the chamber with the tables looks towards the cavern entrance as their torchlight begins to fade. Turning towards the collapsed hallway you see that even though you made progress, there is still a lot of debris to remove. But it can be done.

What does your character do?


Belfer moves to use the trap door mechanism. Possibly to his surprise, it is still functioning. The stone floor slab rotates up and closes. Had you not known it was there, you would never know there was a door here.

Rasmus and Deshe set out to begin clearing out the hallway. It is going to be hard physical labor, but in time you will clear the way. As Klaus joins the team and uses Mage Hand, the three unearth the remains of a small rodent. (Rasmus take 10 K-Nature = 14) Rasmus would know this is the skeletal remains of a rat. There isn’t anything odd about finding remains of a rodent in an underground cellar, except it looks as if the rat was wearing a moldering leather collar.

Alistair & Dargys retrieves the packs from the first room and bring them to this chamber. With torches lit, they begin moving into the cave tunnel. (You don’t fully see it as it is revealed) The two of you see that it takes a quick turn southward and you quickly come to a set of stairs that descends a short distance, your torches do reveal the landing and it looks clear outside of the normal cavernous rubble.

What does your character do?


As Belfer comes to, he starts to describe what it is that he saw, nothing about this robed figure sounds familiar to Deshe. This is something that high priestess Vuokko or Saini might know something about.

Klaus holds up the tome via Mage Hand he doesn’t see a way for it to open, but he does see the pages exposed around the edges and can tell that it is real. Rasmus also looks at the tome from a safe distance. You see that there is no seam where there should be a latching mechanism, and it also doesn’t look like there is a hinge that would allow the clasp to move once it would be free from its locked position.

As Klaus, Rasmus, and Alistair venture into this chamber you can see to the west that the structure of this chamber changes as it moves to a more cave-like structure, like the opening in the first chamber. Also, to the north, there is a hallway that looks to be clogged with rock and debris. You can tell that the camber begins to stairstep up at the back. It would take some time, but it could potentially be cleared out.

When you’re near the clogged hallway – Perception DC 20:

It is hard to hear, but you believe you hear flowing water beyond this clogged hallway.

What does your character do?

If you can update your mini's location based on your posting today that would be helpful. Thanks so much


I am so sorry, just rereading a few things and I missed Belfer’s detect magic
As Belfer is laying on the ground examining the tall stone below the chute, he cast Detect Magic to see what he can see within 60-feet.

As Belfer cast the spell and begins concentrating, he does detect magic in the chamber below. Continuing to focus on how many different magical auras and determining the most powerful one, Belfer knows that it is only the stone below that is magical.

As Belfer continues to focus his magics on the stone below to learn more there is a momentary resistance against his magic followed by an instantaneous pulling of his mind. The light around Belfer is pulled from around him being drawn into the stone. Then darkness.

Belfer’s body is awkwardly looking into the hole when suddenly is body goes limp.


In this darkness you hear cries of pain, the cries of mercy to end their suffering… their lives. A glow begin to shine as fire and smoke rises in the background of a river. A figure is walking on the shore of the river. There is a rattling with each stride as this cloaked figure walks. You see that the shore it is walking on is not stones as you first thought. It comes in focus as it is remains. Bones, stacked upon bodies, upon bones. If you could smell the scene you know you would empty your stomach. The creature stops and turns. It realizes you are there. This looming horned skeletal figure is clutching a wicked staff of bone and a hanging hour glass. You see sand… no bone falling through the glass as time passes. There is a burning in its eyes as it reaches out to you; “You should not be here!” as it vanishes and reappears right before you. The creature tries to grab you as you are suddenly pulled down the river.

Time and space mean nothing as you are moving faster than you’ve ever moved before. The world is a blur.

You stop as a realm of chaos, a realm at war. Two armies clashing against one another. As one body falls another takes its place standing on top of the fallen body. When you see that the bodies below aren’t dead yet, they are grasping at those standing on them, you realize that are not dead at all, that they are undead. Your eyes zoom out and see spirits waging war here in the battle. Your eyes zoom the field when you see a 70-foot tall titan, something you have never seen before swinging its arms and chains causing bodies the fly through the air. Bodies that never hit the ground and they seem to just float off into the distant space.

