
Frencois on Paizo's page

9 posts. Alias of Frencois.


Hi Mike, Vic, Hawk and others...

Now the one thing you have to discuss with Erik Mona is how to make sure all those nice new characters are produced in Pathfinder prepainted miniatures before we start playing with them in PACG.

The one really nice thing with RotR is that we had all 11 minis as well as most of the monsters already on the shelves. Really make the game fun to actually move your mini over the locations towards the Ogres and Stone Giants.

So Lirianne or Feiya do exist as minis, but many others do not if I'm not mistaken (Oloch, Jirielle...). Can you lobby a bit with the guy on the other side of the corridor ?

It's a little harder for me to offer him a beer all the way from France.... :-)

Was so obvious I knew I missed it somewhere...

Mike Selinker wrote:
In the first printing of the PACG, there are so far XXX unique cards ... that have functional, non-cosmetic problems....

1) This is a tremendous game Mike !

2) Since you are on your way to make additional 110-cards expansions for characters and so on may I suggest 2 options :

A) Wait 2 months for people to test the last adventure of RotR and feed-back broken things, then add a 110 cards errata extension that would correct/improve all broken cards of RotR. I buy it immediately along with the new expansion ones ! If you add in the promo cards until now that players may have missed (and maybe a few new generic banes/boons to get to 110 if needed) I'm betting you will sell enough of that expansion to make it wothwhile.

Or B) If you still have time, make sure you include in the 7 character expansions corrected versions of the broken previous cards so we can swap that in the box.

Just my €0.02 idea for a cheap way to have all of us forget about the fact that first version of that kind of game always needs a fix.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Actually the only question is:
If we found God's Particle, can someone give me its alignment so I can choose my cleric wisely?

HangarFlying wrote:

Yeah, it's the specter in front of the Karzoug statue: according to the Facebook page it's a green specter that is given to all con goers. It'll be available for sale at gen con and on the web after that.

The thing next to the bugbear is the Shining Child, our final mini to be revealed in the set.

Hoping we poor French guys that are just too far to get to the cons can access these minis....

Well this is the time for the trivia.

Since there is only 65 minis in the set (including the Rune Giant), which one is the intruder ?

The wingy-draw-elfy one on the right of the Bugber Hero (in front of the Young red dragon) in that window or the geenish-medusa one just in front of the Karzoug statue in that window.

You have 15 seconds to answer.

Jiggy wrote:
I thought this thread was about messageboard conduct, not how players act at the table.

Absolutely, but this is very much linked. Players who play for fun at the table very rarely argue, especially unpolitely, on messaboards.

BTW Kudos for the RPG Superstar :-)

The one thing I love about rugby is the respect that every players have towards the referee.
It's part of the game.
And he is here so that everyone has fun and no one gets hurt.

That is how I see myself as a DM/GM.
Sure they are a few times when my players argue about a single rule.
I listen.
Then I rule for the sake of the best fun for all. I explain why.
And I usually have no further complains.

It happens more than often that I say no, especially to rules interpretations that would spoil the fun, destabilize the story or the relative balance of fun/interest between players and between players and DM. Since I explain why, it goes well quite everytime (like anyone else I can make mistakes - if i realise I did one after 2-3 games I feel free to apologize, correct it and overule myself).

No surprise: when we were younger most of the rules complains used to be selfish requests like "my character should be able to do that, should be getting that bonus, blablabla...". Most of the time allowing it would spoil the fun for another player (or the DM). Or it would just spoil the whole story or atmosphere. Worse, most of the time allowing the request would not really give the player the opportunity to add something fun to the game. Once upon a time we had a full argument on stacking bonuses... I end up saying: does it change anything to your character adventures, story, fun... if it stacks or not? End of debate.

We are not playing chess, monopoly or poker. No one should be in it to "win".

don't blame the players (or the DM if he does a lousy job enforcing that rule), but remind them (including the DM if he had a bad day) about the whole purpose of the game.

At some point, long ago, I had put in place a double rule:
A) Rules are NEVER discussed during a game session, only between.
B) A player has a limited right to propose a rule interpretation different than the one of the DM. If he makes his point, good, everyone benefits. If he is denied, he loses his right for a certain period of time.

Worked so well I could remove rule B and never had to use it again. Rule A is still on and actually the players themselves asked me to enforce it to the max so that during session they can focus on their adventure and character rather than on the rules.

In rugby, if you stop playing before the whistle because you know that a foul was committed, you end up losing the game. Question is not whether the rule is A or B. It's about having fun, in a balanced, streamed, well drove game. Or at least that's my $0.02 about it.

DJ-Boogie and a bunch of you are just plain banned for wasting my time while I wait for that awesome next preview on Pathfinder Battles. BAN YOU Paizo Staff for depress me with no new previews on a friday morning.

The Grumpy little soon-to-be-banned French cleric gnome.

BTW, did some of you know that a "BAN" (actually "UN BAN" to be precise) in French means a big round of applause, and by extension a toast (not the butter-bready stuff, but rather the one you give by the raising your French wine glass). That's why I don't feel bad at all giving a BAN for all of you. Cheers.