GM Ian |
Obituary Honorable Mention for Geoffrey Chaucer
We almost honored Geoffrey Chaucer who nearly gave his life in the defense of Trunau. While attempting to deal with a group of freedom town orc looters, one of these lucky Orc’s got in a perfect strike with their greataxe across his chest. To all witnesses, such a blow should have cut him clean in half but fate had something else in mind. After the carnage, Mary found that instead of a corpse that he was only unconscious with his holy symbol embedded in his chest creating a brand deep in his flesh; the odd thing is this wooded generic symbol was completely unharmed by the strike. Even odder, when his wounds were healed via Pixie stick hits Wand of Cure Light Wounds the mark did not fade away magic normally would. Upon awakening, he felt an intuitive understanding in curative magic as a result of his near death experience; likely due to another near direct interaction of a great being to spare his life.
Geoffrey was charged and received a critical hit from a greateaxe causing 34 damage, two more points than he could survive. With the expenditure of two hero points, instead of death he received a nasty wound and his holy symbol and faith reduced the attack to a non-life threatening hit. It also provided an excellent chance to add to the flavor of his delusion of being an Oracle.
I grant flavor appropriate bonus traits based on how players run their characters to provide neat bonuses. His now allows him to treat any spell with “cure” in the name as if it was on his known spell list only for the purpose of using spell completion items.
We shall try to write a proper Obituary soon as our hero's make their way to the lower gate. With all of this carnage, can all of our hero's survive and will those that the hero's know in town also survive this chaos?