The Fifth Archdaemon

GM Hudson's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


That make's sense it seemed that if it was able to be applied to the Class Ability it would be a bit overpowered especialy if using the Synthesist Archtype

I'm not sure if this is addressed else where but since this thread is getting so much traffic right now and it's along the same lines I'll ask.

Does the Feat: Augment Summoning effect the Eidolons ?

Star Voter Season 6

Kyros, I like the Whovian theme but how is it Christmas related?

Star Voter Season 6

Yeah I really like the name, I poured over the spell effect trying to match AOE and sound based type stuff and also threw is some nice buffs and a few "Holiday drama" type effects: Song of Discord, Overwhelming Grief,Terrible Remorse, and Haunting Choir are thrown in there to represent how stressfull the Holidays can be. Is it over thought sure but ehh. I am sure the effects could use some more tweaking in addition to more Fun stuff like the Snow.

Star Voter Season 6

Hmm now this is way out there but here you go. Inspired by the Rod of wonder with and AOE spin and a x-mas theme.

Bell of Ag
Aura strong universal CL 14th;
Slot none; Price 24,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs

Description: This miraculous bells history has been lost to the ages it is made of pure silver and etched with ancient runes.

The bell may be used up to three times per day, each use requires a standard action.

*Users with Preform (musical Instrument) with 5 ranks or more may alter the % rol by 5% in either direction.

d% Effect
01—05 Casts Aura of the Unremarkable 10 min (Will DC 15 negates).

06—10 Casts Shatter 20ft radius
11—15 Casts Cure Serious Wounds 3d8 +14
16—20 Casts Gaseous Forms 20ft radius
21—25 Casts Haunting Choir 30ft radius (Will DC 15 negates)
26—30 Casts Invisibility Sphere 10ft radius
31—33 Heavy snow falls for 1 round in 60-foot radius centered on the wielder.
34—36 Summons an animal—1d8 Reindeer

37—46 Casts Sonic Thrust
47—49 Casts Zone of silence 20ft radius
50—53 Cats Overwhelming Grief 20ft Radius (Will DC 15 negates)
54—58 Darkness, 30-foot-diameter hemisphere, centered on bell.

59—62 Casts Wall of Sound (In ring form only)
63—65 Any nonliving object of up to 1,000 pounds of mass and up to 30 cubic feet in size turns ethereal.
66—69 Casts Haste
70—79 Casts Terrible Remorse 20ft radius (Will DC 15 negates)
80—84 Casts Ancestral Gift
85—87 Casts Break Enchantment
88—90 Cure Critical Wounds 4d8 +14
91—95 Casts Echolocation 20ft radius
96—97 Casts Greater Heroism
98—100 Casts Song of Discord (Will DC 15 negates)

Craft Wondrous Item, Limited Wish, Cost 12,000gp

Star Voter Season 6

GM Hudson wrote:

Horrid Woolen Wrap

An ugly sweater item is a brilliant idea. You're right that the fear effect might not come in handy much, though. Maybe we could do something as simple as cold resistance at the expense of a penalty on Cha-based checks? Then throw on a once per day sickening or hideous laughter effect, like "once per day as a standard action, the wearer may show forth the hideous woolen wrap in all its ridiculous glory, afflicting one target within sight with hideous laughter (as the spell)."

Yeah hideous laughter works with the Ugly sweater symbology and probally a better fit in game. Whatever works best,I was just going for a "creepy x-mas" style. After I looked at your party I felt Cold Resistance was a moot point, but whatever you want to do is fine

Star Voter Season 6

Neat Adventure.

I'm new to this so this item is probally not as polished as the one's from Sean but this looks fun.

AlsoI am not sure how usefull this will be with ghosts running around but here is my take on the Ugly Sweater :) (my bbcode sucks as well)

Horrid Woolen Wrap

Aura: moderate necromancy; CL 11th

Slot: Chest Price: 25,000gp; Weight: 3lbs


This tattered colorless vest of wool seems unremarkable until donned.
When worn it transforms into a twisted and horrific visage molded by the wearers subconscious. As a standard action the wearer can cast Ray of Sickening as a gaze attack DC11.

In addition any natural or melee attacks made against the wearer are subject to Touch of Fatigue DC 10. Once per day as a full round action the wearer can cast Fear as a gaze attack.

Construction Requirements:
Craft Wondrous Items, Ray of Sickening, Touch of Fatigue, Fear; Cost: 12,500 gp

Star Voter Season 6

cwslyclgh wrote:
Good Luck GM Hudson.

