
Fionn Oighiríg's page

102 posts. Organized Play character for CromoftheBloodhammer.

Full Name

Fionn Surtova





Hp 17/17 Ac:20_T:12_FF:18 Perception +1, Initiative +4 F +5 R+2 W+1 CMB + 6 CMD = 16 Speed:30







Strength 18
Dexterity 15
Constitution 15
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 20

About Fionn Oighiríg


Name Fionn Oighiríg
Cavalier/Emmisary level 2 (skill points 12) Shield
(Order of the Lion )
Init +4; Senses Low-light Vision; Perception +7
AC 20, Touch 12, flat footed 18 ( Breastplate, Shield, heavy steel)
(+2 Dex, +6 armour, +2 shield)
hp 17
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Immunity to sleep, Resistance to Enchantment +2sv
Speed 30
Melee -
Single Attack Sword, bastard +6 (1d10+4)
Bijalanza (Lightning Lance) +8 (1d8+7 + 1d6) (x2 from Horseback 1d8+4 + 1d6)
or Shortbow, +4 1d6
Full Attack -
Sword, bastard +6 (1d10+4)
Bijalanza (Lightning Lance) +8 (1d8+4 + 1d6) (x2 from Horseback)

or Shortbow +4 (1d6 X3) range 70
Space 5ft.; Reach 5
Special Attacks
Challenge (Ex) +1 damage per level against one foe (-2 AC against other foes). Per day = 1
Lion Challenge Receives a dodge bonus to his AC against attacks made by the challenged. Bonus = 1
Lions Call (Ex) As Standard Action allies in 60ft a comp bonus on fear saves equal to his CHA mod and a +1 bonus to attack
Mounted Combat: Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as an immediate action) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.

Str 18, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Chr 20
Base Attack 2 CMB 6; CMD 18

Exotic Weapon Prof. Bastard Sword (from Ancestral Arms)
Weapon focus: Lance

Bluff: 5 ability + 1 ranks + 3 trained = 9
Diplomacy: 5 ability + 2 ranks + 3 trained = 10
Handle Animal: 5 ability + 2 ranks + 3 trained = 10
Intimidate: 5 ability + 1 ranks + 3 trained = 9
Knowledge Nobility: 2 ability + 2 ranks + 3 trained = 7 (from Order of the Lion)
Knowledge Local: 2 ability + 1 ranks + 3 trained = 6 (" ")
Ride: 2 ability + 2 ranks + 3 trained = 7
Sense Motive: 1 ability + 1 ranks + 3 trained = 5

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, and Goblin (to insult his foes ;))

In or Out of the Saddle: Movement speed is normal even in medium armor.
Mount (Ex) Gains a loyal steed, functions as a druid animal companion.

Bastard = Benefit You take a –1 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks made when dealing with members of Brevic nobility but gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves as a result of your stubbornness and individuality. (The penalty aspect of this trait is removed if you ever manage to establish yourself as a true noble.)
Elven Reflexes= Benefit You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Favored Classes: Cavalier and Ranger

Mount Crunch:

Arabian Mare N Large animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6
Defense: AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 18 (+5 Armor(Scale Armor, +4 Nat., +2 Dex, –1 size);
hp 26 (3d8+9)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1
Offense: Speed 50 ft.; Melee 2 hooves –2 (1d4+1); Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Statistics: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, RunB
Skills Perception +6


It was dark and quiet across Brevoy as Lord Surtova strode the halls of his keep, his long, powerful stride echoing off the walls. He came upon the guard he had ordered to take him to the boy.
"Are you ready to see the child, M'lord?"
"Lets get this over with," was the gruff response.
"I must warn you... The rumors are true.. Could be a counterpart.."
The lord sighed and put his head in his hands, rubbed his eyes and said "Lets just be done with this dark business.."
The houseguard spun on his heels and led the lord to the servants quarters.

The quarters were dark and dismal, as these places tend to be. They headed to the back, to the room of Ariendel, the most beautiful of the elven handmaidens in the keep. She lay in her quarters, still wrought with strain of childbirth, still as beautiful as ever. She held the child at her breast for feeding, and shifted her eyes to the door once it opened.
"Muh... M'lord.." she stuttered.
"Let me see the child," the lord responded.
She shied away for a moment, but quickly realized it would be better to do as asked. Ariendel peeled the child away from her breast, and wondrously, it did not cry. She held the child out to Surtova, and he let out a deep sigh. He could already see.
He crooked the child and took a look at hims. The child was the spitting image of his first born, but this one had pointed ears. The lord shook his head, and Ariendel began to sob. She knew what lords did with their bastards..
"Please, M'lord... Let me keep the baby," she pleaded.
The lord shot her a stern gaze, and she quieted her sobbing to the best of her abilities. He cradled the child and thought long and hard.
"You must go..." he started.
"M'lord!" she cried.
"You must go!" he shouted at her, "and take the child. I will send you with money. Make the boy a knight. Fearless. Strong. When he is a man grown, send him back to me. I will try to give him a good life.."
Tears of sorrow turned to tears of joy.
"Yes M'lord! Thank you!" she exclaimed through the tears, "Desna bless you!"
He held up his hand to her, and silently left the room...