Your eyes fall upon a squat and bloated humanoid, standing nearly three times as tall as a normal human. It’s goat-like head sports large, spiraling ram-like horns. Its legs are covered in thick brown fur and end in hooves. Large powerful arms wield a wicked skull-tipped wand. Two large, black, bat-like wings protrude from its back and a long, snake-like tail, tipped with a sharpened barb, trails behind it. You know this… thing is in charge.

The creature begins casting a spell when you are again pulled so quickly you almost get sick, if you could.

You awake looking at the stone below, unsure of its power other than total power.

Only a few seconds later Belfer moves with a gasp for air.

What does your character do?

GM Stuff:

Belfer Wiłl Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17


As Belfer investigates the trap door hole, Rasmus returns to warming the honey in the jar. He makes a small fire to warm the water that he is going to use to help revert the crystalized honey back to its liquid state.

Meanwhile, Alistair moves ward into the chamber with the two tables and the tattered tapestry with the odd symbol within it. Among the clutter of the tables he finds a few things that might stand out. An ink pen crafted from a long, thin bone rest on a pewter plate next to an empty ink pot. A little further down is an upright wooden frame that holds a sheet of parchment. You can make out that there were once words and drawing on the parchment but have become illegible with age. The last thing you find on this table is a jagged chunk of transparent crystal that is laying on a battered bronze plate.

The next table offers a few more items among the clutter. A bleached white skull - probably from a human – fills a wide-mouth glass jar. Faint marks on the side of the jar suggest it was once filled with a yellowish liquid. Brownish stains cover the blade of a small rusting knife with a smooth bone handle. An amulet that is attached to scrap of sundered chain has elemental symbols on one side: air, earth, fire and water. Flipping it over and there is the same symbol on the tapestry on the back of the amulet. An iron coffer with its lid open reveals that it is half filled with a fine silver powder.

The final item of note is a thick tome. Leather covered hard backing wraps the closed book. Without picking the book up, there is something odd about the cover of the book. There is a recessed spot that looks as if a 3-in by 2-in waterdrop shaped item could fit within. On the side, there is an iron clasp holding the book shut with no evidence of it being able to open.

Back at the fire, Rasmus warm’s the water to boiling. Pouring it onto the top of the honey has the effect he wants. Slowly taking a knife or a burn end of some wood he begins to help the process along and quickly finds that the entire pot was not a solid block of crystalized honey. Breaking through a thick layer reveals a thick mat of fur or hair. Pulling it free reveals a preserved head of a man.

What does your character do?


As Belfer lays on the ground and looks down the chute he sees that as the stone turns into the cave rock below that there is staining that could easily be blood based on the layout of the table and how the room angles this way by design.

The black stone below is large and from a slightly closer look, it looks as if it is column, a pilar, or maybe even a small obelisk.

What does your character do?


Sethiel leans against the wall. He hasn’t said anything yet and looks stunned and confused. He leans his head back against the wall with his eyes closed and is taking a few deep breaths.

Before leaving the room Belfer looks at the trap door in the corner. A quick look shows that it lowers down at an angle into the floor (Think like a slide). There is a mechanism that he could operate that would easily lower it that is still functioning. The opening isn’t large, but Belfer believes he could squeeze into it if he would try.

Looking within the hole Belfer sees that it leads to a cave that is below, but there is a large object below that is blocking the way. It looks like a black stone that appears to be absorbing the light from Belfer’s spell (Or torch). Looking down on the stone you see that the top is shaped like a bowl and the water that drained this way has filled it and is overflowing onto the cave floor below.

Alistair creeps along the side as quiet as he can, but he ends up stepping on rubble along the wall and the crunching of stone on stone reverberates off the wall. Looking around the corner Alistair sees Dust-shrouded tables covered in all maner of odds and esoteric equipment line the chamber’s walls. More tables - similarly clutter – stand in the middle of the room.

At the end of the room there is a tapestry that is barely hanging together. But, you are able to make out a symbol that takes of most of the hanging.

What does your character do?


Everyone is standing dripping wet from the water that rushed through the room and halls. Looking down you are standing in an inch of water that is slowly drifting towards the southwest corner of this room. Looking, the water is going into the floor at the corner where a stone is sunk in slightly.

