Abra Lopati

Funnyman218's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

1) I apologize for not realizing my question about upgrading my gear with a specific material was not related to the topic in the thread 'How to Upgrade Your Gear in PFS'

2)That's what I thought he was doing.

3)Thank you all for pointing out exactly what I said. I don't think the GM's an idiot, (No one said he was here, but others might read and think so) but a little more research might have saved a lot of confusion.

4) Why is is so hard to find a decent Tiefling profile avatar on this website.

5) Number lists are fun to make.

Liberty's Edge

Um.. Hey. I had a GM tell me that Leather armor made from dragonhide had the same AC result as full plate, while still remaining in all accounts leather armor.

Now I poured through the Ultimate Equipment and APG to see where this came from, and i can't see it working like that, as it describes Dragonhide making one suit of banded mail two sizes smaller, a half-plate for one three sizes smaller, and a breastplate or full plate for four sizes smaller. Am I missing something? Or was that just a misinterpretation?