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So, my group has just reached what i think is the best of the books in this AP.
My campaign is based on the old Patrick Swayze Red Dawn movie, so much so that after spending the night with the dire wolverine to escape the storm in Path of the Hunted, the party are calling themselves 'The Wolverines'.
All came from Phaendar with backgrounds written by me and started as an NPC class at level one which means because they are a larger party it smooths out the power curve with 'normal' class usually one behind where the books recommend.
Challenges so far where not scouting Camp Redjaw well enough and the rogue getting blown up by the minefield and then separating so far apart they couldn't support each other.
The forts they did well at with only wandering individual party members leading to issue with the Wolf in Sheeps clothing and river monsters.
I've been dropping hints that they need to bone up on the militia system as there will be too much for them to do as a group without looking for aid but really looking for the the Hollow Hills. I intend to run it similar to several 70's dystopian TV shows (think Otherworld) where the farms have a hobgoblin overseer and any form of rebellion leads to crucifixon or worse. The mines having been co-opted for the army.