Rasmus is looking over the party in the room when suddenly his hears are filled with the screams of the faces of the table when there is the suction release in his sinuses, and he can hear again. The loss was not permanent.


Deshe remembers his studies of supernatural experiences with spirits. He remembers reading about haunts and spirits that linger. There are various ways of dealing with them, some are burying bones that have been left behind, others are dealing with what had caused them to linger behind. You aren’t exactly sure what the correct answer is, but so far all things are pointing to this Siduri

As Klaus says Looks like we’ve done what was asked. We found out what’s down here, the bearer of the letter might look to see if he is right.

Antero’s Letter:

To whom it may concern:

A few days ago I hired stonemason Matias Hirvi to do some repairs in my cellar. During the work, Hirvi removed some older stones to repair the wall. Doing so, he discovered a small sealed-up chamber.

I am seeking skilled workers to remove the seal and explore what is beyond. Once the task is completed, workers will be handsomely rewarded.

Antero Kalervo

What does your character do?


You begin to see Sethiel’s face begin to get movement back as it looks as if he is wincing. There is a glow from Sethiel’s holy symbol of Darlen, a rising sun shunning away the darkness of the night. As his symbol glows, this spirit’s hand sinks slightly deeper in as if it is losing its grip.

“She will consume you. Your horn has been snapped before, and has feasted on your marrow.” The wincing changes to a smirk as the spirits arm looks as if it tightens. This causes the glow to flicker. “The unicorn will be paid as tribute.”

With that a vibration begins to occur within the water spirit and as the words tribute are spoken the spirit violently explodes sending Sethiel 10-feet across the room.

(DC 14 Reflex Save)

Make the Save:

You stand firm as a tidal wave of water attempts to push you back across the room.

Failed the Save:

You are pushed back 10-feet across the room as a tidal wave of water gushes from the spirit.

As you look back, the spirit is no longer in the room.

What does your character do?


I need to do a minor retcon. Siduri is a woman, that is my bad. I mixed up what I was reading. This doesn’t change anything you have read up to this point.

Sethiel doesn’t respond, standing lifeless. His eyes clear for a moment and return to the elven eyes you know filled with fear. Struggling against the grapple he speaks; “Help me…” she barely gets out when the spirit’s hand not only grips his head tighter, but enters into his skull where in a flash the eyes return to all black and Sethiel’s body stands lifeless once again.

The double voice once again appears; “This is her tomb. She is a mad mage searching for eternal life. What she has done blow the surface will be the doom of us all.”

The faceless spirit’s eyes seem to convey worry. (Taking 10) Those who have studied history of this down have no recollection of a person by the name of Siduri. If you’ve studied history of the town, you know that Saini’s personal library is very extensive and possibly would show a mage of any power.

What does your character do?


Storage Room
Rasmus looks at the earthen jar and begins to start a little fire to warm water to loosen up the honey. He gets the tinder set and gets the fire started.

Deshe looks at the bones in the container and realizes that the bones are a collection of finger and toe bones.

Room w/table
As people are quickly getting ready to deal with this spirit creature that is currently grappling Sethiel, its hand moves and touches Sethiel’s head. Sethiel’s eyes roll into the back of his head and his head dips. As Sethiel raises his head he looks up and his eyes are black. He opens his mouth and begins to speak.

“Leave! Siduri still roams. He will consume you!”

Sethiel speaks, you hear not only his voice but another voice speaking at the same time an octive lower than Sethiel.

What does your character do?


Room w/table


(This wouldn’t be K-Arcana, so I am going to give you just a straight up Intelligence roll. You’d get a 22 on the roll… that’s still solid.)

You are unsure what this exactly is, but from what the party has experienced this is some kind of undead spirit that is collecting. (Think undead traits)

The moisture begins to collect and form even more into a humanoid form. The creature lunges out in an attempt to grab Sethiel, and is successful. There is a cold chill that moves through Sethiel’s bones. Almost like jumping into a lake in the dead of winter.

Storage Room
Deshe moves into the room and begins examining the boxes on the sagging wooden shelves. In the small wooden box you open it up and see dry grey dirt. You shuffle the box around and it is very fine and loose.

The miniature ornate casket opens on a tiny hinge and it reveals two long, curved fangs. They look it be humanoid.

