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![]() Ok it seems I've over looked something. If the object of an arcane bond is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced after 1 week in a special ritual that costs 200 gp per wizard level plus the cost of the masterwork item. This ritual takes 8 hours to complete. Items replaced in this way do not possess any of the additional enchantments of the previous bonded item. Specifically that last sentence. So "rebonding" erases the old abilities. I should really reread the content before posting. ![]()
![]() I'm got a similar problem. I'm playing a Arcane Dualist (Bard) who has a arcane-bonded shortbow, and I've given it the holy weapon quality through the bond. Now we're posing as evil-doers so the holy weapon could blow our cover. I want to change my arcane bond to some other ability, but according to the rules it's like crafting in all ways except when explicity stated in the arcane bond description. So I can never change my arcane bond? Or can I "erase" it and start over? Or perhaps using the "rebonding" ritual (wait one week, pay 200 gp per level) would be appropriate, but I always assumed that would simply recreate the abilities I had already had in a new item, so it would probably do the same if I rebonded the shortbow. It seems to me I would have to erase it and start over. Any thoughts? ![]()
![]() Something I've been pondering lately: take a level of monk. Then you can do away with any armor, (since you have a high wisdom already) and you get some fun bonus feats (imp. grapple without prereqs.). You lose a level of casting and your animal companion is weaker, but it seems like a good trade-off for a melee-focused druid. And a large gorilla-druid with a shillelagh-flurry quarterstaff in the 3rd round of combat sounds like fun to me. But the gorilla-on-rhino charge is an awsome idea too. Probably better. ![]()
![]() Makarnak wrote:
I would leave that up to the GM, as it seems like it could go both ways. All of the other mysteries with flying revelations get the skill, so it seems logical to give it to the flame oracle as well, but the idea of an out-of-control flying fireball prophet seems to make sense too. If I was GMing I would allow a swap, for example: either fly or perform as a mystery bonus skill. ![]()
![]() Hsuperman wrote: I have another question regarding the Bladethirst ability for the Arcane Duelist archetype... I would assume that you need to be able to add the bonus before you can apply the effects that are equal to that bonus. (for example, +3 for speed) But this makes it a faily weak power compared to inspire courage, which gives pluses to both attack and damage rolls to ALL allies withing 30ft. I'm playing an arcane dualist who just got to level 6, and I'm not planning on using it unless someone really needs ghost touch, keen, or seeking in a specific situation. I'm not complaining though. It seems like a fun ability when you get into one of those situations, and fits perfectly to the class, but inspire courage just rocks. ![]()
![]() Kierato wrote:
Oops, thanks about the Cha mistake. I like hunter's tricks too, I just can't see it being as useful as casting without more uses/day. I can see per trick per day as being too much, but something in the middle would make it more viable in my opinion. ![]()
![]() Nicht wrote:
I agree. Having one pool of uses/day is also really weak compared to spells. For example, a level 11 ranger with spells and CHA 15 gets: 3 lv.1 spells2 lv.2 spells 2 lv.3 spells A level 11 skirmisher Ranger with CHA 15 has:
Almost all tricks are move actions or faster, meaning they get eaten up a lot faster than spells, longstrider or barkskin for example are at 8 hr/ day and 80 min/day per casting at level 11. Also, spells can be changed every day, ading to versatility, whereas tricked are fixed. I would never trade those spells for tricks if I only got 7 uses at level 11 total. |