Dr Lucky

GM Ryan's page

Organized Play Member. 130 posts (133 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Grand Lodge

Thank you for all your help Alyran, I understand now, I appreciate your time, effort and patience.

Grand Lodge

If I am understanding the XP in my eyes Characters would have a total XP gain of 560 XP for the entire Lost Star Adventure, for a party of 5 Players.

Grand Lodge

So let's take this slowly as I still can't understand this,
If I have a party of 5 adventurers they would have to fight 5 Goblin Warriors to adjust for having 1 more then the recommended 4 adventurers, you said I have to add another Goblin Warrior for a total of 5, fine, the original starting XP for a Goblin Warrior is 30 XP, if I add one more it would be 40 XP total as 40 XP is equal to the party level? Why would it be 20 XP, as a 0 level XP creature is 30.

Grand Lodge

I'm just not sure how this is any easier to figure out then before for XP, in fact it is very confusing. How can level 0 creatures be a high threat level? I mean if I had a group of 5 adventurers, and 4 goblins, that does not seem high threat.

Grand Lodge

A quick question regarding XP gain from creature encounters...
If I am understanding XP properly, if a level 1 character party kills a Goblin Warrior they would gain 30 XP (as the Goblin Warrior is a 0 level encounter), if the character party kills 4 Goblin Warriors are they gaining 30 XP per Goblin Warrior killed, or just 30 XP for the entire encounter?

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Hello all, I need some advice.
I currently run an Adventure Path weekly night at the store I work at, but this has a current player base of seven players, once the Adventure Path is done I would like to run something that can allow more players to play at once.
I remember playing in the RPGA Network back in the day and thought running a living campaign for the store where the world evolves or devolves based upon outcomes of adventures would be a fun idea for the store.
However I have no idea how to set something like this up, if anyone has any advice or websites to visit I would very much appreciate it.
I know people will probably suggest Society play, however I find society play too restrictive and the adventures lack luster, I may use old Dungeon Magazine adventures as weekly or bi weekly adventures for GM's to run and go from there.
I may be in over my head, but I like a challenge.

Grand Lodge

I like all the ideas, but I think death in Pathfinder needs a revamp. If you can just re create a character starting at the same level you just died at, then what is the point? It's like playing a video game and beating the game while you are invincible, what is the point?
If the party knows you are just going to come back, they just hold all your gear and -- there you go, just like you never died.
There has to be some kind of penalty, level wise, mentally wise, financial does not work.
If you can just come back like nothing happened, then all characters should just go all out all the time, why play safe or tactically, where is the benefit (other then to level).

Grand Lodge

Hello All,
I need to advice, I am running the adventure path 'Ruins Of Azlant', and in the first book it stated that if a character dies, players can create a new character and that character will arrive on the supply ship when it comes in.
Here is the issue I am having, do the players get to create another character at the same level that they died, or at a lower level, I don't know how to handle this, I think there should be some sort of penalty to death, but I also don't want to come off as a mean GM.
I would like for them to choose a different class, so they don't just create the same character and just change the name.
Any help would be great, thank you!

Grand Lodge

Just wanted to hear opinions on the new adventure path, what you like and what you don't like about it, please use spoiler warnings where possible. Is it a smooth ride for a GM or are there areas where you need to string the story along?
I am debating about running this soon, any advice or talk would help.

Grand Lodge

Swashbucklersdc wrote:

oh, oh, check this post out:


Chopper was in James Jacobs the Shadows Under Sandpoint campaign...

Interesting, thank you!

Grand Lodge

I am interested in learning more about 'the chopper' that was mentioned in Rise Of The Runelords, the information is intriguing to me, is this an adventure somewhere? I would love to use this in a campaign. If I have to I will make an adventure, I was just wondering if there was one already made. Any info would help.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Question about treasure...When the treasure packages are recovered, does every player receive that item or is it limited by the numbers shown. For example, the +1 Kukri with bloodstone handle, for all or one player?

Grand Lodge 2/5

Thank you for your info, I did not realize the gap in release times. Now I can plan for future events.

