Churgri of Vapula

Felinzi's page

134 posts. Organized Play character for breithauptclan.


HP 14 | AC 17 | Fort +3; Ref +8; Will +6; | Perception +4 darkvison |


Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (search)


"Burn it all!" | Male Kobold Cultist Oracle 1 |

About Felinzi

Fe grew up in the jungles of the Mwangi expanse. His tribe were worshippers of Dahak, and that was simply what felt normal to him. He eventually grew into the name Felin.

A few years ago a group came along and asked the tribe to join them in the name of Dahak. And so they did. They spent many months working long and hard hours in a gold mine - getting sicker and sicker as the weeks went on. Finally Felindan and a half-dozen others - nearly half the tribe that was still alive - decided to leave.

So they abandoned their tribe. Their family. Their friends. Their heritage and memories. Their ancestors. Their honor. Their pride. They set off into the jungle together to save their own lives. Which didn't entirely work. Two more kobolds of the group died over the next several days from the sickness that they had gotten from the mines.

They would likely have all died. Weak, sick, and exhausted, and nearly starving to death on top of it all, they had made camp and collapsed. Unable to raise the energy needed to pack up their camp the next morning, they simply stayed there and waited.

Two days later, a group of adventurers happened by. Unable to raise any sort of resistance, they simply begged for their lives. The adventurers decided to spare them. And in fact, offered to feed them in return for information about the area. They wanted to know about the activities of a group of Dahak worshipers in a mine nearby.

So Felinzi betrayed his tribe. His family. His friends. His heritage and memories. His ancestors. His honor. His pride. He told these adventurers about the mine - where to find it and what defenses it had. In return, the adventurers sent him back with an Anadi that they were travelling with. Still half-delerious from sickness, Felinzi went alone through a portal to a completely different section of the world.

Since then, he has recovered his health and strength. But not his tribe. He is now Felinzi of no tribe, and trying to make his way in a new and unfamiliar world.

◆ ◇ ↺

Ancestry, Background, Class:

Ancestry: Kobold (brass)
Heritage: Dragonscaled (fire)

Background: Cultist

Class: Oracle (Flames)

PFS Data:

PFS Number: 2422564-2003
Faction: Radiant Oath
School: Spells
Bonus Lore: Scouting

Character Details:

Alignment: LN

Nationality: Mwangi Expanse
Age: 14
Gender & Pronouns: Male, He Him
Height: 2’7"
Weight: 3 bulk
Physical Appearance: Orangish-red scales.


Core Stats:

HP: 14
AC: 17

Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +8
Will: +6

Speed 25



Ancestry 1: Kobold Breath

Background: Cultist

Feat and Ability Mechanics:

Brass exemplar: Breath weapon is a line that does fire damage.

Dragonscaled Kobold: Resistance 1 (half level) to fire damage. Double that against dragon breath weapons.

◆◆Kobold Breath: 30 foot line of fire. 1d4 damage vs spell DC. Basic Reflex save. 1d4 round cooldown.

Schooled in Secrets: You notice he signs and symbols that members of mystery cults and other secret societies use to identify members. You can use Occultism in place of Diplomacy to gather information about such groups.

Oracle Mystery and Curse (Flames):

Expert proficiency in Reflex Saves.

Permanent lingering effects - You see flames and smoke wherever you look. These flames might be imagined, or they might be a preternatural glimpse of the metaphorical fires that empower the entire multiverse—but you always see them. Fires flare noticeably (though not dangerously) in your presence, you occasionally smoke slightly, and your body is almost painfully hot to the touch.

Minor - The smoke, heat, and crackling flames of your curse fill your vision and all your other senses. Creatures further than 30 feet are concealed from you. You can't benefit from effects that would allow you to ignore or mitigate this concealment, as normal for effects of an oracular curse.

Moderate - Smoke and flickering visions of flame fill your senses more completely, and harmless flickers of obscuring flames also fill your space. You are concealed from other creatures, though as the other creatures aren't cursed themselves, they can benefit from effects that would allow them to ignore or mitigate the concealed condition, as normal. All other creatures and objects are concealed from you regardless of distance; however, when casting a fire spell, you automatically succeed at the flat check for this concealed condition for targets within 30 feet.

All your senses become imprecise beyond 30 feet, meaning everything past 30 feet that you'd normally be able to see is hidden from you.

Drawing upon your mystery's power while your curse is at its worst causes an irreconcilable conflict between you and the sources of your power. Immediately after casting a revelation spell while under the moderate effect of your curse, you are overwhelmed. While overwhelmed, you can't Cast or Sustain any revelation spells— you effectively lose access to those spells. You can still Refocus to reduce the effects of your curse and regain a Focus Point, but doing so doesn't allow you to cast further revelation spells.


Spell DC: 16
Spell attack: +6

Focus Points 2

Cursebound Focus:
◆◆ Fire Ray
◆◆ Incindiary Aura

◆◆ Detect Magic : Area 30 foot emanation. You detect the presence of magic.
◆ Shield : Duration until the start of your next turn. +1 circumstance bonus to AC. Can use shield block for hardness 5. Can't use Shield again for 10 minutes after Shield Block.
◆◆ Stabilize : Target 1 dying creature, Range 30 ft. Target loses Dying condition and remains unconscious at 0 HP.
◆◆ Bullhorn : Duration 10 minutes. Your voice can be heard clearly for 500 feet even over ambient noise. This does not increase the range of auditory or linguistic effects. You get a +1 status bonus to Coerce or Performance at a large venue.
Read Aura : Cast 1 minute, Target 1 object, Range 30 ft. You learn if the item is magical and get +2 circumstance bonus to Identify Magic on the item.
◆◆ Produce Flame : Target 1 creature, Range 30 feet. Spell attack roll, 2d4 fire damage

Rank 1:
◆-◆◆◆ Heal : 1 or 3 actions heals 1d8. 2 actions heals 1d8+8.
◆◆ Protection : Target 1 willing creature, Range touch, Duration 1 minute. +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws.


+4 Perception Trained

+6 Acrobatics Trained
+1 Arcana
+0 Athletics
+1 Crafting
+7 Deception Trained
+7 Diplomacy Trained
+7 Intimidation Trained
+1 Medicine
+1 Nature
+4 Occultism Trained
+4 Performance
+4 Religion Trained
+1 Society
+3 Stealth
+1 Survival
+6 Thievery

+4 Lore(Cult) Trained
+4 Lore(Scouting) Trained


Adventurer's pack
Leather Armor