The finely made small wooden coffer opens up to reveal a collection of tiny bones, looks to be humanoid. (Heal Check if desired)

The wide-mouthed earthen jar opens to reveal what looks to be darken aged honey that has crystalized over the top. It looks like something is within the jar.

(At this moment we aren’t exactly in combat, but we are in rounds. All of you act, then I will act. I will post this time tomorrow and will BOT anyone that needs it taking a safety/defensive posture.)

What does your character do?

GM Stuff:

G: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22


(Erik I moved your token right behind Alistair)

Alistair sees Erik and Rasmus close in behind him. He reaches out to push open the door and it does so with ease.


As you reach out to open the door, it does appear as if you did open the door but you never touched it. Or did you…?

As the door opens it reveals sagging wooden shelves filled with a vast array of rusting and rotting equipment and other decomposed and unidentifiable things line this chamber’s walls.

Stepping in and looking around:

On the shelves you see a lot of things that are destroyed, but a few things are still intact.
- There is a small wooden box, each side just smaller than the length of the tip of your thump to pinky if fully extended.
- There is a miniature ornate casket, roughly 4-inches by 2-inches in size.
- There are six empty glass beakers stand in a line.
- A finely made small wooden coffer that could easily sit in the palm of your hand.
- And a long but shallow box.
- You also see a wide-mouthed earthen sitting on the floor.
- A tall iron stand holding a small iron cage holds the skeletal remains of a bird long perished.

The remaining people in the chamber with the table and mummified man sees something odd. Behind Sethiel appears to be a growing damp patch on the wall. As Alistair, Erik and Rasmus move down the hall and open the door, this damp patch grows to the height of a human man and it is vaguely humanoid shaped.

What does your character do?


Alistair looks over the hallway heading north. Being careful with his footing and watching for anything that would spring a trap. Making it halfway down the hallway Alistair doesn’t find any traps. He looks over the door that leads east, it appears as if it was lazily left open. Whomever went through this door last only pulled it to just as you might loosely pull your bedroom door closed. The dirt and cobwebs in the hallway and around the openings would have you believe that no one had been this way in a long time. As you approach this door, your focus on everything else around you begins to blur and the sound of your companions footsteps begin to fade. (Give me a DC 12 Will save. Only read the appropriate one.)

If you make the save:

You hear one of your companions stepping on a loose bit of stone that chipped off and you snap too. You’re looking at three different options of where to go.

If you fail the save:

Your attention is locked on this door and in the pit of your stomach you know you must open this door.

As you watch Rasmus write on the wall your stomach turns a little as he writes Braal on the wall. There have always been rumors of worshipers of Braal existing in Dulwich, but those have always been just that… Rumors.

What does your character do?


Belfer moves forward and begins looking over the remains on the table whole Detecting Magic. Nothing in this room detects as magic, but as you are looking over this table you do see some light carvings on the table. They were hard to see at first because they are under the body and filled with grime, but they look like some kind of arcane letters. You have never seen anything like this before, but you know there are dark magics in the world that uses the life force found within blood. Your skin crawls at the evil that has been done within this layer. (You do see the spoiler box in my previous posting.)

As Erik leads others north down the hallway you get to a crossroad. The north still opens into a larger room. The east leads to a door that is ajar an inch, darkness is within. To the west leads to a hallway that eventually turns north.

As Rasmus follows the others his eyes turn to the floor and realize that the tracks on the floor are from them. There are no signs of movement or life outside of this group.

Back in the entry chamber Deshe heads down into the cave passing by the torch that Rasmus tossed down into this natural cave area. As Deshe moves forward through this slender natural cavern he realizes that the darkness appears to be closing in on the light that is present. The torch doesn’t throw light as far, and if he is using his Light spell the same thing is experienced.

As Deshe rounds the corner he suddenly hears a child crying. Remembering that Rasmus mentioned laughter, Deshe could think that this might be the same child. It is a girl covered in dirt and grime, her once blue dress is filthy and tattered. Under her tears, she is quietly talking; “no… stay back… don’t hurt me…” Her head turns towards Deshe looking at him through her ragged hair and returns to bury her head in her knees. “Give back my parents… I want to go home…” her crying begins to grow. “I want to go home…” Her crying continues to grow as she stands up. “I want to go home….”

