
Fractured Elf's page

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I dunno. Everything I'm hearing sounds like Piazo's pulling the WotC mistake of 3.5 -> 4e bit...reinventing the wheel of Pathfinder so much that it isn't the same system (a la Starfinder ISN'T compatible with Pathfinder, no matter what Piazo says, lol).

I like Pathfinder in its current form. Can't stand Starfinder, and if Starfinder is indicative of where Pathfinder 2e is going, then I can only hope that a 3pp picks up the gauntlet then same way Piazo did when WotC rolled a Nat 1 with 4e, lol...

Firebug wrote:
You can make an acrobatics check to avoid an AoO for Leaving a threatened square. Tiny critters also provoke for Entering an occupied square, and no mention of acrobatics to avoid it.

But what about the Escape Route teamwork feat? Would that work like Monkey Shine?

Oh I know that. My psycho murder bunny is in homage to Pooky, as well as the Vorpal Bunny from Monty Python.

I know a 5' step prevents AoOs whole leaving a threatened square, but entering the opponent's square also provokes from the opponent in question, unless a feat like Monkey Shine, or perhaps the teamwork feat Escape Route is involved, correct?

The reason I'm asking is this : started a new game where all PCs are noble animals or magical beasts.

I'm playing a noble rabbit Unchained Barbarian (psycho murder bunny). I know combat gimped - it wasn't about min/maxing, but the humorous connotations and a nod to Monty Python and Pooky from Red Dragon Inn.

Since tiny and smaller creatures don't threaten adjacent squares and have to enter opponent's squares to.attack, can they remain in that occupied square? Furthermore, can they 5' step into an opponent's square?

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Grond wrote:
I would point the GM to this thread and see if the GM can help resolve the issues. And if not then I would quit the game. No game is better than a bad game experience.

This. Best chance of salvaging the game. If not this, find another game.

Claxon wrote:
No problem. No hard feelings and sorry for any miscommunication.

Thank you. No hard feelings here, either, and miscommunication can be a pain.

alexd1976 wrote:
Three cards, that's pretty daring. I usually just pull one or two.

Well - CN Fey, no character knowledge of the Deck. Player knowledge - yes. Character - why not? What's the worse that can happen?

CampinCarl9127 wrote:
*Sigh* this is my point. There is not evidence on either side. Each side is trying to put burden of proof on the other, and there is no proof on either side. This is a rules argument where the rules are ambiguous. You cannot win by saying "If you can't produce rules that prove your point, then I am correct". That is a logical fallacy.

Well said! For what it's worth, this wouldn't be an issue at the table where I play. Spell effects that have been made permanent via Permanency are just that - permanent, until suppressed by Dispel Magic or a no-magic area or similar effect. Fighter had enlarge person cast on him & made permanent, then dies? Still enlarged while dead, and remains enlarged when resurrected, unless the enlarge person had somehow been removed from him through break enchantment, disjunction, or similar effect.

Thanks to all who've responded to the question. My apologies if I sounded upset earlier - I was just a bit flabbergasted by the 'this is my opinion of the Deck' responses that offered nothing to answer the question. I know the Deck's a big risk, and am leery of it - most players who've been playing some incarnation of the game do. My character, however, knew nothing about the Deck, and being an impulsive Chaotic Neutral Fey, chose to draw three cards, & and got Flames, Idiot, and Sun. Flames = side adventures, unless the GM ties it completely into his campaign, but losing half of my Int mod on a summoner hurt, so I wanted clarification as to whether my reading of the Idiot card's effect was correct. It seems to have been, so thanks for the clarification.

Good one. Actually, the hit wasn't too bad - 2 points of Int lost - leaving my fairy (as in Tiny, impulsive Fey) summoner with a 12 Int. (Homebrew game, with GM-approved custom races as long as their was significant story elements to them.) Still, with only 2+Int mod skill points/level, going from a +2 to a +1 Int mod hurts.

Thank you, Pizza Lord, for a directly related to the previous comment response. The consensus I'm getting, from you and Bondoid, is that the effect is reversible, since nothing in the Deck's or Card's description explicitly says it is not. That was my interpretation as well, but I had doubts (probably derived from previous edition interpretations) because - artifact. So it looks like a trip to a temple is in order for my character, and probably a quest is in order for the party.

Thank you Bondoid for responding the the question instead of offering an opinion about the Deck itself. I appreciate it. As to why I'm looking for clarification - well, minor artifact. Usually their effects aren't casually magicked away...

Okay, so that's 4 responses, and only 1 actually addressed the question?!? I understand the Deck is not a well-recieved item, but opinions of that nature do nothing to address the question! If this is all I've got to go on, then I wonder how any question not put directly to the devs ever gets answered. Thank you Pizza Lord for actually trying to help!

Sorry, Toblakai. The above should've been attributed to Claxon. Didn't realize someone else had joined the discussion.

Toblakai said wrote:

Ummm....most players should know better. This isn't the instance of a stupid GM necessarily, but maybe an instance of one who likes tempting his players.

The group I play with knows better than to ever draw a single card from the deck of many things.
No matter how many times it shows up.

That is an issues of player knowledge vs character knowledge. Completely unrelated to my question - which is, can restoration reverse the effect of the Idiot card?

Toblakai wrote wrote:
I think your GM must have drawn this card a couple times IRL. Stupidest magic item ever.

. That may be, but it doesn't help answer the question.

That's what I'm seeing, as well. For example, the void card specifically mentions that a miracle or wish spell doesn't reverse the card's effect - they merely reveal where the soul is imprisoned. All it says for the Idiot card is that the card causes 1d4+1 points of intelligence drain immediately.

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Looking for clarification on whether the Idiot Card's 1d4+1 intelligence drain is reversible with a restoration spell. Thank you.