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Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


A new screenshot! using artwork courtesy of Redshrike from Open game art

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Hey guys,

I love the pathfinder system, but feel there isn't anything that is even close to it currently (except pathfinder online which loos really cool)

So I have set about making a game that will convert tabletops to PC more accurately.

I have a lot of it coded out, but I'm heavily lacking in the art department, so I have started up a small crowd funding to get past that hurdle.

What the game I am developing is, is a 2D isometric tactical RPG, It will be multiplayer, but not in a massively way (e.g. you can team with your friends or with strangers, but no more than 8 people at once)

I am trying to keep the feel of tabletop RPG as close as possible (using a lot of inspiration from various roll20 games i have played) while keeping things simple.

This is not an actual pathfinder game, but uses the open game mechanics of pathfinder. It is also a lot smaller project than pathfinder online, with the 2d requirements, im hoping to have the clients run on mobiles/tablets and PC/mac/linux(although user hosted servers will be on computer only)

If you have any questions/comments, let me know ill get straight back to you.


is awesome blow usable on bow attacks?