She looks up at Deshe through her hair and he notices that the light source flickers off her fully black eyes, no white or color. She begins to scream as her skin on her arms, legs, and face begins to fester and grotesque tumors begin to grow. “I want to go HOME!”

With that, quicker than any spooked animal, she charges towards Deshe with a jagged blade that he did not see until this moment. She covers ground unnaturally quick, but Deshe can raise a shield to cover himself and put a barrier between him and the child. She swings with the blade, and he sees the blade pass through the shield, along with her hand and arm, and it passes through him. The childlike spectre passes completely through the shield and Deshe himself.

Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 (Not Charm or Compulsion - that's a good time to get a 20)

A numbness tries to move through Deshe’s mind, but he Wills it away. Looking to his abdomen he sees no wound. There are no cries or tumor infested girl in this room. There is a chill in the air that cuts through this cave.

What does your character do?


Things have quieted down and even though he is facing difficulty due to his new loss of hearing, Rasmus is calm and collected. It could come with his age and experience…

In the entry room Alistair sees the dim light flickering from the torch that Rasmus tossed into the natural cave opening. Hearing the flame his as it causes the moisture on the floor to bubble and pop.

(This Perception check must be rolled – it is for in the room with the table & body)

Perception Check DC 20:

The slanted stone to the west, just beyond the table, draws your attention (S on the floor). If you go look at it you will discover that it is actually on a mechanical hinge, and if you were to try, you could raise the stone up flush with the floor or cause it to be angled even further.

At this angle you are unable to see anything below.

Erik and Shep round the table and enter the hallway that leads north. The light of the group illuminates the hallway and reveals that roughly 25-feet down the hall there is an opening that leads to the east and west. Just beyond that the light starts to fail but it looks as if it opens into a larger chamber. (Those with low-light vision can tell it does open into a larger chamber.)

What does your character do?


Earlier Alistair & the coin
Alistair crouches down and looks at the coin where it is/was wedged. It is hard to tell what caused it to be here. The basement levels of this house were shifting, it could be wedged in there because it was a dropped coin and then the floor shifted. It could be that someone wedged it in there. At this point in time, it is too hard to tell. If you pull it free, you see the description of the original posting on the coin.

After the screams
The screams have different effects on those in the chamber; Erik stands stoically, Klaus empties his stomach in the corner, Rasmus appears to not hear the questions being asked.

Approaching the body again, it looks as if it did not move. The faces you saw appears to be hundreds of faces that might have laid on this table over time. It does not move. Outside of the shuffling of feet on the floor, the group’s breathing, and swords being regripped, it is silent down here.

What does your character do?


Based on descriptions, Klaus, Sethiel, Rasmus, Dargys, Erik/Shep, Deshe are currently in the room. Alistair & Belfer are back in the entry room. I am going to move the tokens based on that. If you can, when you take an action move your token based on that. I am happy to move them but I do not want to place your token in a place you aren’t wanting.

As Sethiel approaches the table to examine the person he realizes that time has not been kind to these remains. He is unsure who this is, but he believes that this body has been resting here longer than even he had been alive.

Sethiel Heal Check for Age: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Rasmus shakes himself free from the trap of the past and moves to the present. He moves to gently examine the body (This makes me believe he touches the body?).

Erik and Shep move forward to see if what Shep smelt before was present here too. Shep’s scent begins to smell something familiar and starts a low grumbling growl. In that moment Erik looks and sees it, but it is too late as Rasmus touches the body to examine it.

The body doesn’t move, but for those circled around the table you see the faces people shift over the mummified face. As if their spirits were flashing before it. Hundreds of them, in that same moment those in this chamber hear hundreds of voices violently burst out in terrible screams. It is hauntingly deafining…

I need Sethiel, Rasmus, Klaus, Eric & Shep to all make a Will Save DC 12

Those who make the save:

As the screams fade away you hear those around you shuffling with as they are startled back a step from the table. Even though the screams are gone you are left with a ringing of tinnitus.

Those who failed the save:

The screaming is piercing and suddenly stops. You might move your hands from covering you ears and you realize you didn’t hear the sound of your hands touching your ears. You look around and you cannot hear the companions around you. You are Deafened.

What does your character do?

