
FiremanTim's page

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Yes, so much potential. The setting reminds me of the old Keep on the boderlands. Even a half dozen dungeons with back story would be awesome and could be published as a campaign for the BB.

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I have been making 'One Page Adventures' using Dyson Logos's fantastic dungeon maps for use with the PFBB.

My latest is a Lvl 2-3 adventure called the Lair of the Serpent Lord.

My other adventures include:

The Mines of Kazak Kuln
The Tomb of the Sorcerer King
The Tomb of Pellen Tor
Black Fang's Demise

I also made an adventure for Ruins of Raven's Watch.

PM me your email if you want a PDF Copy.

For more of Dyson's awesome maps, visit http://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I did some more work on this adventure and will offer it to anyone who wants a copy.

Just PM me your email address and I'll send you the PDF.