Playing skull and shackles and looking for rules for using a longshoreman's hook as a weapon. The DM who is fair and kind, has suggested using the improvised weapons system from core. I however find it odd that stats for a hook hand as a simple weapon, as well as a gaff are available but a longshoreman's hook are not. The first being probably derived from the longshoreman's tool in all actuality when a hand went missing aboard ship, and the second an elongated version of the same tool requiring two hands.
Yes the hook is a tool, and not necessary designed with the intention of combat, but then so was the sickle, another simple weapon, or the boarding axe a martial weapon used by seaman as a tool to cut away line and broken timbers, or even the gaff hook itself an exotic weapon used by sailors and fisherman..
* Note the longshoreman's hook is Also known as a box hook, cargo hook, loading hook, docker's hook, bale hook, baling hook, or hay hook.
"The longshoreman's hook was historically used by longshoremen (stevedores). Before the age of containerization, freight was moved on and off ships with extensive manual labor, and the longshoreman's hook was the basic tool of the dockworker. The hook became an emblem of the longshoreman's profession in the same way that a hammer and anvil are associated with blacksmiths." Per Wikipedia