GM Stuff:

D: 1d4 ⇒ 2


Rasmus tosses a torch roughly 10-ft into the chamber. It easily falls down the stairs and lands at the bottom landing. With this, the laughter cuts off, the hair on the back of Rasmus’ neck tingles as he realizes there is no echo. There should be an echo off the stone walls, floor and ceiling.

While he can see further into the chamber the light is being suppressed. He can see that the cave area does open into a larger section and then moves north.

As conversation moves to who is doing what and going where, Alistair makes a move to open the door to the north. Before he can get there Klaus’ spell is completed and the door opens before Alistair. With the door opening, from the darkness within is the sound of screaming as if someone is in pain. To those who have heard the sound before, it is the sound of someone being tortured.

From the entry room all you can see is that the walkway turns west…

Entering the dark room:

As you enter this chamber the screaming stops and your light illuminates the way. You see that there is a small hall that leads to the west before opening into a larger room.

A bench laden with clamps, knives and instruments of torture stands against the north and south walls of this chamber. A table, sinisterly stained and fitted with manacles, stands in the center of the room. A naked body is restrained on the table.

As you examine the table you see that there are groves in the table. The blood has long dried. To the south west of the table there is a slight gutter that leads from that corner of the table to a spot on the floor where the stone looks to be broken and dropped down slightly angling towards the wall. (That is the dotted line with an S on it)

The body is long passed and mummified. It is hard to tell because of the age and exposure, but it looks as if the flesh had been peeled from this body

What does your character do

Into the Trap Door

As the party moves into this first chamber and begin to move stealthily you take note of your footing, smooth stone pavers make up this floor. In some spots the seams are flush but at others there is a gap where one paver has sunk or risen just enough that it could cause you to stumble.

Something catches Alistair’s eye in one of the gaps. An old gold coin, octagonal in shape, had been forced in the gap between two paving stones. The carvings on either side are worn and illegible.

Other’s of you (Belfer, Erik, & Dargys) notice along the east and west wall that there are two aged and worn in spots, four total, on the ground. They are round and look as if whatever was sitting there were extremely heavy.

The walls are made up of dressed stone. Rusty iron torch sconces hang from the walls spaced to provide bright light in the chamber. Looking at the torches, they are so rotted that if you try to use them the wood crumbles onto the floor.

(Making a correction from within the written module, my apologies)
The southern door is a heavy stone door. There is a rusting iron bar that is keeping it closed, and you can tell from the hinges that it open outward into the room you are standing in. Belfer does not detect any magic on this door, and Alistair does not see any traps but can tell that the rusted bar will make this extremely difficult to open. As Erik & Shep pass by, Shep begins a low rumble growl as she niffs this door.

The northern wooden door does not detect as magic, and from what you can tell is not trapped. But it is clearly not locked as it sits just pulled to but not all the way shut. You could push this door open into the next chamber beyond.

Rasmus moves in front of the cave’s mouth and sees a long, slender natural cavern undulates through the eternal dark of the Under Realm. With his lantern he can only really see roughly 15-feet before the light is consumed. Hacked into the bedrock, the steps before Rasmus are rough and uneven (difficult terrain.) The walls are rough natural stone and the ceiling are rough and uneven that ranges from 5-7 feet above the floor. The walls and ceiling causes tricks to play on Rasmus’ eyes. Possibly seeing something, possibly just the angles. Until he hears an echo from within, laughter. The innocent laughter of a child.

What does your character do

Into the Trap Door

Alistair steps into the small chamber behind the crumbling wall, and doesn’t see anything that is suspicious. It looks like an old stone trapdoor in the floor. What he does see is the rust that is on the iron ring is also on the hinges of the door. The rust makes it difficult to open.

Belfer cast Detect Magic within the small chamber as Alistair is examining the hatch and he does not detect anything as magical.

Alistair has difficulties trying to pull the trap door free from its home for an unknown number of years. Dargys moves forward to lend him a hand. They have difficulties with it but eventually they can pull it free.

Opening with the creaking of aged rusted hinges, stale-smelling air wells from the passage below. The darkness within it cut by the light of spells and lanterns to reveal grimy and dust-covered stairs descending through a half landing. The stairs are crumbling and look to be loosening with age.

Rasmus, Alistair take the lead into the dark chamber beyond the bend of the stairs. Two swollen wooden doors pierce the walls of this long, thin chamber. To the west, a set of rough-hewn steps that descend into a cave.

