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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Silver Crusade

Maybe the emphasis is that catapults are for stationary or static targets like forts and ports or ships docked at port, where as ballista are for moving dynamic targets. Which means that you could aim it at a stationary space in the path of your intended target by aiming where they are going, but then have to spend the time rearming, as the target moves. Where as ballista can be fired more on the run.

Silver Crusade

Playing skull and shackles and looking for rules for using a longshoreman's hook as a weapon. The DM who is fair and kind, has suggested using the improvised weapons system from core. I however find it odd that stats for a hook hand as a simple weapon, as well as a gaff are available but a longshoreman's hook are not. The first being probably derived from the longshoreman's tool in all actuality when a hand went missing aboard ship, and the second an elongated version of the same tool requiring two hands.

Yes the hook is a tool, and not necessary designed with the intention of combat, but then so was the sickle, another simple weapon, or the boarding axe a martial weapon used by seaman as a tool to cut away line and broken timbers, or even the gaff hook itself an exotic weapon used by sailors and fisherman..

* Note the longshoreman's hook is Also known as a box hook, cargo hook, loading hook, docker's hook, bale hook, baling hook, or hay hook.

"The longshoreman's hook was historically used by longshoremen (stevedores). Before the age of containerization, freight was moved on and off ships with extensive manual labor, and the longshoreman's hook was the basic tool of the dockworker. The hook became an emblem of the longshoreman's profession in the same way that a hammer and anvil are associated with blacksmiths." Per Wikipedia


Silver Crusade

I don't know if you have made it to 11th level yet but twist away is a great way to use your best save (reflex) in place of fort saves.

Silver Crusade

The kinslayer gets slayers brand as a judgement replacement for the destruction judgment at 1st level. The inquisitor can then make a melee touch attack to damage undead for 1d6 +charisma modifier. This judgement unless changed stays in effect during the entirety of the combat. Per the spell touch attach rules, a touch attack is discharged when physical contact is made, and can be made in conjunction with an unarmed strike or natural attack. Does this mean that if the inquisitor is making unarmed or natural attacks, that this damage is then added to each strike?

Silver Crusade

The kinslayer gets slayers brand as a judgement replacement for the destruction judgment at 1st level. The inquisitor can then make a melee touch attack to damage undead for 1d6 +charisma modifier. This judgement unless changed stays in effect during the entirety of the combat. Per the spell touch attach rules, a touch attack is discharged when physical contact is made, and can be made in conjunction with an unarmed strike or natural attack. Does this mean that if the inquisitor is making unarmed or natural attacks, that this damage is then added to each strike?

Silver Crusade

When a Dhampir Synthesist is utilizing his fused eidolon for temporary hit points, does the eidolon suit react to positive energy in the same way that the Dhampir does, "as the two are now one creature". In other words does the suit take damage from positive energy due to the summoners negative energy affinity, or is the damper shielded from the effects of negative energy while fused with his eidolon.

"Negative Energy Affinity: Though a living creature, a dhampir reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it." (ARG)

Please note that this is not a question of how the eidolon may be healed which was answered succinctly in the the FAQ page 80, but a question of whether the eidolon or temp hit points provided by the eidolon would be susceptable or resistant to this form of damage.

While we are at it lets ask another question, is the dhampir effected by his light sensitivity while fused with his eidolon since "the synthesist perceives through the eidolon's senses".

Thanks for the Help

""Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword
Live by the PNP RPG,
& Live and Die Again and Again"

Silver Crusade

Will there be any chance that current PRC are expanded beyond 10 levels, in this book or future publications? As a group we have noted that many PRCs can be fully completed by 15-16CL with entry requirements, leaving 4-5 levels to either return to your base class or start a new class or PRC.

I as a player would rather stay in my PRC till we reach 20th level or what ever level we deem to powerful to plan an adventure for.
