Jamus Hainard

Fippin Shadowfoot's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 5 posts (6 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Don't forget with Jade Regent you get Vikings, too! And Yetis!

No problem! Also don't forget that sometimes characters at the same location get "collateral damage" from monsters or barriers and are forced to discard cards. If they are not healed before their turn, it is possible to start a turn with ZERO cards. That's happened a time or two when I play. Adds to the excitement!

aDzDooM wrote:
Hi very small question. If i play a blessing card to add a die to anothers check, do i essentially start my turn 1 card down or do i reset hand when their turn finishes? Ty in advance

You are down a card. But don't forget other players can give cards at the beginning of their turns, so it's even possible to start your turn with MORE than your hand size - you just will need to reset at the end of your turn

My husband and I just finished Approach to Thistletop, and it was probably the most exciting game we played yet. We defeated Gogmort on the very last card in the blessings deck!

We played Ezren, Valeros, Kyra and Merisiel. Here are a few high points:

Scenario specifics:

1) The scenario mechanism of buffing all goblins made it much more challenging

2) We would have lost without Kyra's use if the Holy Candle - gave us 4 more turns

3) Having to defeat the Bandit on every turn at the Guard Tower really zapped our resources

4) The final encounter with Gogmort was in the Goblin Fortress after we turned over our final blessing. We rolled a 3 on the d4, plus the 2 for location made the final checks to defeat a 15 and a 17! Merisiel handled the first with her Deathbane Crossbow +1 and Ezren took the second with Lightning Touch (both buffed by blessings) The last die rolls were very stressful, but we were victorious

I had hoped the PACG would have the feel if the RPG. Today it sure did! We felt on top of the world. Now on to Thistletop Delve!

Hilvar wrote:

A little help here please

The add on deck is listed as out of stock/unavailable.

Is Paizo planning for a re print because at the product schedule haven't seen anything and from the little i have searched through the messageboard i haven't found something.

Thank you

I just looked and was able to add it to my cart. It does say the non-mint version is "unavailable" but you should still be able to order a mint copy.