That night the beautiful elf Ariendel left the keep with a pouch of gold, a letter, and the babe at her breast. She spared a final glance at the keep, searching the battlements and windows for a final glance at the unfortunate love of her life....


“M’lord! There is the most beau.... An elf woman. She bears the seal of Surtova and an infant.. And she wishes to have your audience.”

Lord Lebeda looked up from his papers with slight interest at the herald,
“What does she need?”
“She has a letter, and a dowry”
This sparked the lords interest, “Show me the letter.”
The guard stepped out for a moment,and returned bearing the letter and the gold.
“Tis a hefty sum M’lord. She insisted that I bring it to you, as a show of good faith.”
The lord received, and inspected the weight of the pouch, “Hefty indeed...” then the contents. The pouch was indeed filled with gold. His eyebrows raised in astonishment. He inspected the letter, wondering why an elf with a baby had so much wealth, let alone the seal of Surtova. He split the seal and eyed the letter. His eyes widened and a grin grew across his face.
“A lover and a bastard, eh?” the lord mumbled.
“What, M’lord?”
“Nothing!” the lord burst forth from his chair and headed toward the foyer.
He opened the doors himself in a flourish and greeted the handmaiden, and shuddered at her beauty.
“Wu.. Welcome! I understand that you would like a position in my castle! Please, come share my meat and wine and we will find a place for you and your boy!”
“M’lord! You are too gracious.. Thank you, m’lord, thank you..”

- - - - - -

At the age of 5, Fionn was instituted in training to be a knight[cavalier] under the tutelage of Uskad Glaster, Knight of Lebeda. Training was brutal, and the knight (as a jest at first) made him train with a Bastard sword. The young half-elf took this in stride and, eventually, learned to master the blade. Training went well, and Fionn caught on quickly. He showed much strength in combat, but even more in the courts. Everything was going quite well, and even Uskad was growing fond of the little bastard. At the age of six, Fionn lost his mother to dysentery. She fought hard with the thoughts of her son first and foremost in her mind, and with the dreams of Sutrova in her heart..
After that he wandered the halls of Lebeda castle at night and all hours of the day, truly lost, not having anyone to take care of him. The servants adopted him in his young years, of sorts, but nothing really filled the void of his mother. Until he got his mount, I-Aruka.

--- Meeting I-Aruka
It was a bright day, and the hills and terraces of Breyvoy shone like diamonds. Fionn walked the grounds of the stables, dreaming of one day owning his own horse, when he came across the keeper trying to break a mare. This was a particularly ornery horse, and the process wasn't going well. The mare, however, was the most beautiful horse Fionn had ever seen, and this sparked his interest.
“Sir, who does this horse belong to? If you don’t mind me asking.” Fionn inquired.
“This horse? He belongs to no man, as you can see. This horse is to be put down if I can’t break him today, by order of Lord Lebeda. This irritable bastard can’t be tamed.”
irritable bastard
These words resonated in Fionns heart and mind. A memory of his mother welled up in his mind, the song she used to sing to him when he would get sick, when he skinned his knees. The song she sang to quiet him the night she passed away. Instinctively, he started to sing the song, without a second thought. He climbed the fence and headed towards the horse. The mare shoved the keeper away, and snorted at Fionn. He kept singing the song, and the horse began to calm, and trot slowly towards Fionn. He put his hand on the horses snout(?), and petted it. The horse responded fondly, and the keeper was astonished.
“Boy, if you can keep this up while I get the lord, the horse is yours.”
“I will call him I-Aruka, the swift.”
“A beautiful name, boy...”


In later years, Fionn took to the courts, melee, and competitions. Fionn ended up earning much renown for his prowess for his melee skills single handing a bastard sword, and his lance skills became legendary. During a jousting competition in Brevoy, he was awarded the prestigious title Fionn of the Lightning Lance, and also given The Bijalanza, a weapon made by the wizards in brevoy for the winner of the competition.


Fionn was called to court to help protect a relation of House Lebeda, being of the renown and vigor he is. On his way to the court, he was stopped by his old mentor Uskad, who presented him with a breastplate, some gauntlets, boots, and a helm wrought in the fashion of a Swan, the symbol of House Lebeda. All castle forged, and beautiful.. Fionn fell into tears at the kindness of his old mentor, and thanked him dearly.


Fionn is 5'11", black haired, and blue eyes.
Gaunt face, reflecting that of the lord Surtova. Pointed ears that he brandishes proudly, slender muscular build. Normal clothes are Blue pants, black knee high boots, and a white tunic (legend of zelda style tunic)

I-Aruka is a pure white horse, with an almost silver mane and tail. I-Aruka is outfitted in chain armor.

Bastards Blade,
Short Bow
Bijalanza, the lightning lance,
Travel clothes,
Cavaliers kit,
1 pound of pipeweed,
18 gold, 4 silver