
Dunganagar the RAGING Mad!'s page

1 post. Alias of Peet.

Full Name



Dwarf Barbarian 1 | HP: 17/15 + 2| AC: 10, TAC: 6, FFAC 10, CMD: 14 | Fort: +7, Reflex: -2, Will: +4 (+2 vs poison, spells) | Perception: +6, S.M.: +8 | Init.: -2

Strength 21
Dexterity 7
Constitution 20
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 7

About Dunganagar the RAGING Mad!

"You callin' me short? I'll tell you what's gonna be short - your life!"

Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

(non-raging version)



HP: 17 (1d12 + 5 CON = 12 + 5)
AC: 10 (+4 armor, -2 DEX, -2 RAGE)
Saves: F: +7, R:-2, W: +4 +2 vs. poison, spells, or SLAs
BAB: +1 CMB: +6 CMD: 14
Initiative: -2
Move: 30 feet


Melee:(+5 STR, +2 BAB)
+5 Large Mwk Cold Iron Dwarven Double Waraxe (2d8+7) x3
+6 Greatclub (1d10+7)
+6 Spear (1d8+7) x3
+6 Sap (1d6+5) x2 nonlethal
+6 Gauntlet (1d3+5) x2
+6 Spiked Gauntlet (1d4+5) x2
+6 Wooden Stake (1d4+5) x2

Ranged: (-2 DEX, +1 BAB)
-1 Spear (1d8+7) x3, 20 feet
-1 Wooden Stake (1d4+5) x2, 10 feet

Combat Gear: (65 gp, 91 lbs.)
Large Masterwork Cold Iron Dwarven Double Waraxe free (trait), 32 lbs.
Greatclub 5 gp, 10 lbs.
2 x Spear 4 gp, 12 lbs.
Sap 1 gp, 2 lbs.
Spiked Gauntlet 5 gp, 1 lb.
Scale Mail 50 gp, 30 lbs. -4 ACP
4 x Wooden Stake free, 4 lbs.
Gauntlet (part of Scale mail)


* Signature Moves - Social (Start with MW weapon and +1 to intimidate while holding it)
* Insular (Dwarf) - Race (+2 to sense motive, + class, -1 to Diplomacy vs. non-dwarves)

Feats & Rage Powers:
1st level: Fey Foundling

Feat & Power Plan:

1. Fey Foundling
2. Rage Power: Reckless Abandon (DR 1/-)
3. Power Attack
4. Rage Power: Superstition +3 (2 + 1/4 level) to saves vs. spells while raging, must make saves vs. harmless spells (DR 2/-)
5. Extra Rage Power: Witch Hunter +2 (1 + 1/4 level) to attack and damage against creatures with spells or SLAs.
6. Rage Power: Spell Sunder (DR 3/-)
7. Vital Strike
8. Rage Power: Improved Damage Reduction (DR 5/-)
9. Devastating Strike
10. Rage Power: Improved Damage Reduction (DR 7/-)
11. Improved Vital Strike
12. Rage Power: Improved Damage Reduction (DR 9/-)
13. Dazing Assault
14. Rage Power: Come and Get Me (DR 10/-)
15. Extra Rage Power: Quick Reflexes
16. Rage Power: ?
17. Greater Vital Strike


The barbarian's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Adventuring Skills:
(4+INT/level +1 FCB = 5 ranks)

Climb: +6 (1 rank, +5 STR, +3 class, -3 ACP)
Intimidate: +2 (1 ranks, -2 CHA, +3 Class) or +3 when holding waraxe (trait)
Perception: +6 (1 rank, +2 WIS, +3 Class)
Sense Motive: +8 (1 rank, +2 WIS, +3 Class, +2 Trait)
Survival: +6 (1 rank, +2 WIS, +3 class)

Background Skills:
(2/level = 4 ranks)

Knowledge (history): +1 (1 rank, +0 INT) or +3 for facts about dwarves and their enemies (+2 race)
Profession (mercenary): +7 (1 rank, +2 WIS, +3 class)


Miscellaneous gear:
free Cold Weather Clothing
_2 gp Backpack 2 lbs

+ Combat Gear 65 gp, 91 lbs.

Carrying Capacity 260 lbs.