Grand Lodge 2/5

How long does it take for new scenarios to become available for play?
I ran the first scenario last week (The cost of enlightenment), and this week I find myself having to revert back to old seasons to find one to play as our store group is only level 2.
Just curious how long we will have to wait for new ones is all.

Grand Lodge 2/5

It is my understanding this scenario awards 1 XP upon completion, however the scenario states that the letter comes with a map and a small pouch of gold coins, but I can't for the life of me figure out how many coins each PC gets for completing this scenario?
If someone could help me I would be very thankful.
Is there a base XP and Gold Reward for each scenario?

Grand Lodge

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Also, the final volume of each path includes suggestions and plot ideas for continuing the story.

Even better!

Grand Lodge

blahpers wrote:
It varies, but most end around level 17, give or take a few. Generally, you don't use the same characters across adventure paths; if you want to adventure further, use a high-level module or just wing it.

Perfect, thank you!

Grand Lodge

As someone who has never run an adventure path series, I have a question, when you start a adventure path series and play through it, what levels will players be by the end of it on average? And are they able to carry those characters over to the next adventure path, or do they create new characters each time?

Grand Lodge 2/5

Thank you for your help!

Grand Lodge 2/5

I am trying to figure out how the Variable Rewards chart works, does it work that after each quest you get the reward, or is it based on how many quests you complete then that is your total reward.
It would seem highly illogical that you would complete 6 quests and only receive 1 XP. Also a player that completes 4 quests would receive the same amount of prestige as a player that completed all 6 quests.
I am trying to figure this out for the group so we can all be on the same page, but right now we are undecided.
Any help is great, thank you!

Grand Lodge 2/5

Nefreet wrote:

It is not Legal for PFS.

Pathfinder Character Traits Web Enhancement

Feat: Additional Traits; Traits: all traits are legal except for the following: Hedge Magician, Natural-Born Leader, and Rich Parents.

Perfect, thank you!

Grand Lodge 2/5

Our store was rolling up characters tonight, and got to the trait section, and one of the players wanted to take the trait 'Rich Parents' which allows the character to get a starting wealth increase of 900 GP. Is this trait allowed in Society play, seems pretty powerful. I looked in the campaign clarifications document and it made no mention of not being allowed to take it. If someone could let me know if this is allowed or not that would be awesome. Thank you!

Grand Lodge

All good points, thank you!

Grand Lodge

Hello All!
The PC's in my campaign have managed to secure a Keep for themselves in an adventure called Base Of Operations. They had a follower, a Dwarf Blacksmith that they rescued in a previous adventure, and decided to make him the Steward of the Keep, to run it and look after it when the PC's are away. What would a fair and just wage be for someone of such importance? The PC's make a good amount adventuring and have already stated that they wish to pay him well. I would like to know a per day wage, I see that there are wages for trained hirelings, but I am not sure if this is appropriate for a Steward. Any help would be good, thank you.

Grand Lodge

Avoron wrote:
How about the cruel instructor?

Excellent, this will give me a starting stats that I can adjust. I am looking to re-create Ichabod Crane, I have added the secluded glen of Sleepy Hollow on the outskirts of Galt.

Grand Lodge

Looking for a school teacher NPC, or Headmaster for a school, can't seem to find anything that really fits in any of the listings. Any help would be great!

Grand Lodge

Thank you for your help!

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Looking for the Grey Gardener stats, if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great, thank you. If no stats are available, what is an NPC that would be close to a Grey Gardener?

Grand Lodge

Indrajit wrote:
The Brigand is the correct base for the shady minion encounter, and they also possess the addle-minded template found earlier in the vampire section. I don't believe you need to alter their weapon or armor choices, but there is certainly nothing stopping you from doing so if you wish.

Perfect, thank you.

Grand Lodge

Looking for the shady minion stats for the vampires, can't seem to find any...was thinking of using the Brigand stats, but I am unsure about if this is correct or not, also not sure of weapons and armor they would use. If anyone has any info, I could use the help please.

Grand Lodge

in the episode it took a ritual spell to start the ice to melt if I remember correctly, so I could incorporate that also.

