Combat Gear: Mining Jack; Stationwear, flight suit; Scatter Gun, utility; Welder, utility; Seismic Pick, Light; Mk 1 Personal Upgrade (STR)
Other Gear: Personal Comm Unit, Serum of Healing mk1 (2), Professional outfit
Industrial Backpack: Hygiene Kit; Cable Line, titanium (50ft); Medpatch (2), Flashlight, Fire Exteniguisher
Toolkits: Basic Engineering, Professional[Miner]
125 credits
Special Abilities
Grenade Expert (Ex) You increase the range increment of your thrown grenades by 5 × your Strength bonus. In addition, you’re able to salvage enough materials to create a grenade without paying for it. Creating a grenade takes 10 minutes. You can create any grenade whose item level is less than or equal to your soldier level.
Slotted Boons:
Personal -- Dwarf Adminatance: Existing Dwarf
Promotional -- T-Shirt Re-roll
Faction -- Acquisitives
Social --
Ally -- Preservation of AA-126D (Culture, Life Science, Mysticism +2)
Starship --
Slotless --
Bot Me!:
Opening move will be to throw is Bombard Grenade as early as possilbe.
[dice=Stick o'Dynamite Throw]1d20 + 6[/dice] Range 40 ft (-1 per range)
[dice=Stick o'Dynamite BOOM]1d6[/dice] P (Explode 15ft, DC 12)
If it is close quaters with multiple targets, uses the scatter gun
[dice=Rotolaser v EAC]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Rotolaser Damage]1d8[/dice]F
Few target or no so close quarters, goes melee with the Welder.
[dice=Welder v EAC]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Welder Damage]1d4 + 4[/dice] E&F
[dice=Pick v EAC]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Pick Damage]1d4 + 4[/dice] So
Frank Gulp is a veteran miner almost three centuries old. Born soon after the gap he has been around for most of what is recorded history, but don't ask him to tell you about it, he spent most of that time in one hole or another, mining. He came of age around the time when the Pact Worlds met the Shirren race and when hostilities with the Vesk were fairly strong. Though he stayed out of such conflicts, he would find himself hired out on both sides for long term contracts to mine and excavate ore.
"Politics get in the way of comerse. Don't really care who buys it"
That isn't so he didn't occasionally find himself and his crew attacked or taken prisoner. But war does great things for the advancement of technology and such advancement wants more interesting and rare materials pulled from some far out planet.
Around the age of 80 he married and soon had his first child. Though he it was not uncommon for Frank to leave years at a time for one contract or another, he was still loving to his wife Hilda. Over the next near two centuries years he fathered seven children, four girls and three boys, and is currently the grand father of over a dozen grand children, and even a few great grand children. Not to mention a parcel of nieces and nephews (both direct and "adopted") A few have followed his profession of mining, but many went on to other careers scattered across the Known Worlds.
Frank plans to mine until he dies and since he is too stubborn to allow death near him, he expects at least another century of kicking around. Currently he as signed up for some time with the Starfinder Society. And recently moved to a nice apartment in Absalom station with Hilda. It is just as likely for the apartment to be empty since Hilda will go and visit their children and grand children. Or one of the families will stay with them for a few months.
Outside of digging for interesting ore and rocks, Franks like to spend time with his grandchildren and has become a big fan of Little Star, Big Moon and Diminutive Equine and it is not uncommon for Frank to have a few of those toys in his work bag at any time.