Mind Flayer

Frodric's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks but now I have conflicts out the wazoo. One minute bored the next no time for oneself. Saurdaysare now out for me as I'm going to be spending them house shopping in VA.

Wasn't able to do anything this week sorry, GF had to evac from NC in the middle of her vacation due to Hurricane Earl. She got back late friday and we've been in recovery mode since. I'd be interested in doing something soon but the time this week was shot.

Stephen Marks wrote:
If you don't mind driving to Frederick my group will be starting a new Pathfinder campaign in a few weeks. We play one Saturday a month from about 10 am until we feel like stopping. The players are mid 30's to 40.

When do yo think you guys would be starting this up?

I would consider a spot in game 2. PF newb but log time gamer.

However, druids require a feat for natural spells. Are we assuming wizards are solely bipedal and have hands even in air elemental or water elemental form?

Hello all,

I'm an older gamer looking for a group in the far reaches above Baltimore known as Harford county. I'm interested in Pathfinder/ 3.5 to 1e AD&D but am familiar with older versions of V:tm WoD stuff, Shadowrun, even Robotech and Mechwarrior RPGs. I haven't been gaming tabletop in a few years and am a bit rusty but while the beard has gone gray there's more then a bit of life left in this gamer. Feel free to reply here or Frodric at Comcast dot Net.

Tarondor wrote:

Hi! I'm Scott "Tarondor" Nolan and I've been running D&D campaigns in the Northern Virginia area for more than 30 years. I'm preparing to start a new Pathfinder campaign and need a few new players (many of the old ones having moved).

I'd love to put together a group of six players. We have two now and interest from two more. We're adult professionals ranging in age from late 20's to mid-40's. No knowledge of Pathfinder is required. Some knowledge of d20/3e is useful, but again, not required.

You can contact me at nolan AT erols DOT com.

Sounds optimal for me except that I'm way up near Aberdeen MD and thus it would be a hella drive. Sadly, It seems such a wasteland up here for gaming I might be willing to do it. I'll contact you at your email.