Grand Lodge

All good points, thank you for your time and advice!

Grand Lodge

lemeres wrote:

Brimoraks are fairly close- they are fire focused demons that are CR5. A breath weapon (a 20' line, unlikely to hit more than 1-2) and a bit of fire damage on its attacks. A bit more goaty than intended, but still fine for a generic demon.

The problem is that they are small in size, which is not quite appropriate for this theme. But we can mess with this a bit without making it too horribly ovepowered.

First, lets just assume that we make this medium without any other changes (but drop the advantages of being small). Then just add the giant simple template- that would give about the same AC after size bonus/penalties, but more HP and str.

Overall, this would put it at CR 6- about reasonable for a level 4 party of 5. A challenge, yes, but not too far out of their league. Give them some prep time before the fight (easy with the set up- give it a round to melt the ice, and the ice prevents attacks prior to the start of the fight) and they should be fine.

Another suggested change is taking away its sword and giving it two claws. This prevents the AoOs on closing in from hurting too much, and lessens the likelihood of a lucky crit.

Another great idea, thank you!

Grand Lodge

Sundakan wrote:

An Ogre Mage (a type of Oni) make a good choice.

At CR 8 it would be tough for a level 4 party, but with 5 people and it as the only creature, it's very doable.

Interesting idea! I will look into it!

Grand Lodge

Hello all,
I once again need your advice!
I love the 'Real Ghostbusters' episode 39, "Cold Cash & Hot Water", where Peter's dad finds a demon frozen in ice (black ice), it turns out to be a demon that eventually gets lose and causes havoc. I wanted to do something similar to this in my campaign, although our group of 5 heroes are just about to reach level 4. I need some advice on a monster or demon that would be challenging for a group of 5, a creature that revolves around fire or demonic would be awesome. Any ideas? I thought of a Yeti (yes not fire), but it would be too easy to kill with our group.

Grand Lodge

I decided just to stick with the Heavy Crossbow, a lot less hassle :p

Grand Lodge

Daedalus the Dungeon Builder wrote:
No, but weapon proficiency would. You'd need to take it once for each type of crossbow, though.

Perfect, thank you.

Grand Lodge

Weapon Focus would fix this?

Grand Lodge

Can a wizard use a Double Crossbow? Hand Crossbow? Repeating Crossbow?

Grand Lodge

I lowered the creature to a CR 6 using the monster advancement tables,
I am not using the full you red dragon stats, sorry I should have been more clear.

Grand Lodge

I actually stuck with what the monster originally was which was a Red Dragon, I used the Young Red Dragon (still brutal for our level), but I am always amazed at what can be accomplished under pressure...We will see how this pans out.

Grand Lodge

Thank you!

Grand Lodge

Hello all, I have converted over an old D&D Adventure - B5 Horror On The Hill, for my campaign, and I have reached the end of the adventure with the final encounter, in the old adventure the final encounter is a Red Dragon. Being that Dragons are pretty powerful in Pathfinder, the Red Dragon is no exception, and a party of 4 level 3's could not hope to take on a dragon at this point, but I would like to have an epic finish that this adventure deserves, is there a dragon like creature that they could face with the same epicness as a red dragon, if there is not a dragon like creature that is good for this could you suggest something else just as epic? All advice is needed. Thank you!

Grand Lodge

All good advice, I will take it into consideration, thank you.

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Hello all,
I have a question, I need to know how many minor/medium/major magic items a travelling merchant would carry to sell. I know settlements have a specific amount, but I would think a travelling merchant would have the same limitations. If anyone has any info or advice for me it would help, thank you.

Grand Lodge

I love your advice, thank you!

Errant_Epoch wrote:

If it's a carrying capacity thing, you could just give them a bag(s) of holding and call it solved. That's more or less what I do.

If it's the need to access trade you could always give them a magic item that can teleport them to a fixed location and back once every {time interval you are comfortable with}. Like it marks the spot they are with a rune and teleports them to a set spot and then when they activate it again it teleports them back to the rune and then doesn't function for however long you design it not to (day, week, etc.)

Grand Lodge

Thank you for the advice!

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