
Flamel's clockwork doorman's page

3 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Flamel's clockwork doorman returns to its post by the front door....

A second clockwork servant enters the salon with a tray laden with sweet meats, crusty baguettes, a wheel of cheese with a knife stuck in it, and a stack of plates. It sets the tray down on a central table, bows to Flamel and to each of The Lusty Fools, and then moves to stand beside the door it came in through, awaiting further orders....

In metallic French: Please come inside and make yourselves comfortable! The master shall be with you shortly....

The clockwork doorman ushers the party into Flamel's house, leading them to a salon where several cushioned chairs are arranged in a semicircle before a fireplace (currently unlit, as it is early Summer and warm outside). Side tables beside each chair hold carafes of red wine and goblets.

Help yourselves to wine, if you please.... I shall go and inform Master Nicolas that he has visitors!

The clockwork doorman leaves the room to go and find its master....

Following Father Renaud's directions, the party sets out from Notre Dame cathedral, crossing the bridge from Isle of the City to the district of Paris through which runs Rue Montmorency.... It takes them less than an hour to locate the three-story, blue-and-red townhouse with gold leaf shingles marked #52 Rue Montmorency, the home of the renowned alchemist and scribe, Nicolas Flamel....

The door is answered by a clockwork servant fashioned of wood and brass! The automaton speaks in a buzzy, metallic voice....

In metallic French: Welcome to the house of Flamel.... How may I be of service?