Anthropomorphized Rabbit

Foxwander's page

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There is a question at my game about whether Beastmorph works with cognatogens- specifically with the Mindchemist archetype whose cognatogen ability replaces the standard Alchemist's Mutagen ability. The Beastform Mutagen ability specifically mentions that it work's off "a beastmorph’s mutagen". Since a Mindchemist/Beastmorph doesn't necessarily have "Mutagens" (unless they take it as a discovery) it could be interpreted that they cannot use the Beastform Mutagen ability (which obviously makes Beastmorph a useless archetype combo for them). However, the cognatogen discovery description says it "works just like the mutagen ability" and "All limitations of mutagens apply to cognatogens as if they were the same substance". THAT can be interpreted to say Beastform works just fine with cognatogens (in fact, that is the view of what discussions I've found about it on this board). But even then one could say that it still requires having the "mutagen" ability in the first place, that is Mindchemists could not also be Beastmorphs without taking "mutagen" as a discovery- they could then trigger Beastform with their cognatogens. Although that seems to be arguing semantics rather than the intention which I think is: cognatogen = mutagen therefore Mindchemist + Beastmorph works just fine. So the question is- can Beastmorphs use their abilities with cognatogens regardless of whether they have the mutagen ability?

I've searched but haven't found if this has been answered definitively. I've found that it seems more books will be out come November (great news!), but will they include the errata?

I am playing an Urban Druid in my current campaign. I'm really liking the class- good balance and great flavor, especially for the type of game I'm in. The animated object companion has been especially useful. (I chose a small pile of rope, which equated to 300 feet of animated rope!) But it's spell list, while thorough, is certainly lacking considering the plethora of spells released beyond those in the PHB.

Any chance of getting an expanded spell list that includes the Spell Compendium and PHB2? If not an "official" expanded list, then at least some guidance and suggestions from someone at Paizo? It's a shame to have such an interesting class effectively hampered by a spell list which seems quite limited in comparison to "normal" druids and other spell casters. I'd greatly appreciate any help beefing up the list. Thanks.