Firsttimeplayer's page

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I do not know, all i know is we entered a hide out and everyone died springing 10 magical traps in the first room killing everyone

Alright thank you, they just told me what the rest of the team is now a fighter, a barbarian a Fighter and a fighter.

Hi, My friend Dave has invited me to play pathfinder he has told me to have a level 8 character ready for the game but i have never played pathfinder or any form of dungeon and dragon before.

I really don't know what i should play or what would suit my style or even how to make a character.

I told Dave this so he let me look at his core rule book for an hour when he was over and said that all the time i need to know how to make a character but i barely got through chapter 1 in that time so i only have the very faintest idea on what going on.

But i did remember the name on the book, so i searched pathfinder on here and found this site. Perhaps i could get some help.