Fulmir |
Fulmir wrote:A Buckler specifically says that you can't get the shield bonus in the same round that you fire a bow with the shield. A Ring of Force Shield creates a Heavy Shield of force which can be turned on and off as a free action. Can you gain the benefits of a Ring of Force Shield by turning it off, firing your bow, and then turning it back on again at the end of the round?
I liked the clarification on Blink from... about 100 pages ago but I still have a question. The wording in Blink talks about incorporeal AND Ethereal, so does it drop you straight into the Ethereal plane or does it just blink you Incorporeal and would a Ghost Touch weapon work (something that's never been stated to be a Force Effect and in fact uses Plane Shift in its creation).
A ring of force shield is the best kind of shield for an archer or the like, because yes, you CAN turn it on and off that fast.
Blink is still a kind of complicated spell. In earlier editions of the game, there WAS no "incorporeal" status, really—such effects were considered instead to be "ethereal" or "partially ethereal." With 3rd edition, they added incorporeal as a status, but did a pretty poor job separating it from being on the ethereal plane, and in a couple of cases, that poor wording crept into Pathifnder.
When you blink, in any event, you are not ethereal. Ghost touch weapons don't help.
Sorry this kind of confused things again. Blink says, in 3.5 at least, that you become Ethereal, meaning a Force Effect would hit you but a Ghost Touch weapon would not.
"Ghost Touch: A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus. An incorporeal creature's 50% reduction in damage from corporeal sources does not apply to attacks made against it with ghost touch weapons. The weapon can be picked up and moved by an incorporeal creature at any time. A manifesting ghost can wield the weapon against corporeal foes. Essentially, a ghost touch weapon counts as both corporeal or incorporeal."
If you're becoming incorporeal then a ghost touch weapon would negate part of the miss chance (per the rules for Blink) and a Blinking character could weild a Ghost Touch weapon to ignore his own 20% miss chance for suddenly being (ethereal, incorporeal, or something).
Sorry to keep taking up your time with this one, it's one of my favorite tricks and then a friend of mine pointed out it shouldn't work and I want to know what Pathfinder's intent is. (I'd repost the wording for Blink but it's HUGE, it is however here -> http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/blink.html and oh wow did you guys fix the wording, guess that answers my question...)