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![]() Hey I just started running the adventure in Dungeon 117 where the PC's storm the fort in Istivin against the Giants. Along the way, the PCs run into a character named Mad Amos, which I enlarged and made an ally. While I was drawing up his stats I noticed a couple of things: in the feat section, what do the little B superscripts mean? also, I think they have his attack incorrect. He has two weapon fighting, a BAB of +9, STR +2, a longsword +1 with weapon focus. That adds up to +13 which is what they have for his attack and full attack, my problem is shouldnt his full attack with two weapons be at -2 for all three attacks? They dont have this and im wondering if im misreading something. Anyone noticed this? ![]()
![]() I have to agree Robert! Looking at the bookcase in my room, I have probably a hundred issues of Dragon certainly dating back to the introduction of 3.0. I KNOW there are hundreds or useful things from the first rage mage introduction to useful spells and cantrips nestled in those pages, but unfortunately, Dragon is becoming a leviathan too large for me to manage any use out of it. As it stands, if it isnt something that was released in a couple of issues, I am too overwhelmed to remember where it is, and, frankly, get no use out of something that would otherwise be useful. I have tried in the past to make my own database of material in each issue, but I lost sight of the goal interfering with work and all.... I second your proposal and would love to see/hear a reaction from Mr. Mona and/or the staff ![]()
![]() Im getting ready to play a little later on today and I came on the paizo site because I thought it was easier than thumbing through my stacks of old dragon issues. I intended to do a search for Giant Society, hoping to grab a few hits so I can narrow my search down. I can't seem to perform that search. Wasnt there a search engine on here that allowed you to put in a keyword and it would give you a few issues in Dragon that seemed relevant? Id its gone, thats a real bummer. Does anyone know of an issue in the last two or three years taht deals with Giant society or ecology? ![]()
![]() Matthew Sernett wrote: Dragon #299 had tournament rules. You might try checking that issue out if you have it. If you don't, I think it's available as a back issue. Thanks a ton, Matthew. I do have that issue, and after I dug it out on your advice, I do believe its exactly what I was thinking of! You and the entire Paizo staff are indispensible! ![]()
![]() Tristan wrote:
Thats all and good but that doesnt ship for 1 to 2 months and my session is this weekend, although I do appreciate the help. ![]()
![]() One of the things I always find lacking in high adventure modules is, like Squid said, the presence of good dragons that the PCs get to interact with. My players LOVE that. You just dont see it very often in published modules and it was the primary reason I bought Dragonomicon. I find that I have to build those encounters myself. It would be awesome to see some of that in APII ![]()
![]() I am running a Westeros campaign, and I want my players to get involved in a festival of games in their next playing session. I know I have seen rules before for jousts and other types of games, but I cant remember where. I have used the search function for jousts and gotten nothing. I do have the issue (307) on Gladiators. Does anyone know where I can find something in that area, whether it is in an issue of Dragon (3.0 or 3.5) or in a supplement from WOTC? I really appreciate any help or direction. ![]()
![]() Ive been posting heavily on the Dungeon board and really havent checked out this board at all. I have to say that as an avid long-time reader of both magazines, and a recent first-time subscriber, I am more impressed with the changes to Dungeon than I am to Dragon. I for one like the decision to put PC oriented stuff in Dragon and focus on DM info in the Dungeon line. I was unimpressed with the big article on samurai and knights, but I wouldnt mind more articles along that line (just take a stand on the next one!). I thought you did a great job keeping a balance of cruchy material in there with your articles on the Seven Deadly Sins and Detect Evil variants. Plus I LOVED the class acts section (although it seems most people didnt). In fact, I have already used some of the material in there the other day as my players were drawing up new characters. Some of the old favorites are still in there including Silicon Sorcery and the Race profile (cyclopeans). I cant say I liked the white spaces, but im not really a reader that pays attention to formatting in general. It only came to my attention by reading these boards. As for cover art, I for one, loved it. I know its not as "full" as the Dungeon cover. I thought it was an appropriate design considering the theme (plus I guess all the white on the cover should have given sufficient hint that the inside would have as much!). I mean whats more DnD that a red dragon!? Oh well My last point, and its one I dont want to understate, is the praise for these boards. While having boards for your readers to communicate on is great in and of itself, I have never seen the number of posts from editors and assistant editors as appear on these boards. That includes Erik on down! I am confident that as a reader I am listened to on here not just because my money pays for a subscription. Reading the boards for the second adventure path makes it clear that readers are respected for their opinions and can make a difference in the information that goes into these mags. Thanks Paizo! Only question and I apologize for going on and on, how do I post a question to Scale Mail? ![]()
![]() I think I would like to see far more terrestial adventuring. My least favorite adventure was plane hopping to Occipatus. On a personal level, im just not interested in the planes. Plus, I, like a previous poster, had at least one character with the intention of being a mounted combatant, and before long, it became obvious that he would be spending money every session to stable his horse rather than get to use it. As a DM that jumped in with both feet first, it was very difficult to plan for future character arcs and help my players plan because I wasnt sure yet how it worked out in the end. I would also like to echo an earlier poster that said having a more fleshed out "world" with sidetreks and campaign ideas would have been better. The focus on the dormant volcano that just happened to have a slew of underground dungeons hewn into it got a bit old. Something I loved: two words - crazy jared. ![]()
![]() As for my characters' experience with House Rhiavadi, yes it was a total party kill... sadly you can imagine the reaction of five guys sitting around the table that had put a tremendous amount of work into 13th level PCs. I would have loved to have seen them try an alternate means to get into the house. As it is, they cast Prying Eyes and investigated the observatory, climbed up through the windows there, made a load of noise and alerted the house. They ended up encountering the party guests without even hearing the information from the speech (extremely disappointing IMO), while they were outside the meeting room planning their assault. They of course were not aware that the guests knew about their presence. While they may have had a chance at first, hope was lost quickly when the party sorceror/palemaster tried to enter the room past the sweeping greatclub of the ogremage, dropping him in three AoO. It was sad. The presence of Hate, the Dread Wraith, didnt help. Needless to say, it was catastrophic. ![]()
![]() I for one as a DM loved the adventure path. My players just finished the Lords of Oblivion. Honestly, their reactions have ranged from passive acceptance to outright dislike for the adventure path. They felt at times that the challanges were very overpowered for characters of their level. EG. in LoO, the party of 13 or 14th level adventurers faces off against a handful of the members of the Cagerights EL20! They got slaughtered. And these are smart players of over 20 years for some of them. There were varying times throughout the path that I felt they were outmatched simply in power terms. All in all, I loved the adventure Path story but I wonder how much of it got playtested in the intermediate levels. ![]()
![]() Pug wrote:
COuldnt agree more Pug! Great layout, format and adventures continue to be great. I for one and happy with the ending of Polyhedron. I just simply wasnt using the content in Dungeon for anything but DnD. The closing article by Wil Wheaton was also a nice touch that made the magazine even better. Thanks for the hard work here. ![]()
![]() Am I the first to post on these new boards for Paizo? Well I have to admit, ive been waiting and waiting for a place for Dragon readers to gather together online and discuss the latest issues and ideas. In terms of the changes, I have read through the first Unleashed issue, which I just received in the mail and aside from the article on the Samurai versus Knight article, I found the entire magazine amazing! The work of the editorial staff and the writers contributing seems like the magazine will continue to become THE source for DND content. Great job! keep up the good work |