Voll's page

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Ok contigancy spells and buffs are key, but you seem compleatly aware of this. If your going to do the rock to mud thing go with the ceiling so that it coats him. If you are lucky you can blind him. if not power word blind maybe an option. Cover/concealment are compleatly important and differnt. I am sure if your nearly epic you know the basics but the basics will save you. So if you don't learn it. I would summon as much as possable. Swarms may only be annoying to him but if blind they would be hard to kill and could bleed the dragon. How about a fire elemental or two. Does this dragon have any allies you don't know about? Ok I am not saying this to be mean but being an adventurer is a dangerous bussiness I would make a will perhaps something that could be delivered to the other characters to clue them in on the dragons betrayal. Also if ressurection is not an option then I would begin to consider a new character.

The Character I play Voll is a Terra Duar (Dwarven) 35th level Barbarian who took nothing but toughness feats and constatution enhancing magic Items. He is pumped up to over 1,150 hps. In his free time when he is not blacked out in murderous rages (killing only the finest of villans) he enjoys spending his time making jewlery and well crafted arms and armor. Voll is very mindfull of the gods and often prays before flying into a rage. because of circumstantial evidance (mostly the party priest casting spells while Voll prays) he actually beleives he has somehow become a paladin is now the preists bigest defender. Voll uses an epicly magic warhammer and has the feat pain mastery wich allows him to gain 1 str every time someone does 50pts of damage to him. Voll is a beautiful example of why staying the course with a character ie not going prestiege is a better way to go. I really love to roleplay I just made such a juggernaugt because this is not my normal type of character and I wanted to push the envelope. Normaly I would play a thief or preist character that plays a support-role not the tank.

We play D&D 3.5 and we try to stay with music with out vocals
the dark aria by danzig is great. It is a classical styled peice unlike most of his work. Orff's Carmina Burana, Mozart's requim, Berloiz Dance of the slyphs from La damnation de Faust is cool and we even slip in the Episode 1 sound track now and then. there are lots of great classical peices for roleplaying