Thank you.

Star Voter Season 6

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is my first time to submit and after reading numerous threads and listening to the corset creation class I probably still missed something. I know despite my eager early entrée, I gave my best effort, and know with time and practice I will improve.

Star Voter Season 6

This is my first time to submit as well, I have no illusions of grandeur but it would be nice to make top 32. However it make go I am excited to get the feedback from industry icons who are judging.

Still here just checking in :)

Ravening wrote:
Chuck Wright wrote:

My only serious misgiving is the looting rule, where you lose everything if your corpse gets looted.

People WILL form large ganking groups to raid areas with security just for the joy of killing you and making sure you lose your stuff. I'm sure that this will even happen in high security zones, unless guard response is INSTANT and there's no chance for ANYONE to loot your husk.

I raised a similar point and asked about creating a timer on the husk, thereby limiting the husk from being instant looted before a guard could respond to the crime. In principle Ryan thought it a good idea, so I might make its way into the game.

I would be in favor of a mechnic like this, something that states you must be out of "combat" a specified time in order to Loot the "husk" in addition the looting process should take a bit longer then a click "take all" option. This will allow people to "gaurd" our fallen and maybe even leads to an Active Gaurd mechanic meaning I select the "husk" of my fallen friend or ally and select Gaurd so as to make anyone who try's to loot said "husk" go through me first to do so.

Chuck Wright wrote:
JakBlitz wrote:
Chuck Wright wrote:

Paladins are such stuffed shirts! *thwip* *thwip* Who cares how you do good? *thwip* Just do good! *TWANG*

Dammit, I HATE restringing these things!

Well Paladins not only stand for Good they stand for Order. Also since your a paragon of the LG alignment not being LG kinda ruins that.

Hurmmm.. I was simply displaying another "good" viewpoint, not making some kind of weird "paladins don't need to be lawful good" argument.

Hence the bow sounds to demonstrate that it's a Neutral Good Ranger talking.

Chuck, I understood where you were comming from that's why I am still undecided between those 2 role's do I want to be a icon/symbol of good to the world or just I want to blaze an independent trail still good but not in your face about it.. in fact the farther away would be better for the type of role "thwip" ;)

Name: Undecided
Most Probable Race: Human
Most Probable Alignment: NG or LG
Most Probable Guild(Our inner Colleges): Silver Blades or Green Cloaks
How did you hear about GL: Here
Why do you want to join GL: Your idealogy matches my style of play
What parts of GL's ideology do you find most appealing: It's all pretty good.

If you have a RP-background/concept for your character, what is it?:

Not As of yet leaning to Paladin or Ranger

Hope I'm not too late to join, just got back into RPG's after about a 5 year break or so many RL time issues new job, new wife new kid's ect

Found Pathfinder fell in love all over again now the PFO sounds too good to be true anyway what needs to be done I want to be involved.


First of All I'm in favor of an Open world(EvE)environment I enjoy a world dynamic that is more realistic. That being said I have fell victim to many a "ganking" in my day and as troubling or time consuming as it may be as long as my character is not in a "hardcore" setup meaning if I die I'm gone forever then that's really just a nuisance that I came overlook.

As it has been stated the biggest defense we have against that type of play is a strong community, and based on what I have seen the PF RPG’s are very united. However there will always be the person or many as the population grows in game that as they say “just want to watch the world burn” and that’s fine too.

I would like to suggest some dynamic or mechanic that accounts for this type of mentality i.e. having that person as being feared in a certain area meaning not only players but NPC’s would react to them accordingly maybe not being allowed in certain area’s(with out a disguse) or higher shop prices. The hardest part would be how to define what counts as “ganking” so to as not to impact these restrictions too easily. Basically a Reputation Scale.

And on the flip side the player who chooses to go this route will still be involved in the game. Maybe have a Black Market where this character is welcome or at least among like minded players.
I believe this would bring a true morality into the game without assigning Red faction Blue faction type mentality

I also like GrumpyMel's suggestion it reminds me of the Condition Track that is present in some other RPG's IMO it balances out the HP pool dynamic of the race to empty the bucket. I would be in favor of a "wound" condition that would hinder your combat effectivness


I would like to suggest Voice Acting as much as is affordable :P

After Playing SWTOR I feel Voice Acting is a step closer to the evolution of the MMO.

Thank you