
Fredrick S. "Flinch" Daniels's page

8 posts. Alias of xXProAudrey2007Xx.


Male Human

Flinch glanced over at Alan, "I don' know if I'm very good at it, but hell, I can try to pickpocket some folks."

Male Human

Flinch quirks an eyebrow, glancing over at Dave, "On some sort of infiltration mission, I guess." Flinch explains, he hasn't really been on a mission in a while, so he supposed this would be a perfect time to get back in the saddle.

Male Human

Flinch chuckles, flinching a bit at the pat to his chest, "Alan, it's been.. How long, now? I haven't seen you forever, man!" He says with a grin, "I've been doin' fine myself, how about yourself?"

Flinch glances at Dave "Well, I ain't exactly easy t' kill, you should know that by now!" He chuckles, patting Alan on the shoulder, "So, anyone but us still around, or is this it? I mean, I've been gone for so long that we've got a lot t' catch up on."

Male Human

"Huh, this shouldn't be too hard..." Flinch says to himself as he switches the computer off and turns to the door, immediately remember something "Ah, right! Right!" He says with a grin as he reaches into a pocket on his vest, pulling out a pair of sunglasses "Almost forgot about these for a second." As he puts them on, he proceeds to exit the room.

Male Human

"Mission control, hm? Let's see..." Flinch investigates further, seeing if he can get directions to mission control, since he preferred to not get lost in the base like dumb guy.

Male Human

After taking the moment recollect what he knows, Flinch lets out a sigh of relief, he's somewhere safe, for the most part. And it doesn't sound like there's some sort of raid going on or anything, so he assumed the best for now, just to remain optimistic.

Flinch turns his attention the computer, he decides to check it out before leaving his room, walking slight over to the right towards it. On a different note, he feels like he's forgetting something, but shrugs it off for the immediate moment.

Male Human

Flinch carefully walks over to his pistols, holstering them first before slipping on his vest and sheathing his machete, "All my things seem t' be here..." He mutters to himself quietly, before evaluating what he remembers.

Smarts: 1d6 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 4

Male Human

Elsewhere, Flinch snaps awake, "Hm?" He managed to mutter as he jolted up, looking around. He has no clue how long he's been out, nor does he know why he was out for so damned long, he just knows that something feels off, he doesn't know what happened to him, but he knows something around here somewhere holds the answers he wants.

He chose to remain quiet, because in any case, it would be best if nobody knew he was awake, for his own sake. He could be in a bad situation for all he knows. He decides to check his person to see what he's currently equipped with.