HiddenJester's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Hey all,

I was just downloading my PDF's from this month's subscription drop and I noticed something a little weird about the NPC Codex box file. When I look at the file in Preview (this is on a Mac running 10.8 Mountain Lion) two of the pawns are missing their artwork: Rage Flame on page 7 and Gladiator Champion on page 29. (I list a page here, but both sides are blank.)

I know there are issues with Preview sometimes and the Paizo PDF's so I checked with Acrobat and sure enough the images are present when viewed in Acrobat Reader. I keep Reader around for working with the Interactive Map files, but it really wallows compared to Preview so I stick with the latter whenever possible.

This is not a huge deal to me, I'm unlikely to need those two pawns in the digital file, and if I did I can get them from Reader but I thought somebody might want to take a look at what's different with those two pawns. I flipped through my other Pawns files and didn't see any issues in the Bestiary Box or Rise of the Runelords. Skull & Shackles has the exact problem for Ormandar.