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8,590 posts. Alias of Doug Hahn.
Doug's Strength of Thousands Campaign SoT (Semester 1-4 Year 4): Map & Reference, Handouts, Macros | Loot | Hero Points Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
SoT (Semester 1-4 Year 4): Map & Reference, Handouts, Macros | Loot | Hero Points
GM Blake's Fist of the Ruby Phoenix Campaign Character Macros | Loot Patrons | Artwork Battle Map Phoenix Fan Obtained Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
Character Macros | Loot Patrons | Artwork Battle Map Phoenix Fan Obtained
GM Tyranius (PF2) Gatewalkers Tactical Map Macros Treasury Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
Tactical Map Macros Treasury
GM Blake's PF2 Extinction Curse Campaign (#1-12) "Burden of Envy" (inactive) 7-8 King in Thorns (Gameday X) GM Wayfinder (inactive) Doug's Enmity Cycle (inactive) Doug's King in Thorns (Tier 7-8; Outpost VI) (inactive) Dungeon Master S's "Shadows at Sundown" (inactive) Gameday XI - PFS2 3-98 Expedition Into Pallid Peril - GM Thread (inactive) GDX-KIT-GM (inactive) GM Doug Henderson’s Malevolence (inactive) GM Doug — Escaping the Grave [Gameday VIII PFS2] (inactive) GM Doug — The Mosquito Witch [Gameday VIII PFS2] (inactive) GM Doug — The Sandstone Secret [Gameday VIII PFS2] (inactive) GM Doug's A Frosty Mug [Outpost IV] (inactive) GM Doug's Beginner Box PbP (Closed) (inactive) GM Doug's Devil-Wrought Disappearance (inactive) GM Doug's Fanciful March of Urwal (Gameday X) (inactive) GM Doug's Fate in the Future [NostalgiaCon] (inactive) GM Doug's Fire & Bone (MoTD) (inactive) GM Doug's Flooded King's Court [Outpost III] (inactive) GM Doug's Foundation's Price (inactive) GM Doug's Fury's Toll (inactive) GM Doug's Guardian's Covenant (inactive) GM Doug's King In Thorns (inactive) GM Doug's King in Thorns (Gameday X) (inactive) GM Doug's Lions of Katapesh [Outpost III] (inactive) GM Doug's Lodge of the Living God (Gameday X) (inactive) GM Doug's Lost Maid of Anactoria (Gameday X) (inactive) GM Doug's Lost on the Spirit Road (inactive) GM Doug's Mountain of Sea and Sky (inactive) GM Doug's Path Of Kings [Outpost IV] (inactive) GM Doug's Siege of Gallowspire [Outpost III] (inactive) GM Doug's Sky Key Solution (inactive) GM Doug's Snow White (inactive) GM Doug's Tarnbreaker's Trail (inactive) GM Doug's The Arclord Who Never Was (inactive) GM Doug's The Fall of Plaguestone (inactive) GM Doug's The Fall of Plaguestone (inactive) GM Doug's The Lost Legend (inactive) GM Doug's The Perennial Crown Parts 1 & 2 (inactive) GM Doug's The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy (inactive) GM Doug's Tireless Path (inactive) GM Doug's Troubles in Otari (inactive) GM Kate's The Slithering (closed) (inactive) GM Silbeg 1-11 Flames of Rebellion [CLOSED] (inactive) GM Thunderspirit's Gameday X — Pathfinder One Shot #2: Dinner at Lionlodge (inactive) GM Tyranius (PF2) Dark Archive Case Files (inactive) GM Tyranius (PF2) Night of the Gray Death (inactive) GM Tyranius (PF2) Night of the Gray Death (inactive) Killer Dough (inactive) Kobolds of the Crowned King (inactive) NostalgiaCon Fate GM Thread (inactive) Outpost IV - KiT GMs (inactive) PFS B4 (Closed) (inactive) Pirate PFS2 B7 (Closed) (inactive) Pirate Vaults (inactive) [Gameday IX] Sky Key GM Thread (inactive) [Gameday XI] Doug's 3-98: Expedition into Pallid Peril (Tier 3-4) (inactive) [Gameday XI] GM Doug's Cavern of the Sundered Song (inactive) [Nostalgia Con] GM Silbeg's PFS2 3-99 Fate in the Future (7-8) (inactive) [Outpost VI] The King in Thorns - GM Thread (inactive) [PbP Gameday IX] GM Doug's Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (inactive) [PbP Gameday IX] GM Doug's Star-Crossed Voyages (inactive) [PF 2e] GM Ladile's A Fistful of Flowers (inactive) [PFS] GM Doug's Down the Verdant Path (Closed) (inactive)