About GM not goblin
Welcome to my games. I hope that we can tell some awesome and impressive stories together.
I am a Human male and prefer male pronouns. I am also a little Autistic - so I can be socially awkward. This has made me finding games to play challenging until I discovered the PFS community, they are cool and welcoming and I was able to play games and even started 2 APs. anyway, I wanna give back so this is the reason I wanna try GMing.
Now, what can you expect from me?
I believe that:
Games are fun! If they're not, let's address that in the Discussion tab so we can make improvements.
The rules are there to streamline the fun. When everyone agrees to play by the same rules, it's more fun. (Notice a theme here?)
Good sportsmanship is key to having fun. Being treated with respect and courtesy by everyone else at the table helps each participant enjoy.
Real life comes first. Stuff happens. We all get busy. If you can, please let us know in the Discussion Tab or PM me if you won't be able to participate as agreed. Having botting instructions on your character sheet in advance can make this much easier to manage.
No GM gets it right all the time. I'm going to make mistakes. Feel free to respectfully point them out so I can improve/correct them as necessary.
Enough philosophy! Now, let's talk logistics.
Posting frequency: At least once each weekday and once on weekends (unless the group agrees on a different plan in advance). If anyone is unable to post as agreed, please give advance notice in the Discussion tab.
Absences without notice: If you don't inform me of a return date, I will bot you for up to 7 days. If I haven't heard from you at that point, I will assume you have dropped from the game and you will not get a Chronicle for your participation.
Botting: Please include botting instructions on your Character Sheet. I will bot you when:
• We're in combat, and it's been 24 hours since your turn was announced.
• A skill check, map position, or other information is needed from you, and 24 hours have passed since that announcement was made;
• You tell me that you will be gone for a few days, and ask me to bot you.
I don't like botting, but I want to maintain a good pace in the game so people don't forget what's going on. If I bot anyone, their actions will be as simple as possible. I won't use non-renewable resources unless you give permission or the circumstances are dire (example: potions to heal dead/dying PCs). I may ask the party to vote on your character's actions if I'm not sure what you would choose to do.