The doors are to the north end of the chamber and the southwest of the chamber. The cave is the middle west opening.

What does your character do

GM Stuff:

P: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
S: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
P: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
S: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

@Klaus when you first received the envelope, the armed woman said we asked around and it appears that this place wasn’t the first settlement to be built here. Some of the older parts of the town were built on rubble and ruins of older settlements. That can be found here

“Escape room?” Antero ponders over Belfer’s question. “We had no idea this section of the cellar existed. It was buried behind a thick stone wall. You’ll see it, but the stone of this section was much older that the stone near the stairs. The stone closer to the stairs had been replaced when I was a child or before.” He continues on; “It’s not uncommon for cellars of houses in this older part of town to have odd architecture. Every year or so, someone discovers an unknown room, chamber, or dead-end passage beneath their house.”

Antero thinks for a moment; “When Matias showed me what he found I didn’t notice a lock on the stone door, but I could easily lock the door that leads to my cellar… if you think it necessary.” he doesn’t look worried at Rasmus’ request, but it also is clear that he hadn’t thought about the possibility of something behind that sone door that you wouldn’t want up.

Antero moves on giving the group time to discuss the terms at hand.

Rasmus quickly glances over the furniture but doesn’t see any notable marks of nobility that would give him an idea who’s it was before. No family crest or coat of arms embroidered on the fabric or carved into the decorative crown molding.

Time passes and Antero voices that he is coming down the hallway; “I know it’s early.” rounding the corner of the hallway into this chamber; “but I like to always seal an agreement with a toast.” He is holding a tray with small brandy glasses. Not enough in them to make anyone intoxicated, but Klaus’ stomach does turn a little bit upon the sight of the drink.

Antero raises a glass “To the beginning of new ventures, I pray the gods are with you. Suvia bring you luck in the unknown, Kalron offer you strength and protection against anything you may face.” He drinks the brandy within. As each of you take your drink, you realize how smooth it is. The notes of vanilla and maple are present first, but then there is a late hint of orange. It is a treat, not something that would be found at the Dancing Bear.

“If we are ready…” quickly looking to each of those around the table. “just follow me.” He leads you through his house. Each room is just as beautiful as the previous, displaying the merchant’s wealth and taste. You reach a first set of stairs and you descend. “This is our first cellar level. Mostly storage.” Antero lights a lantern.

As you pass through you do see that this is mostly storage. Older furniture, storage trunks, personal effects of the past, and so on. Nothing of real interest here. You reach second set of stairs and at the bottom of it lies an old wooden door, swollen with age. “This one I will be able to lock when I leave you to work.” with a shove using his shoulder the door opens.

Beyond lies a small labyrinthine of rooms. The shadows from Antero’s lantern plays tricks on your eyes. Could be nerves of what is to come, or memories of past explorations. The rooms you pass are empty, and even as you investigate them you see that they aren’t visited much. Dust and grime lie thickly on the floor. The architecture and construction of this lower level are evidently much older than the level above. Here, small drifts of crumbled mortar lie against walls, some stones have come loose, and the floor is of uneven flags.

Matias’ tools are scattered across the floor of a small room. Beyond, a pile of stones lies at the base of a sagging wall. Hidden beyond that wall you see a stone trapdoor fit snuggly into the floor; an iron ring set in the center is thick with rust and dust.

“Here is where I will leave you. Do you have your own lanterns and torches?”

Antero leaves the group and begins to head upstairs.

What does your character do

Antero takes paper from Alistair and opens it up. Reading the letter as if he doesn’t already know what it says; “You all seem well prepared,” eyeing up the extra backpacks and bundles; “how about you all come in and I can show you what is going on and you can decide from there.”

Stepping into his house he motions to an open room just left of the door; “Please, have a seat.” this open room has a large table in the middle with no chairs around it. Around the walls there are padded benches with no backs on them. Once everyone is in the chamber, he closes the door and walks in behind the last person; “Some of you look familiar, but for those I haven’t met officially, I am Antero Kalervo. For some time I’ve noticed a few sagging walls in an older section of my cellar and with word of a basement collapse just down the row I hired Matias Hirvi to do the repairs.”

