
Friendly Grim Dark's page

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Post necro because "[grab] a wear tiger" is still hilarious.

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Cavall wrote:

There's a save against thread necromancy, but no one has that high of a will save to resist, nor a high enough Fortitude to overcome the disease of rehashing, and of course the reflex save to avoid being dragged back into old arguments is like.. impossible.

Fate favours no one here, friends.

2020. Can confirm.

Necro this post due to needing to work out a possibility I might explore.

I'm playing a villainous LE Inquisitor in Kingmaker. He's monstrous and diabolical but does all his evil in the shadows. As a follower of Zon-Kuthon he serves shadow and pain, and it synergizes with the group as a yin-yan situation. I am the pain our world needs for rebirth. Etc.

Inquisition/Domain: Nobility. This gets Leadership for free at level 8. One level later than the Level 7 prereq, but for free, so worth the wait. It also adds +2 to leadership score which is nice.

Then there is the prestige class Noble Scion which you can get with several prereqs and can take as early as level 6. Noble Scion level 2 (PC level 7) gives you leadership upgraded to Greater Leadership for a free feat, and later at prestige L10 it upgrades again to allow you to take a cohort equal to your level. And what not.

Well, I'd like to take Leadership as the free feat at character level 7 with Noble Scion prestige class, which is how the character fronts to the world. Then I'd like Vile Leadership as the free feat the Nobility Inquisition would net at Inquisitor Level 8 (player level 10 due to multiclassing).

What I'm reading that makes this viable is that the Leadership Score is affected by THOSE WHO WITNESS the deeds that affect the score. So if you're nice to some followers of Leadership, the Leadership score increases. Meanwhile, behind closed doors you're brutal to your followers of your Vile Leadership then that score will increase. Either score would only ever drop if those particular followers were subject to something out of alignment.

I'm gonna try it. It's very Palpatine orchestrating the Clone Wars from both sides.

Here is the situation: I am the only PC that has argued to handle a group of slightly aggressive and belligerent kobolds diplomatically. We spoke and then agreed to leave without incident and return later, though they had their spears readied the whole time. So when we return later, since they are expecting us and they are expecting to have a conversation, though will likely have readied weapons, they shouldn’t be expecting the only peace seeking PC to reveal a concealed pistol and fire point blank in a kobold’s face being the first to attack. Two questions: 1) are the mechanics for this cinematic attempt sleight of hand to conceal the drawn pistol in the fold of my cloak or behind my hat, followed by bluff to attempt to approach and converse, and then simply roll attack as a surprise action?
2) is this something I should ask my GM before the session? Or keep the surprise for his entertainment value? I think he would enjoy the maneuver as well as enjoy stabbing me with spears after the maneuver with the other kobolds.


Cavall wrote:

I'm sorry did you say 12 pcs roster?

You don't need help from us to go hiding in the shadows. You can accomplish this entirely by play.

True. Though the sessions will be broken up so that we will be in 3-5 pc teams. Like X-Men Blue and Gold. And it's likely to get back stabby. Those who play the game of thrones in Kingmaker win or die.

Kaouse wrote:

I'd suggest something like Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor with VMC Rogue. You get full Sneak Attack and Studied Target to help you with damage, even if you don't get DEX to damage. You also eventually get both Stalwart and Evasion, and if you focus on DEX a lot you can have all good saves to boot.

Generally, you want to avoid multiclassing as much as possible, especially on a class with both spells and scaling class features.

Interesting! I shall study this option. Cheers.

Chell Raighn wrote:
for a build like yours, you might be better off sticking to your current build plan. You seem to be relying a lot on archetype features, which VMC doesn’t provide for.

Ah. No VMC for hybrid classes or archetypes. I see. Thanks.

Favored Class: Inquisitor
So. I have a build that is becoming more and more clear. Inspired by Vader and Tywin Lanister and many other dark siders. Designed for a dark playthrough of Kingmaker. Aiming for the leadership role of Treasurer so I can rule from the shadows of the Inquisition AND the Iron Bank. I want the power of Law and Coin on my side. And I want to play as somewhat of a Shadow-Face. My RL brother is my Tiefling PC brother, he's a magus, and we have two allies for certain, two more potential, on a 12 PC roster (so I don't have to do ALL the damage with a magus, an assasin, and a fighter at my side). I LOVE the Inquisitor class and it is a must. I am very attracted to the roleplay and to the potential of a Jack-of-all-trades class as well as the social skills. Damage seems decent enough. To channel Vader, I've chosen to go with firearms (Light saber is rare and hard to use, as are firearms in Pathfinder). Relying on a rapier and spells to make firearms viable is what I'm attempting to build.
My level dipping map so far:
Inquisitor Friendly, of the Torture Inquisition (Urban Infiltrator)
Swashbuckler Musketeer, one level
Trench Fighter, 3 levels
Inquisitor as my remaining levels.

So, my question so far, though I have MANY, do I simply go
L1 >Inquisitor
L2 >Swashbuckler Musketeer
L3-5 >Trench Fighter
L6-PC death >Inquisitor
That build gets me Dex to Damage for firearms and rapier, and then gets me back on track as an Inquisitor at L6. Should I look into Variant to attempt this?
Thanks! Super excited about this character.

Heyo. 2019 and I’m power-noobing my first ever Pathfinder character. Pretty happy with this build: Changeling Bloodrager. Mapping ahead I foresee obstacles in min-maxing. But I’m here for the flavor anyways. She’s inspired by several characters including X-23, Lady Death Strike, Arya Stark and from the Black Company series and Blade Itself series and Malizan Empire series female characters. I’m envisioning blood powers and touch spells and claws and angst galore. Level 3, a few weeks into Rise of The Runelords. So far tons of fun. I am so obsessed.