Is that sweet 3D Dragotha's lair created by sobusTooms still being passed around? What ever happened to it? My group is about to face the dracolich in a few weeks and it would be a very cool surprise for my players to face off against such an epic foe in that cool model. I saw that there was trouble several months ago tracking it down for some posters, but I just figured it was worth trying again? Has it resurfaced? Who has it now?
Cosmo wrote:
Awesome! Thanks for the prompt remedy. You guys rock! -Chris
Fatespinner wrote:
That is what the Vitriolic Blast eldritch essence is for. Bypass that pesky SR altogether. As long as the creature isn't resistant or immune to acid as well, you are good to go.
As I take my group into the last 4 adventures of the Age of Worms, I realize that my seemingly impressive figure collection is becoming less and less useful. I just don't have the number of dragon's and giants required to run a proper looking King's of the Rift and the final battle in the Rift Canyon dream sequence in Library of Last Resort will not be nearly as impressive when I have a bunch of human soldiers standing in for half of the Swords of Kyuss. I think it's time for me to transition (or at least supplement) to a 2D figure system. I have heard in several places on these messageboards that people have had success with printed out monster tokens and the like, but I can't find any of the products in the store for the life of me and I can't seem to dig up any of the boards where they were talked about. I have a pretty nice color printer and I think this is the way to go for me and my group, especially with our limited budget nowadays. Any suggestions?
BlackFalconKY wrote:
I like that. But not as craft points anymore. I think I will change the name (I know, I know... it's just a name) to something like Raw Magical Energy or Magic Pool or something like that. It is the extra pool of energy that surrounds a spellcaster that can be harnessed for use in crafting or powerful spellcasting. And you're right... when it's gone it's gone. At least until you acheive that next level and you dig deeper and find another well of power to be tapped.
I really love the idea of abolishing XP from my Age of Worms campaign... and I really like the Death and Level draining rules you have come up with... My only question is what do you do about XP to cast spells like Wish. I know I saw a variant rule somewhere but do you have a system that works for you?
Xellan wrote:
That seems to work very well for my group as well. No one has a problem contributing to the collective pot of XP because inevitably they will want the wizard's services sooner or later. So we have everyone in the party contribute an equal share of the XP for every item created. This may be a little far from the original spirit of the item creation feats, but it works to keep everyone on par level wise. The last thing our group needs as they travel through the AOW is for the group's wizard to lag behind in ability.
Just played our first session last Saturday. Everyone had a blast. All lvl 1's
They survived their first encounter with the face and the swarm, but barely. They are currently licking their wounds back in town. We continue on this Saturday...can't wait... |