“As he was removing some of the old stones to better repair the wall, he discovered a sealed-up chamber that had a stone trapdoor. I am not sure what it leads to, my family has lived here for generations and we had no idea that there were subcellars in our property.” Shrugging; “Matias was unsure… or maybe uncomfortable with opening the door and seeing what was beyond.”

Looking over the group; “I, for one, am eager to learn what is below. Could be something, could be nothing. Either way, I will offer each of you 100 gold, which will be received upon the completion of a thorough inspection of what might lay beneath.”

“If you need to discuss amongst yourselves I will head to get us a refreshment to seal the agreement if that is what is chosen.” Antero takes a partial step to head into his house, giving anyone an opportunity to ask a question. If none are asked he heads down the hallway leaving the group in this chamber.

The inside of this chamber might be considered dated, but in the area that it was designed it is beautifully decorated. The craftsmanship of the furniture is exceptional and familiar, locally made and typically only owned by the higher nobles of Dulwich. Possibly pieces that his family has procured over the years.

What does your character do

Dargys’ care and devotion to his friends and family is a characteristic that all who know him admire. As they approach the estate there is still a lantern lit in the side room window that you take Klaus to. Before you even reach the door, it opens and a plump elderly woman is standing there; “Oh there you are master Klaus, let’s get you to bed without waking up the house.” She gives Dargys a thankful nod; “Do some in for a moment.” She walks Klaus down the hall leaving Dargys in the entry way.

Outside of the temple, this might be one of the most beautiful buildings Dargys has been in. It smells clean, and he can tell that Missy, the plump elderly woman, has been baking while waiting for Klaus. Several minutes pass when she finally returns. She grabs a basket off a side table and begins putting a loaf of bread that is still warm, and several smaller sweat breads. “Here you are now. Get home before your own family gets worried.” Not allowing Dargys to reject the basket, this shorter woman forces him out of the house. The door shuts with a clink of the lock and the lantern leaves the window


As Sethiel moves about the Lawgivers Hall gathering his things, he sees Vuokko Laiten (Female human priestest in charge) and Mikaell Tuntia (Male human lieutenant) deep in discussion that is leaving Vuokko looking frustrated. In a non-disrespectful maner she waves the elf on to go about his day.

Before leaving the temple, Sethiel is approached by Marrit Kurikka, a recruit from Languard to the temple that has been faithfully serving for a year. She quietly ask Sethiel; “They have been going round and a round since last night. No one knows what they are going on about.” looking about the room as they walk “Word is that there is a spy among the ranks that works for Wido… I’ll let you know what I discover when you return.” Before Sethiel has a chance, his friend (?) leaves his side.


With the encouragement from Rasmus beside him, Erik moves forward while the troop is taking a break; “Nemia Silverblossom, of the Ashford Silverblossoms. Well, originally from Underdell.” Erik would know that Ashford and Underdell are neighboring communities to the north west on the Old Road just off the Selka River. “A hike?” Nemia seems surprised, but then smiles; “Most men who approach have other motives, part of the job.” she gives Erik a quick look as if she can judge a book by the cover; “I would love a hike. We are going to be at the Dancing Bear for a week. If things are good for Nurlon we might stay on longer.” She hears the elf’s harp and turns to go back on the stage, with a smile; “I look forward to our hike.”

If anyone wants to do anything else this evening please do so.
The next morning at the rendezvous point
Antero Kalervo’s house stands on Foundation Way and his family have lived in this same building for generations. They are a well-known wealthy merchant family that have deep ties in Dulwich. It is a surprise that Antero still stays here. Many of the houses on Foundation Way are in imminent danger of collapse, none are as bad off as the Crooked House.

Once everyone is ready to approach Antero Kalervo’s house
Knocking on the large wooden double doors, the group is greeted by Antero himself. He is a tall, slim middle-aged man wearing fine robes and polished boots. A friendly smiles creases his time-worn face with peppered hair that echo’s his age. Speaking quickly; “Seems the gods thought Dulwich needed a bath last night. I haven’t been out this morning, but she smells beautiful doesn’t she.” he says more as a statement than a question. “What can I help you with this morning?”

What does your character do

DM Things:

%: 1d100 ⇒ 43
#: 2d8 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
%: 1d100 ⇒ 37
#: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 7) = 9

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