Flicker Nicker's page

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So I've been running a Pathfinder for some friends on the weekend for a while now, and our previous Campagin ended reacently and we started on a new one. Their now 8th Level, and approaching the starting level of the main thrust of the Campagin. As the main threat has been the Parliment of Whispers my home made group of baddies for Glorian. They've only just begun to peice together that the Parliment exists, and are currently actully thinking it's probably just the whispering way. The Parliment is a group of serial killers, monsters mostly things like bug bears, spring heeled jacks, sapient scare crows, some undead and outsiders. I have created several of their membership using the N'agathu template as a form of extensive biomodifcations. Sorry for the background but well just trying to clear this up. The issue is their main on the ground troops are indeed serial killers, spree killers, and the like. While the Serial Killed arctype for vigilante fits some of them. I've been struggling with correctly themed but diverse enemies for this final stretch before I can break out the big guns. I've mostly been useing criminal minds as my drawing board I will note. Any ideas for some creative serial killer builds with either a player race or low tweir monsters, and any bigger critters you think could fit without seeming to impossibly exotic? CR limit at about 10. A little highhers okay though more ideas the better.