Expert proficiency in Reflex Saves.
Permanent lingering effects - You see flames and smoke wherever you look. These flames might be imagined, or they might be a preternatural glimpse of the metaphorical fires that empower the entire multiverse—but you always see them. Fires flare noticeably (though not dangerously) in your presence, you occasionally smoke slightly, and your body is almost painfully hot to the touch.
Minor - The smoke, heat, and crackling flames of your curse fill your vision and all your other senses. Creatures further than 30 feet are concealed from you. You can't benefit from effects that would allow you to ignore or mitigate this concealment, as normal for effects of an oracular curse.
Moderate - Smoke and flickering visions of flame fill your senses more completely, and harmless flickers of obscuring flames also fill your space. You are concealed from other creatures, though as the other creatures aren't cursed themselves, they can benefit from effects that would allow them to ignore or mitigate the concealed condition, as normal. All other creatures and objects are concealed from you regardless of distance; however, when casting a fire spell, you automatically succeed at the flat check for this concealed condition for targets within 30 feet.
All your senses become imprecise beyond 30 feet, meaning everything past 30 feet that you'd normally be able to see is hidden from you.
Drawing upon your mystery's power while your curse is at its worst causes an irreconcilable conflict between you and the sources of your power. Immediately after casting a revelation spell while under the moderate effect of your curse, you are overwhelmed. While overwhelmed, you can't Cast or Sustain any revelation spells— you effectively lose access to those spells. You can still Refocus to reduce the effects of your curse and regain a Focus Point, but doing so doesn't allow you to cast further revelation spells.