
FauxRizzle's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Silver Crusade

Is there any reason that Corrosive Touch does d4 damage, while Shocking grasp does d6? Obviously the damage types are different, but is that reason enough to justify the lower damage on Corrosive Touch?

I suppose the only other difference is that Shocking Grasp isn't on the Summoner spell list, but I doubt that plays into it.

Silver Crusade

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My group is just wrapping up their time in Thistletop, and as we work our way into Chapter 2 I'm worried that my players are going to piece things together when they receive their first clue from the sheriff.

Chapter 2 Spoilers:
I'm planning on having Aldern lust after our one female PC. The My main concerns revolve around the text of the note that Aldern leaves at the first murder site. Isn't it a dead giveaway to sign the letter with "You Lordship"? I may not have spent enough time introducing other Sandpoint citizens/potential suspects, and I may have played up Aldern's nobility a little too much, but I really feel like the love letter written for the PC that he doted over combined with the signature will be a dead giveaway that Aldern is involved.

Has anyone else had issues with their players coming to the proper conclusion so soon? Any ideas for slight modifications or additional red herrings to keep them guessing?